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RC Euro: Barfight at the 5 Crowns

Discussion in 'Role-play Corner' started by Erran, Oct 11, 2001.

  1. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    Wed night online:

    Suttar was annoyed at being 'duped' at dice as he thought, so he used his tin whistle to summon sewer rats to plague Nailo and Garacaius.
    Floella Litetoes (aka Pinch) kept Jakob distracted while she filched his wallet.
    Melody, the bard on the balcony, was bored. To liven things up, she cast Mage hand and used it to upend a tankard of ale over Woodbine the druid. He was not amused and blamed Sarathien as he was nearest. Woodbine cast Magic Fang on his hawk, Talon, and sent him aloft to 'find the mage'.
    Mr Punch at last got Milla in a bear hug and carried her off upstairs.
    "Don't worry about me guys, I can look after myself!" she cried. What happened there is a tale for another day.

    Pinch made an excuse and left. Even though Jakob felt the 'dip' he ignored it and started to look for his wallet on the floor.
    Nailo and Garacaius tried to kill the rats, which made Suttar even more angry so he shapechanged into Rattus, his giant rat form. Talon took her instructions literaly and attacked the only mage she could detect, Garacaius. Attacked by rats at his feet and a hawk from above Garacaius shot a magic missile at the hawk, singing its feathers.
    The wererat advanced on Nailo and Garacaius so Sarathien sprinted over to intercept, with Woodbine in hot pursuit.
    Nailo nailed a couple of rats and Garacaius fired a second magic missile at the hawk, downing it. He then climbed on the table to try to escape the rats.
    Rattus bit Sarathien but lucky for him he did not contract lycanthropy, Woodbine then clouted the ranger from behind with his club. Melody threw plantpots from the balcony at the rats but her aim was poor.
    Jakob at last realised he had been robbed and ran to the door but there was no sign of Pinch; then looking around he saw the trouble his friends were in so he ran up the stairs and loaded his crossbow. Garacaius loosed off a silver bolt at Rattus, hurting him. However, Jakob's normal bolt did not even cause the wererat to flinch, it plucked it out and the wound closed immediately.
    Melody decided to try and even things up, she cast daze on the druid and he made no attacks for several vital seconds. Garacaius used that time to fire a 3rd magic missile, this time at the druid. Meanwhile, Sarathien fought defensively, trying to prevent letting Rattus get another bite in.
    Nailo was getting faint from the numerous rat-bites he had suffered so he ran back and joined Matilda behind the bar, firing crossbows.
    A flare spell from Melody and another magic missile from Garacaius brought the wererat down. Sarathien used the flat of his sword to stun Woodbine and Nailo slew the last rat.
    Silence descended on the Inn, broken by Rosamunda bringing the watch. They spoke to Matilda and dragged the unconcious Woodbine away for 'disturbing the peace.'

    P.S. Back at her dilapedated tenemant, Pinch opened the wallet. Not only gold but a couple of gems, a king's ransome! Now she would be able to pay off the years back rent she owed. Maybe that gnome did own a gem mine, and he was kinda cute - in a gnomish sorta way of course.

    250 xps for Sarathien, Jakob and Nailo.
    270 xps for Garacaius, for having the foresight to buy some silver bolts.

    OoC I will handle Milla as a solo mini-adventure.
  2. Lokken Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond


    May 15, 2001
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    Garacaius stops his light show on the middle table and steps down as things seems to slowly get back to normal. He walks to the bar and asks Matilda for an ale and looks at Nailo

    "Are you ok friend? Sometimes you just play games with the wrong people I suppose," Garacaius gives a light laugh and looks at Matilda once more.

    "Is this a normal event in your bar? "

    [This message has been edited by Lokken (edited October 11, 2001).]
  3. Ksiel Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Shakily Nailo picks himself off the floor and leans against the bar. "I have been better. I need to bandage these bites and rest. Bloody rats, but at least I won his gold in the dice game..." Giving his sheepish grin. Looking at Gracacius, "You care if I have a seat at your table?"
  4. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    Matilda looked indignant. "Never had no trouble with rats, no sir-ee! This Inn is as clean as an elven a..., tell me gentlemen, does trouble always follow you around? I wouldn't hang on to anything that there rat creature touched, and that's a fact. And another thing, I got bit by a rat so I'm gonna see the priest tomorrow about gettin' a cure, just in case. If you got bit I suggest you do the same."
  5. Capstone Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    May 8, 2001
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    [​IMG] Khor stirred in the corner where he had collapsed. He sat up and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "Kurgoth's blades!" he muttered. He couldn't remember the last time he'd passed out from drinking too much. He stood up and walked over to the bar. "Water please, bartender." He grimaced and put his head into his hands.
  6. Ironbeard Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Mar 6, 2001
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    [​IMG] Jakob shook his head, vaguely aware of a dull throbbing in his foot, but mainly concerned that the reasurring bulge of his wallet had vanished. "Serves me dang well right for being so naive, and I could have done with losing a few bob anyway," he muttered, " Can't very well admit to the others that I've been played for a fool, definetely can't go whining to them for charity, gotta handle these things yourself, Jake..."with that in mind he looked around the room, trying to select a likely mark for his own pickpocketing skills.
  7. Vanadin Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Sep 2, 2001
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    As soon as he'd lowered Woodbine, Sarathien rushed over to check on the druid's companion, fervently hoping he was not too late....

    ooc: If the hawk is still alive I will try to use first aid to prevent it from dying, otherwise I will just throw dark looks at Garacaius...;)

    After checking the fate of the bird, he says to his friends: "Unfortunately I have no cure spells left today, but I can tend your wounds so they will heal better. Tomorrow I will have regained my curative magic and can help some more."

    ooc: I will use my Heal skill (+8) on anyone that is hurt

    [This message has been edited by Vanadin (edited October 12, 2001).]
  8. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] The hawk's passed on! This hawk is no more! She has ceased to be! She's expired and gone to meet her maker! She's a stiff! Bereft of life, she rests in peace! She's ready for pushing up the daisies! Her metabolic processes are now 'istory! She's fallen off the twig! She's kicked the bucket, She's shuffled off this mortal coil, rung down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!

    At -13 hp THIS IS AN EX-HAWK!!

    With apologies to Monty Python. :D

    [This message has been edited by Erran (edited October 12, 2001).]
  9. Capstone Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    May 8, 2001
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    [​IMG] As the water restored some sense to his addled brain, Khor noticed the commotion in the room. Looking around the room, he noticed the scorch marks, broken pots, and overturned tables... and the bodies. A couple rats, a hunting bird of some type, and an extremely large rat (ooc: unless he shapeshifted back on death?). The elf who he'd noticed earlier at the gambling table was in very bad shape, and his companions were a mess too. "Bloody flaming ashes! What in the nine Hells happened while I was out?"
  10. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    Sat night online - Milla's tale.

    Punch carried Milla over his shoulder, upstairs - into his room and threw her on the bed. "Now we have fun, no?" he chuckled.
    "No we don't!" she exclaimed and sprang to her feet. He grabbed her, giving her the opportunity to strike but her blow had no effect. He held on to her and they began to grapple. His superior strength told and his rib cracking bear hugs were wearing down Milla's ability to resist. "Help!" she cried, as the half orc pinned her to the ground.
    Downstairs, Khor heard the cry and ran upstairs, but which room had it come from?
    At last Milla was able to break the pin and struggle free. Once again, Punch advanced on her. Preferring death to dishonour, Milla leapt through the first storey window and crashed into the alleyway bellow.
    As Khor made to charge the door, Punch opened it and they exchanged places. Khor looked through the broken window frame to see the stunned form of Milla in a crumpled heap below.
    Punch went downstairs saying: "Where's my sweetie?" Khor caught him up at the foot of the stairs and a vicious fistfight ensued.
    Right hooks were traded for left crosses until both could hardly stand. Finally Khor landed a tremendous haymaker to the half orcs midriff, his eyes glazed over and he fell.
    Khor ran out to tend to Milla and Jakob, ever alert for the 'main chance' filched Punch's belt sack before the watch arrived. It contained 8gp and a curious bottle containing brown liquid and something floating.
    Khor put Milla to bed in the South East corner room and took the room next door.

    150xp were granted to Milla and Khor

    10th Eleint

    The next day, those who had sustained only pummeling damage felt much better. Nailo awoke in a cold sweat, shivering. Milla had a strange dream in which Ilmater seemed to be calling to her. Khor went to Lothron the gem dealer and sold the Chardalyn for 100gp. Then he went to Ugo, traded his leather armour in for a chain shirt and ordered a Dwarven Waraxe.
    Milla and Jakob went to the temple. On the way they passed a notice:

    100 gp BOUNTY
    for every Troll killed on the Evermoors
    for details, apply Nesme council offices
    signed Tessarin Alaraun

    Milla spoke with the priest of Ilmater, Sorrel, who gave her an incense candle to burn before sleeping. On their way back they bumped into Magrit and Samual, who told them that she had been granted title over the ranch and if they cared to stop by they could pick up their horses. Magrit then went to the 5 Gold Crowns to offer Grog the job of chief ranch-hand. She could now pay him his back pay as they had found a pile of jewelery at the bottom of the brine bath.
    Samual had given up the bakery to help out at the ranch. ;)

    OoC You don't have to rely on Sarathien for healing in town. You can get a clw at the Temple for as little as 30gp, or a healing potion for 50gp.

    [This message has been edited by Erran (edited October 14, 2001).]
  11. Capstone Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    May 8, 2001
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    [​IMG] Khor arrived back at the Inn as the sun reached its zenith. He was feeling considerably better with his new purchases in hand. As he entered the Inn, he spotted Milla along with Jakob. "How goes it this morning, Milla? Rest well?"
  12. Zorac Gems: 11/31
    Latest gem: Bloodstone

    Nov 6, 2000
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    "Yes, very well. Still a little bruised but I've had worse"

    "And I must thank you for your support last night. You saved me from that brute."
    Milla shakes Khors hand with a I'm-taking-my-debts-serious look.

    "So lets go to the council then shall we?"
  13. Ironbeard Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Mar 6, 2001
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    Jakob swirled the brown liquid in the bottle thoughtfully, peering at the enigmatic floating object. He gave a vaguely affirmative sound, then looked up at Milla. "Eh, about that priest and all..", he said, "I think I offended him a bit, so I didn't want to mention any of my doubts about Ilmater, but I've got a question that I think you, as a monk of Ilmater could answer. I just happen to find it difficult to believe that suffering should be accepted and is somehow holy. In my view, it's the duty of people to fight against suffering, rather than passively accept it. Uhm, I know that's very crude of me and everyhing, but please forgive my ignorance, and explain what it is I don't understand..." with that Jakob seems to forget he said anything and goes back to examining the bottle.
  14. Ksiel Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Dec 15, 2001
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    Nialo slowly walks down the stairs from his room into the common room. "Hey guys..." He walks to a chair nearest the rest of the group and slumps down. "I don't feel so well. I think those rats almost did me in. Where is that Temple I heard you guys talking about? I think I better get over there...know how much it costs? I think I got about 20 gold." Stopping to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
  15. Capstone Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    May 8, 2001
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    [​IMG] Khor opened his mouth to respond to Milla, but was interrupted by the arrival of the elf. He frowned over at the elf, trying to place him. "Oh yeah, wasn't you that elf that mentioned seeing a drow at Silverymoon?"
  16. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    Examining the bottle closely, the floating objects looked to Jakob like a couple of pig's ears. Sniffing the stopper it smelled of vinegar.

    "If it's the Temple of Waukeen you want, you can't miss it. Bang in the middle of town, opposite the council offices. Got myself fixed up this morning." Matilda said to Nailo, then retuned to wiping out tankards.

    "Have you met my new friend, Melody?" Thomas asked, "She's a real joker."
    Melody looked sheepish. "Sorry about the business with the tankard, I was just trying to liven things up. I hope I made ammends later?"
    "You can make ammends to me by paying 3gp for the broken plantpots" Matilda said gruffly.

    Grog returned with Magrit to the ranch, now renamed the 4 sisters ranch. Majikus enrolled at the Nesme School of Thaumaturgy to further his studies. Surya slipped away and joined one of the many underground cults flourishing in Nesme.
  17. Vanadin Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Sarathien walked down the stairs, feeling mighty sore indeed. The rat bite looked like it had been infested over night, despite being tended carefully, so the elf realized he should probably follow Matilda's advice and go see a priest.

    Seeing his friends gathered in the common room, he walks up to them with a smile.

    "I'm glad to see you're all feeling better today, I hope my tending did some good for you. I have only one cure spell to cast as I will need to translate the Mori'Quessir message. So who is most in need of it?"
  18. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    Nailo seemed to be the one in the worst shape (OoC, 2HP left)

    Over at the council chambers, Milla met with Jygil. The priestess had already heard of the party's exploits at the mine. She handed over a purse cointaing 100gp and made the following offer:
    "If you or any of your companions wish it, I will make them Free Citizens of Nesme. This entitles them to:
    Call on the Riders in time of need.
    Enter Nesme by the postern gates when the main gates are closed.
    Be eligable for election to the council of Nesme."
    She explained how Nesme valued adventurers and how 2 council seats were reserved for their kind.
  19. Zorac Gems: 11/31
    Latest gem: Bloodstone

    Nov 6, 2000
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    Milla thanks Jygil for the unexpected gift and continues:
    "I can only talk for myself but I gladly accept the honour and responsibility of being a Free Citizen of Nesme"

    Before Milla leaves the council offices she talks to Tessarin Alaraun for further details of the Troll situation on the Evermoors. She explains that she and her companions noticed the notice about the bounty and would like to know more.

    After having satisfied her curiosity she proceeds Ugos shop.
    "Hello Ugo how is life treating you? I was a little bit curios about your name. I bet you can tell how to fight trolls?
    "I'm also interested in some weaponry. Hmm, I don't suppose you have anything for a monk? Maybe you can advice me what type of xbow I should use. This is the one I'm using now"
    Milla shows her regular light xbow.
  20. Ironbeard Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Mar 6, 2001
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    "Free citizen of Nesme, eh?", muttered Jakob, "Is this what you have to do just to qualify for Citizenship and some actual Civil Liberties around this place, why if I had my way..." Jakob looked like he was going to continue on ranting in this vein for some time, but this once, actually managed to discern that this was neither the time or the place, apologised and humbly accepted the citizenship offered.

    OOC I have got to thinking of Jakob's mortality. He has to die sometime, and I'm thinking of rolling a replacement character to replace him. (If you're another PC and consider reading about characters before they turn up a SPOILER, skip to the next post now)
    Erran, my replacement character is going to have a fondness for headbutting, and I want to give him a bit more oomph by buying a spikey helmet. Unfortunately the Character Generator doesn't list the prices of them. Would you let me have one (I'm thinking very similar to a spiked gauntlet, but worn on the head)?
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