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Jokey Posties

Discussion in 'Whatnots' started by Blackthorne TA, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Disciple of The Watch

    Disciple of The Watch Preparing The Coming of The New Order Veteran

    Aug 20, 2005
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    Appearantly, the Energizer Bunny was arrested.

    He was charged with Battery.
    ChickenIsGood likes this.
  2. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Hehehe....this one's currently going around at my work:

    Dear Employees:

    It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated. We do however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers.

    Therefore, a list of 20 New and Innovative "TRY SAYING" phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.

    1) TRY SAYING: I think you could use more training.
    INSTEAD OF: You don't know what the f*** you're doing.

    2) TRY SAYING: She's an aggressive go-getter.
    INSTEAD OF: She's a ball-busting b**ch.

    3) TRY SAYING: Perhaps I can work late.
    INSTEAD OF: And when the f*** do you expect me to do this?

    4) TRY SAYING: I'm certain that isn't feasible.
    INSTEAD OF: No f***ing way.

    5) TRY SAYING: Really?
    INSTEAD OF: You've got to be sh**ing me!

    6) TRY SAYING: Perhaps you should check with...
    INSTEAD OF: Tell someone who gives a sh**.

    7) TRY SAYING: I wasn't involved in the project.
    INSTEAD OF: It's not my f***ing problem.

    8) TRY SAYING: That's interesting.
    INSTEAD OF: What the f***?

    9) TRY SAYING: I'm not sure this can be implemented.
    INSTEAD OF: This sh** won't work.

    10) TRY SAYING: I'll try to schedule that.
    INSTEAD OF: Why the h*** didn't you tell me sooner?

    11) TRY SAYING: He's not familiar with the issues.
    INSTEAD OF: He's got his head up his a**.

    12) TRY SAYING: Excuse me, sir?
    INSTEAD OF: Eat sh** and die.

    13) TRY SAYING: So you weren't happy with it?
    INSTEAD OF: Kiss my a**.

    14) TRY SAYING: I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.
    INSTEAD OF: F*** it, I'm on salary.

    15) TRY SAYING: I don't think you understand.
    INSTEAD OF: Shove it up your a**.

    16) TRY SAYING: I love a challenge.
    INSTEAD OF: This job f***ing sucks.

    17) TRY SAYING: You want me to take care of that?
    INSTEAD OF: Who the f*** died and made you boss?

    18) TRY SAYING: He's somewhat insensitive.
    INSTEAD OF: He's a pr**k.

    19) TRY SAYING: Could you lower your voice?
    INSTEAD OF: Shut the f*** up!

    20) TRY SAYING: Is the copier broken again?
    INSTEAD OF: Who the f**k broke this piece of s**t again?

    Thank You,
    Human Resources
  3. The Magpie

    The Magpie Balance, in all things Veteran

    Feb 5, 2005
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    "The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by investigators at a major U.S. research university. The element, tentatively named administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons, which gives it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called morons.

    Since it has no electrons, administratium is inert. However, it can be detected chemically as it impedes every reaction it comes in contact with. According to the discoverers, a minute amount of administratium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would have normally occurred in less than a second.

    Administratium has a normal half-life of approximately three years, at which time it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and assistant vice neutrons exchange places. Some studies have shown that the atomic mass actually increases after each reorganization.

    Research at other laboratories indicates that administratium occurs naturally in the atmosphere. It tends to concentrate at certain points such as government agencies, large corporations, and universities. It can usually be found in the newest, best appointed, and best maintained buildings.

    Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising."

    - William DeBuvitz, printed in The Physics Teacher, 1989
  4. Kitrax

    Kitrax Pantaloons are supposed to go where!?!?

    Apr 19, 2002
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    Men strike back!

    How many men does it take to open a beer?
    None. It should be opened when she brings it.

    Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
    Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.

    Why do women have smaller feet than men?
    It's one of those 'evolutionary things' that allows them to stand closer to the kitchen sink.

    How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?
    When she starts a sentence with 'A man once told me....'

    How do you fix a woman's watch?
    You don't. There is a clock on the oven.

    If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?
    The dog of course. He'll shut up once you let him in.

    Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%.
    It's called a Wedding Cake.

    Why do men die before their wives?
    They want to.
  5. Montresor

    Montresor Mostly Harmless Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this true?
    A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... Don't waste them on exercise.
    Everything wears out eventually.
    Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

    Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
    A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies.
    What does a cow eat? Hay and corn.
    And what are these? Vegetables.
    So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system.
    Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable).
    And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

    Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
    A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up!

    Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
    A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one.
    If you have two bodies your ratio is two to one, etc.

    Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
    A: Can't think of a single one, sorry.
    My philosophy is : No Pain...Good!

    Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
    A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!! Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

    Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?
    A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger.. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

    Q: Is chocolate bad for me?
    A: Are you crazy? H-E-L-L-O Cocoa beans! Another vegetable!!! It's the best feel-good food around!

    Q: Is swimming good for your figure?
    A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

    Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
    A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!

    Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.
    And remember:
    'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO, What a Ride' AND....
    For those of you who watch what you eat , here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.
    1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
    2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
    3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
    4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.
    5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

    Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.
  6. nior Gems: 24/31
    Latest gem: Water Opal

    Dec 18, 2001
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    What has 75 balls and screws old ladies?

  7. Saber

    Saber A revolution without dancing is not worth having! Veteran

    Dec 2, 2004
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    :lol: Haha, this is awesome.
  8. AMaster Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Jul 26, 2000
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    I was tempted to post this in the sensorium, but: some uncomfortable plot summaries:

    300: Gays kill blacks.
    ALIEN: Ship fails to deliver cargo, crew don’t get bonus.
    ALIENS: An unplanned pregnancy leads to complications.
    BATMAN: Wealthy man assaults the mentally ill.
    DIE HARD: Dysfunctional cop saves marriage by murdering foreign national.
    BEOWULF: Colonists hire assassin to drive natives from land.
    CONAN THE BARBARIAN: Petty thief murders religious leader.
    RED DAWN: Despite shock-and-awe tactics, a superior occupying force is no match for a tenacious sect of terrorist insurgents.
    STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE: Religious extremist terrorists destroy government installation, killing thousands.
    STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI: Handicapped mass murderer kills septugenarian, is lauded.
    BLADE: Obsessed loner stalks minority group.
    LOLITA: Man encourages step-daughter to take chances.

    More here.
  9. Montresor

    Montresor Mostly Harmless Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Aug 11, 2005
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    It's almost material for a new game in the Sensorium: "Plot line - guess the movie".
  10. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    A child, a civil servant, a businessman and a lawyer are asked to calculate two plus two.

    The child immediately says: 4.
    The public servant looks up the relevant regulation that refers him to the calculation table and reports: 3.87
    The accountant starts calculating and eventually reports, that before taxes, the result is 1.69
    The lawyer smirks and asks: What result do you want?


    Another lawyer joke:

    Lawyer A: Your client broke that precious Ming vase he lent from my client.
    Lawyer B: (a) My client never had that Ming vase, and (b) when my client got it it was already broken :shake:
  11. Loreseeker

    Loreseeker A believer in knowledge Veteran

    Mar 7, 2008
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    An evil piggy is walking through the forest. It meets a fairy.
    *Fairy*: "Usually, I grant three wishes to people, but since you are an evil little piggy, I'll grant you just one."
    *Evil little piggy*: "Drop dead."
  12. Triactus

    Triactus United we stand, divided we fall Veteran

    Jul 18, 2002
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    @ AMaster

    :lol: STAR TREK III: Military officers steal vessel and destroy it to eliminate a handful of enemies while engaged on an extremely vague rescue mission.

    haha, thanks for the link, they're really funny! :)
  13. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    MJ jokes...

    Q: What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
    A: One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in.

    Q: How can you tell if Michael Jackson has a hot date?
    A: There’s a big wheel parked outside his house.

    Q: Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year olds?
    A: Because there are twenty of them.

    Q: Who does Michael Jackson consider a Perfect “10″?
    A: Two 5 year olds.

    Q: How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
    A: From a catalogue.

    Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??
    A: He thought it was a delivery service.

    Q: What has 18 balls and 3 pubic hairs?
    A: A Michael Jackson slumber party.

    Q: Did you know they’re putting out a Michael Jackson stamp?
    A: Fans get to vote for the white or black Michael Jackson.

    Q: What’s brown and often found in a baby’s diaper?
    A: Michael Jackson’s hand.
  14. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Some of those are in really poor taste...
  15. T2Bruno

    T2Bruno The only source of knowledge is experience Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 12, 2004
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    Only some? I guess Blades isn't trying hard enough....
  16. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Tal- They are jokes, they make people laugh... i think if i posted them in the RIP thread, poor taste might be called upon, but in the jokes thread? If nothing happended to him yesterday, would they still be in poor taste? No, everyone would of laughed at them...more or less. But if you don't like it, i am sorry and i won't post those types ever again. I am a big fan of comedy, trying some stand-up myself in college. I have a very broad sense of humor and can get by just fine on these boards with out going so far with a wise-crack or two.
  17. Triactus

    Triactus United we stand, divided we fall Veteran

    Jul 18, 2002
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    Well I really laughed at most of them. Yes it's poor taste, but that's what's funny. You laugh at how bad the joke is! :)
  18. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Blades, yea, those about babies would still be in poor taste, given that there are degrees to pedophilia as well. I mean, joking about something Jackson was actually accused of, that's to be expected. But AFAIK, he was never accused of molesting babies.
  19. Blades of Vanatar

    Blades of Vanatar Vanatar will rise again Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Ok Tal, i'll tune it down for now on then...
  20. dmc

    dmc Speak softly and carry a big briefcase Staff Member Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Dec 13, 2001
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    It's been 24 hours:

    As a result of the LA County autopsy, the coroner has determined that Michael's body was 90% plastic!

    In a related development, the spokesman for the Jackson family has announced that in lieu of burial, he will be melted down & turned into Legos, so little boys can play with him for a change.
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