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The Dusty Dwarf Tavern

Discussion in 'Role-play Corner' started by Dark Xan, Sep 24, 2001.

  1. Shadow Assassin Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Jun 25, 2001
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    ooc:I am a shadow dancer not a rogue, and you would not see me as hide in plain site makes me completely invisible, it is an ability of the shadow dancer.

    ic:For fear of being bumped into, the small halfling looks for the shadow closest to the conversationist that would cause the least amount of contact with other people and does and leaps to it(in essence a teleport to a shaded area another shadow dancer ability).
  2. Firestorm

    Firestorm Beeep, Beeep, ERROR Veteran

    Dec 31, 2000
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    OOC: Shadow_Assasin; if you look at my post you will see that Alexei mumble a few words, it was a "See Invisibility" spell. (Because Alexei is a Rogue/Sorcerer).

    *Alexei raises an eyebrow when he notices that the halfling has dissapeared.
    Hmmmm, wonder where he went...? he says to himself.
    Drazhar, did you see that halfling who was here before? He went invisible and moments after i detected him, he dissapeared altogether. Have you heard of anybody who can do a thing like that?
  3. Dark Xan Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Aug 5, 2001
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    OOC:hey can someone make me a map for my tavern and area surrounding it
  4. ooc: may I join?

    *At that moment the tavern doors burst open*
    *In walks what appears to be a golden-Elf. He looks rather tall for an elf, almost six feet. You wonder what magic has been meddling with the physiology of this elf for it is truly a wonder for an elf to be as tall as Humans. He looks to be struggling with each step he takes. He appears to be wearing an Elven chain-mail, though it is torn in some parts. This gives you a clue that he may wield some magic about him.*

    *The elf struggles to the nearest unoccupied table.*

    "Barmaid! Come here quickly!"

    *The barmaid hurries over carrying a tray of drinks intended for somebody else*

    *He swipes one of the drinks and gulps it down quickly. Before the barmaid could react, the elf takes off his mail, revealing a horrid wound, still bleeding*

    "My spells... are spent. I need... healing.."


    ooc: Here's a small summary (correct, I hope) of those that have come and go. Name followed by race in brackets. *:away

    Dark Xan : Uthar, the Bartender (???); Xan* (Dark Elf); Krivite* (Dark Elf)

    TarsomCarsomyr: Tarsom Carsomyr* (Human); Ceymour Shceppen* (Gnome)

    theHolyGit: Drazhar (Human)

    Firestorm: Alexei Saqarastar, seducer of women (???)

    Snorri: Snorri (???); 6 Dwarves

    Shadow Assasin: ??? (Halfling)

    Azirath: ??? (Githzerai)

    and me, RythmicBarbarian: ??? (Gold-elf)

    plus 3 (I think) barmaids that can be controlled by anybody.


    [This message has been edited by RythmicBarbarian (edited November 01, 2001).]
  5. Azirath Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Sep 4, 2001
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    The githzerai collects himself, and rationally and very matter-of-factly states "Yes, I believe it shall be in out best interests to travel together, we would be less vulnerable in a group." He proceeds to stroke his wand with his index finger as he holds it "I have a few magic items of worth, my cloak makes me difficult to hit in combat, my robe allows me to resist magick easily, my wand can fire magic missiles, and my staff can do that all... more... I'm sure with these and my own experience I shall be useful in any combat that may occur."
  6. Snorri Guest

    ooc: is it me or are elves taller than humans?, and how on earth did you tear your elven CMail?, it made of paper?. U should wear good Dwarven mail, never tears and u wont get hurt :)

    ic: "Oi Thranik Go help the elven pansey" Orders Snorri to the last dwarf in the line, wearing a hood over his head.

    "Ay sir"

    *Thranik stands up and walks to the Gasping, wounded Elf, "here friend, Calm" Speaks Thranik in a smooth spoken voice, as he opens the Elves hand.

    *Thranik passes a hand full of green berries, and instructs the elf to eat them.

    *He places his hand over the gap in the torn chain mail.

    "Oothrey, binskay, Orivnay. Moradin, my mighty lord and master, seek the paths of cleansing and purify the sufferings wounds"

    *With that a great white energy filled and blinded the ocupants of the room momentarily.

    "There, now my master has turnt his eye against our Fueding cultures, now the least you can do is return the favour, when the time arises".

    *Snorri walked up to te Elfs table, so friend, why the glow?, did it get dark?.
  7. ooc: Snorri, IIRC in D&D elves do not grow taller than 5'5" give or take 2". And the torn mail hints that my character has been attacked by something really strong...

    ic: *The elf opens his eyes and realizes he was healed by a dwarf, looking even more surprised seeing one sitting across him.*

    "A Dwarven cleric? Such rarity I have not seen before. Thank you for the assistance though I do not care much o'er being called a pansey."

    *The elf looks around and although startled that a githzerai is present, he ignores him*

    "Aye, I was attacked from behind -cowards- by two hooded manlings and I say manlings because they do not seem human though I may be mistaken, for they were well trained in the arts of concealment. Stole my money they did, but gems I still have. I managed to slay one but the other knocked me out as soon as I landed the killing blow. Their blow was misdirected though, thanks to my now broken helmet, and I awoke soon after. Gone was the body as well as the rogue. They appeared to be petty thieves, though I expect it was part of a sinister plot, to thwart my plans,"

    *The elf calles for another drink*

    "Haen-Dal I am called and my story has been told. I am eager to hear yours."
  8. Dark Xan Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Aug 5, 2001
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    *Uthar walks over to Haen-Dal and hands him his drink this time*

    "Aye by any chance where the ones who attacked you dark elfs? Because they where just in here."
  9. Inappropriate Synonym Banned

    Oct 25, 2001
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    HAHA this is a great story, maybe i shuold ruin it with my level fighter/theif/mage/cleric/barbarian/bard/ranger at levels 20/20/20/20/20/20/20/20 and do some gibberish and kill everybody .... but nah some moderater told me to stop acting like an idiot (note my icon) so instead im gonna have my lvl 1 commoner walk in and say

    "eee god!, adventurers! eee god! dark elves!"

    he then abrubtly leaves the tavern
  10. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2017
  11. TarsomCarsomyr Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Oct 14, 2001
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    *Tarsom walks in, quiet, solemn, tired. His gnome friend is not accompanying him this time. He puts a few gold coins on the counter, grabs a key, and goes straight to his room. Upon entering his room he locks the door, and heads straight to sleep.*
  12. Firestorm

    Firestorm Beeep, Beeep, ERROR Veteran

    Dec 31, 2000
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    OOC: Seems Like Drazhar ownt be coming back so im on my own.

    *Alexei leans back in his chair, he has a slight smile on his lips because his little "act" worked, now the Gith and the dwarves are getting along nicely.
    When he sees the large man walking in he softly says to himself: Well, something must
    have gone wrong in his adventure.
    *With these words he stands up, and goes to his room, just before going up the stairs he smiles at a waitress, and shortly after she accompanies him upstairs...
  13. "You speak of the Drow? Perhaps my attackers were Drow, for their skin were very well concealed, and only those with something to hide would do so." replies Haen-Dal to Uthar.

    "I am tired, gold I have not, but gems I do have and I'm sure they are worth some monetary value to you. I wish to have the best room that you have to offer and some ale to accompany me to bed. Here."

    *He searches his gem bag and produces two diamonds which he hands to Uthar*

    "I trust this is enough for one night,"

    Turning to the dwarf, he says "Hmm..., perhaps they weren't the dark elves you mentioned. 'Tis true I managed to slay one. Nay, those were not the same 'people' that you are looking for. Still... *sighes* I'm sorry for cutting our conversation short, but I must rest. Perhaps we can continue our conversation when I'm better."

    *Haen-Dal gets up and glances at the githzerai once more and proceeds up the stairs*

    "Uthar, send one of your barmaids to show me to my room, and send the ale up soon, if you may"

    *He disappears up the stairs*

    [This message has been edited by RythmicBarbarian (edited November 03, 2001).]
  14. Snorri Guest

    "Haen-Dal is it, well met my wounded friend, yes Thranikan is a deciple of Moradin, he is a member of the circle of 13. And is a very valuble member to my hunting party".
    "Hmmm, your attackers, maybe Dark elf, but you would dead if it were the ones we are persuing, they can slip past a heavily armed Dwarven escort, and kill an ambassidor, so no i rule them out".

    *The tavern door opens and Tarsom walks back into the tavern, this time no accompanied by his gnomish friend.

    "Hmm" Snorri Pondors

    "do you need help to your room?"

    "no thanks, i can manage" says Haen-Dal

    "well rest well".

    *Snorri turns and faces the Gith

    "ah my friend, nice to hear, well what is your name? mine as you may know is Snorri Snorrison Jnr, son of Snorri Snorrison Jnr Jnr" Says Snorri Proudly.

    ooc: horah i'm a Kobold :).
    I thought Xan was gonna pop up then, or is it the ex-gnome??? find out in the next episode of... nah who knows?!
  15. ooc: I just want to clear things up about my character. I've been playing using him for a long time so he matters to me. I didn't think I described my character well enough -yeah, I know, my roleplaying sucks, even my cha's name sucks- so here.

    The torn chainmail is a family heirloom passed down for generations so don't think it happened in the fight before I came to the tavern :). I'm wearing an elven chainmail, a silver-blue cloak with jewels adorned at the clasp. My sword-sheath is also adorned with beljurils and diamonds with runes that mysteriously shines bluish-silver in the light. That's all that I can say right now and I'm sorry if I ruined the forum.

    *Kneels down and apologizes*

    Sigh, I need to work on my role-playing...
  16. Snorri Guest

    "Ah my lord me and the uthers are goin' to our rooms now, please do not stay up to late". informs Ghim.

    "O' Ghim you worry too much, for 78 you sure do act old, well i suppose i will be up to the rooms when i finish my conversation with our new Gith friend here"

    "Now how about you make my bed nice and comfy and get me an extra blanket from the packs?"

    "I will go sir" Says Thorkin eagerly

    *Thorkin rushes off to where Thorin stored the packs.

    "Ah now he will make a fine Warrior one day eh Ghim?" Snorri slaps Ghim on the back

    "Aye indded me lord, well i'm off"

    "ok then, dont forget me bed".

    *Ghim and the others walk upstairs with Thorkin in tow with a mule pack obscuring his vision.
  17. Azirath Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Sep 4, 2001
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    The githzerai smiles menacingly and whispers to himself in his native tongue "The fool, the poor misguided fool. Does he not remember my little spell?." And with that the githzerai holds back a maniacal laugh and merely winks at the dwarf... Not only that but he can read the dwarf's mind...

    [This message has been edited by Azirath (edited November 04, 2001).]
  18. Snorri Guest

    *Snorri oblivious to the Giths ability smiles back.

    *He makes a sign to the barmaid to catch her attaention, Large ale and a firewine for my friend here.

    "So thins place gets stranger by the minute, i mean a glowing elf, a Gith and god knows what else".

    *Snorri laughs.

    "So what is your name or do you refuse to tell me?".

    *The last barmaid serving, having the others retired for the night, brings the teo their drinks

    "So where do you come from?, its not like a creature like you to visit these planes"
  19. Shadow Assassin Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Jun 25, 2001
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    ooc: Don't be so hard on yourself Rythnic. I was very rusty when I found this forum. I had been away from the game for about 5yrs, and even back then I was limited, but the people on this board combined with the phb and the dm guide taught me a lot, and as 3e is rather new, no one on here has truly conquered it yet. So don't feel bad as everyone here will make mistakes, 3e is to new for them not to make them.

    ic: the little halfling Shadow Dancer, realizing he wants nothing to do with these Assassins, (except maybe to take their purses), retreats into the shadow further where no one will see him reappear and brings himself back into sight, steps from the shadow, and quickly makes his way to the side of the tavern opposite the assassin. Then notices something trying to touch his thoughts, his name almost slips through just as he begins to concentrate and repel the invasion with slippery mind (shadow dancer ability dm guide p.36). He then searches his thoughts and finds the attacker to be the gith. The halfling thinks to himself, "fool, you have just signed your death warrant." He then hides in plain sight again, jumps just behind the gith where he then whispers to the gith, "If you wish to live you'll keep your fingers away from my mind, the uses burning hands on the giths back and jumps away before the gith has a chance to scream.
  20. Azirath Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Sep 4, 2001
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    The githzerai merely grits his teeth in pain and readies a healing spell which he with his nimble fingers and and thin, dexterous form is able to apply to his back. He then turns to the halfling and stares at him piercingly twirling his wand in one hand in a menacing slashing motion, and at the same time begins painfully disrupting his mind. In a brief flash and a few bluish sparks magic missiles streak from his wand in large volleys. He quickly raises his once dropped shield and says with a cruel, thin smirk "And now fool you shall die, if you meant no ill to me earlier you should have let me search your mind and this will have gone no further, but of course you are too hot-blooded for that..."
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