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Icewind Dale II Solution by Bartholomew

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Wandering Village | Fell Wood | Cold Marshes and Ice Lakes | River Caves

At last we are free of those evil woods! For many days we toiled beneath their darkened boughs, solving the many problems of Suoma and her people until, finally, the village elder was satisfied with our efforts, and told us of the true nature of the Fell Wood. But still, I cannot continue to hold it against her; the arrival of the demons Isair and Madae very nearly cost them a price higher than I would have demanded. Those events seemed to have finally driven home the urgency of our quest, and Suoma appeared to be truly repentant for having detained us this long.

Alia Shield-Maiden, the Annals of Halgren


Map of the Cold MarshesThis map is infested with nasty critters: spiders, ettercaps, wyverns, snow trolls, greater snow trolls, and a snow troll shaman. Wilderness Lore reveals signs of all of these, as well as heavily-booted human feet, and the strands of webs hanging from the trees should give you some indication of what to expect. Make your way east, fighting off the spiders, snow trolls and barbarian hordes that will attack you as you advance into their territory. If you want to take some Frostrose to Venla, you will find it in the bottom right-hand corner of the map, hidden amongst rocks and lichens. She will give you some healing potions that additionally cure disease and purge poisons, as well as some experience (1575 xp).

In the upper north-east section of the map, you will be confronted by another group of Barbarians - they chat briefly then attack you. When you are finished with them, you will notice that your path blocked by the Barbarian Stone Gate, a grid with nine large boulders in rows of three. As soon as you try to move any of the boulders, you will be attacked by barbarians. Deal with them before trying to proceed. Move all of the boulders to the right to open a path (2100 xp for opening the barbarian's gate). When you succeed, you will be attacked by still more barbarians. Proceed north-east where you will yet again be assaulted by Barbarians, accompanied by some wyverns this time. After you're done exit the map in the north-east corner.

The Ice Lakes

There be dragons!As soon as you cross this map, your Wilderness Lore check will tell you to be very wary indeed, for the cave in this area is the lair of a dragon or two: specifically, Draco Rigidus Frigidus, the white chromatic dragon. You may want to heal and rest before proceeding further. As you approach the cave that takes up the eastern half of this small map, you will be surprised by a dragon and two white wyrms (they come out of the cave entrance). You'll want to take care of them before entering the cave, as another dragon and two wyrms await you there. Obviously, the main threat here is the White Dragon - the White Wyrms aren't nearly as tough. Like all of its species, the White Dragon relies mainly on its breath weapons: a cone of frost that does cold damage as well as slowing anyone in its path. It is, however, susceptible to fire damage. Stationing a good strong tank in front of the dragon is probably your best option, as long as your warrior can get a few good hits in before being slowed. (Note: The dragons are pretty smart in a fight, and will always head towards their greatest threat). When you're finished with the first dragon, prepare yourself and head inside the cave to deal with an identical group of White Wyrms and another White Dragon.

Inside the cave you will find the remains of many adventurers, but for the most part their equipment has been irrevocably damaged. You will also find the Wyrm's Maw, and a couple of other random magic items, which should compensate you somewhat for the pathetically inadequate experience points you got from the dragons.

In the right-hand corner of the cave, you'll see a deep pit. You will need the rope you brought along to descend into it. Once you are equipped with rope, click on it, and the rope will appear tied to a nearby rock. Rest if necessary before descending, as a rather nasty fight awaits you and there will be no way to rest until you have completed several battles. Also be sure that you have everything you need before descending, as it's a one-way trip! If you don't have rope, you can buy some from Tahvo in the Wandering Village.
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