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Official Strategy Guide

Planescape: Torment Official Strategy Guide

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Sorcerer's Guide to All Things Factional N/A Read
Contains detailed descriptions of all factions, pictures of their factols/representatives and information on how to join them in the game.
Planescape: Torment Online Walkthrough by Montresor N/A Read
An excellent walkthrough with detailed info on all the quests in the game, NPC and item lists, character creation guide, online maps and more. A downloadable Spanish translation in PDF format by L@Zar0 is also available.
Planescape: Torment FAQ/Walkthrough by Nicholas Yu 64kb Download
A very detailed walkthrough with additional explanations on various frequently asked questions.
The Definitive Planescape: Torment Walkthrough by Stefanos Koutsoukos 61kb Download
An excellent walkthrough. Various corrections & additions by Sorcerer.
Planescape: Torment Universal Hint System by Gene Davison 1MB Download
An interesting program that will try to give you hints one at a time instead of revealing everything at once. Try this if you don't want too much to be spoiled for you when you're stuck.
Daniel Herfield's Torment Guide 77kb Download
A work in progress so don't expect too much yet. The guide already contains some info about character creation (that is, Nameless One creation ;) and some words about Morte, your skull sidekick, plus a list of some items. Now featuring a full list of spells as well.
The Complete Guide & Walkthrough to Planescape: Torment by Dan Simpson 132kb Download
A very thorough walkthrough for the game, with plenty of extras like tips about stats, NPCs, general strategies etc.
Steve's Guide to Planescape: Torment N/A Read (Ext.)
A pretty detailed online walkthrough with quest lists. Also includes lists of important items and joinable NPCs.
Soulpages Walkthrough by Soulbox 3.2MB Download
An interesting solution with online maps, items and their pictures, tattoos, spells and so on. Since the site has gone offline, we are now mirroring the downloadable archive of the entire site.
The Daily Radar Walkthrough N/A Read
A walkthrough without any detailed explanations of quests and solutions. Read this if you're stuck somewhere and don't want too much to be spoiled for you.
The Pit's Walkthrough N/A Read (Ext.)
A good walkthrough with maps of the areas it discusses.
IGN's Planescape: Torment Guide 1.1MB Read (Ext.)
Another detailed walkthrough (maybe a bit too-detailed) with a lot of descriptions and excerpts from the text in the game. A downloadable version is available as well.
GameSpot's Game Guide to Planescape: Torment 1.7MB Read (Ext.)
An exhaustive guide to Planescape: Torment covering such topics as character creation, NPCs, general tips & strategies, weapons, spells, enemies etc. It also includes a walkthrough. A downloadable version is available as well.
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