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Icewind Dale II Solution by Bartholomew

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After many trials, and much searching, we have located the components necessary to complete the Ilmater Ritual. When that is complete, we will have removed the taint of Iyachtu Xvim, and a great source of power and pride for Isair and Madae.

Alia Shield-Maiden, the Annals of Halgren


The Ilmater Sanctification Ritual is an essential step in proceeding towards the final battles, which is why virtually everyone you meet in the game will tell you about it! Riki and Orrick the Gray will both direct you to the priest of Ilmater, Toral Sorn, who can tell you how to complete it and about all the new avenues for weakening Isair and Madae that will open up after you have done so.

Collecting the Components

You need to find four items before you can start the Ritual:

The Ilmater Holy Symbol is in the southernmost room of the third floor in the Primary Tower.
The Tome of Ilmater is in the Wizard’s Tower library.
The Bonds of the Faithful can be found on the second level of the War Tower.
The Tears of the Suffering will be provided by the slave foreman, Jerre Stoh, on the first floor if you ask for them.

The Ritual: Iyachtu Xvim

The Statue of IlmaterWhen you have all four components, go to the shrine on the first floor of the Cleric Tower and click on the statue of Ilmater (4950 xp). Before doing so, you will want to prepare yourself for a tough battle with buff spells and lots of rest, because Iyachtu Xvim is not about to let you perform the ritual without a fight. As soon as you begin to recite the words of the ritual, the Xvim statue will come to life and propose an alliance. If you choose to ally with him, you will have to kill ten of the slaves as a proof of loyalty, so this is clearly the evil path. You will get a small amount of experience for forming this alliance, but you will lose the much greater experience for killing Xvim and completing the Ilmater ritual, as well as the opportunity to complete several other quests: completing the ritual, purifying the radiant pool, destroying the Globe of Essence, and freeing the slaves. Additionally, the final battle against Isair and Madae will be harder because if you are unable to taint the radiant pool first, they will be able to draw on it to regenerate.

If you take the evil path, all you need to do is kill ten slaves (actually identified as "Worker" when you click on them) on the first and second floor of the Primary Tower. They do not go hostile even after you have slaughtered others in their midst so there is no reason to try to get any of them alone. Once you have done this, report back to Iyachtu Xvim for your reward, and then tell Riki about your alliance. At this point, you will proceed directly to the Final Battles. Note that there is no way to double-cross Xvim by completing the Ilmater ritual after forming an alliance with him; you will be stuck with the choice you have made.

Confronting Iyachtu XvimIf you are of good alignment you will have to fight Iyachtu Xvim, and this is not an easy battle. He will summon two cornugons and nine lemures at the very beginning of the battle, and at some point in the battle will probably cast Gate as well. Don’t worry about the lemures because they will not be able to do much damage to a high-level party, and in any case Xvim himself will probably kill them with the spell Sunfire. The cornugons present more of a danger and should be eliminated as soon as possible. They are immune to fire damage. Xvim is immune to magical damage, and highly resistant to fire and slashing damage. He takes extra damage from electricity spells, however.

After the fight, you can click on the statue of Ilmater and complete the ritual. When it is complete you will find a phial of newly sanctified Holy Water in your inventory. Be sure to loot Xvim’s corpse to pick up a scroll of Executioner’s Eyes, the Scimitar of Souls +3, Flaming Halberd +1, Traveller’s robe, and an Ice Spear. Notify Riki that the quest is complete, and she will give you the final quest: to intercept an envoy from the Cabal of Dragonkin that has arrived to meet with Isair and Madae (see Final Battles). Before doing so, however, you will probably want to purify the Radiant Pool and destroy the Globe of Essence to free the slaves.

Destroying the Globe of Essence

The Globe of EssenceFirst, you will have to purify the radiant pool near Isair and Madae’s quarters on the third level of the primary tower. In addition to lending its evil power to the twins, it renders the Globe of Essence invulnerable. Click on the pool and drop the Holy Water into it from your inventory. The waters will immediately clear. This purification will make the final battle considerably less challenging.

Now you can return to the second floor to destroy the Globe of Essence. It will be well guarded, so protect your party with buff spells. While your best archers attack the globe, keep a melee fighter or two handy to deal with the Ruinlords, Hatemasters and Slayer Knights of Xvim that rush to its defence. With the Globe destroyed, the Glabrezu Guards lose their source of immortality. Now you can permanently destroy them, freeing the slaves. Head down to the first level, where you will encounter the entrance guard as soon as you exit the stairwell. When you have killed him (and any other Glabrezu Guard that may have teleported onto this level), notify Jerre Stoh that the slaves can now escape in safety.
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