The console is an area where you can type additional commands during game play.
Player Commands (Instructions for Player Commands) | ||||||
d10 | d12 | d20 | d4 | d8 | hidepartynames | setchatbuffersize |
d100 | d2 | d3 | d6 | makesafe | showpartynames |
The following console commands can be used at any point during game play. Simply hit the tilde (~) key and type in your command. For example to simulate rolling a 10-sided dice hit the ~ key and type the following:
Note: The ~ key is not part of the actual command.
You will notice that hitting the ~ key only brings up a cursor in the upper left-hand corner of your screen to continue typing.
The usage of each command requires typing the command, followed by zero or more parameters. The parameters do not need to be enclosed in '<' and '>'. These are simply used to indicate which items are parameters. If there is nothing shown enclosed in '<' and '>' following the command, this indicates the command requires no parameters.
For example to simulate rolling 10-sided dice five times, hit the ~ key and type the following:
d10 5
Note: there should be a space between d10 and 5.
Usage: d10 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 10-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d100 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 100-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d12 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 12-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d2 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 2-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d20 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 20-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d3 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 3-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d4 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 4-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d6 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 6-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: d8 <x>
Where: x is an integer value specifying the number of dice to roll.
Description: This function will simulate rolling the specified number of 8-sided dice and display the result on screen.
Usage: makesafe
Description: This function will move the player to a safe location, meaning a valid location in the area (ie. not in walls or on other creatures).
Usage: hidepartynames
Description: This function will hide the names of party members displayed on the partybar GUI.
Usage: showpartynames
Description: This function will show the names of party members displayed on the partybar GUI.
Usage: setchatbuffersize <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating how many lines the chat window's buffer should be.
Description: This function will set the buffer size of the chat window buffer.
The following list of commands that can be used by the Dungeon Master. To use each command simply hit the ~ key, and type in the command.
You will notice that hitting the ~ key only brings up a cursor in the upper left-hand corner of your screen to continue typing.
Players who wish to use these Dungeon Master commands, hit the ~ key and then type in the following:
DebugMode 1
And then you will have full access to the commands. To shut this ability off, hit the ~ key and then type in:
DebugMode 0
Important Note: Players do not have access to this command if playing on a server that does not allow it.
Usage: dm_allspells <x>
Where: x is an integer value of either 0 or 1.
Description: This function will enable all spells from all classes to be cast by the player if a value of 1 is specified. Specifying 0 will disable this and the player will only be allowed to cast spells his/her character is permitted according to that character's class/abilities.
Usage: dm_enablecombatdebugging <x>
Where: x is an integer value of either 0 or 1.
Description: This function will enable and display additional information about how attacks, damage, and saving throws are computed.
Usage: dm_getfactionreputation <faction1> <faction2>
Where: faction1 is the name of a faction.
faction2 is the name of a faction.
Description: This function will retrieve the reputation value for how faction2 feels about faction1 and display it.
Usage: dm_getmodulevarfloat <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module.
Usage: dm_getmodulevarint <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module.
Usage: dm_getmodulevarobject <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module.
Usage: dm_getmodulevarstring <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module.
Usage: dm_getmodulevarvector <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will retrieve and display on screen the specified local variable from the module.
Usage: dm_gettime
Description: This function will display the current game time of the module on screen.
Usage: dm_getvarfloat <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen.
Usage: dm_getvarint <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen.
Usage: dm_getvarobject <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen.
Usage: dm_getvarstring <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen.
Usage: dm_getvarvector <varname>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to get.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The specified local variable will be retrieved from the target you click and be displayed on screen.
Usage: dm_giveXP <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount of experience points to give.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will be given the specified amount of experience points.
Usage: dm_givegold <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount of gold to give.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will be given the specified amount of gold.
Usage: dm_givelevel <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the number of experience levels to give.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will be given enough experience points to advance the specified number of experience levels.
Usage: dm_god
Description: This function will make the player invulnerable.
Usage: dm_heal
Description: This function will restore the player back to full hitpoints.
Usage: dm_jumptopoint <x> <y> <area>
Where: x is a floating point value indicating the x-coordinate in the area you wish to jump to.
y is a floating point value indicating the y-coordinate in the area you wish to jump to.
area is the area tag of the area you wish to jump to.
Description: This function will send the player to the specified x,y coordinate in the area specified.
Usage: dm_levelup
Description: This function will advance the player by one level of experience.
Usage: dm_modifyCHA <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Charisma adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyCON <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Constitution adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyDEX <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Dexterity adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyINT <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Intelligence adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifySTR <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Strength adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyWIS <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the skill by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Wisdom adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyage <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the age by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its age adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyattackbase <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the base attack bonus by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base attack bonus adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifysavefortitude <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the save value by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its fortitude save value adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifysavereflex <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the save value by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its reflex save value adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifysavewill <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the save value by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its will save value adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_modifyspellresistance <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the amount to adjust the spell resistance by.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its spell resistance adjusted by the value specified. Positive values will cause an increase, while negative values will cause a decrease.
Usage: dm_movetoarea <area>
Where: area is the area tag of the area to move to.
Description: This function will move the player to the specified area.
Usage: dm_runscript <script>
Where: script is the name of the script to run.
Description: This function will run the specified script.
Usage: dm_setCHA <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Charisma set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setCON <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Constitution set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setDEX <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Dexterity set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setINT <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Intelligence set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setSTR <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Strength set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setWIS <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the ability score to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base Wisdom set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setCR <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the challenge rating.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its challenge rating set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setage <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the age to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its age set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setattackbase <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the base attack bonus to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its base attack bonus set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_setfaction <x>
Where: x is the name of the faction to set the target to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its faction set to the one specified.
Usage: dm_setfactiondefender
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its faction set to be a defender.
Usage: dm_setfactionenemy
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its faction set to be an enemy.
Usage: dm_setfactionreputation <faction1> <faction2>
Where: faction1 is the name of a faction.
faction2 is the name of a faction.
Description: This function will set the reputation value for how faction2 feels about faction1.
Usage: dm_setmodulevarfloat <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is a floating point value that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setmodulevarint <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is an integer value that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setmodulevarobject <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is an object id value that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setmodulevarstring <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is a string that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setmodulevarvector <varname> <x> <y> <z>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
x is a floating point value indicating the x component of the vector.
y is a floating point value indicating the y component of the vector.
z is a floating point value indicating the z component of the vector.
Description: This function will set a local variable on the module with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setspellresistance <x>
Where: x is an integer value indicating the value to set the spell resistance to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have its spell resistance set to the value specified.
Usage: dm_settime <h> <m> <s> <ms>
Where: h is the hour to set the time to.
m is the minutes to set the time to.
s is the seconds to set the time to.
ms is the milliseconds to set the time to.
Description: This function will set the game time in the module to the specified hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
Usage: dm_setvarfloat <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is a floating point value that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setvarint <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is an integer value that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setvarobject <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is an object id that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setvarstring <varname> <value>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
value is a string that varname will be set to.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_setvarvector <varname> <x> <y> <z>
Where: varname is the name of the variable to set.
x is a floating point value indicating the x component of the vector.
y is a floating point value indicating the y component of the vector.
z is a floating point value indicating the z component of the vector.
Description: This function will activate action target mode. The target you click will have a local variable set with the specified name and value.
Usage: dm_showarea
Description: This function will reveal all the tiles in the current area by removing the 'fog of war'.
Usage: dm_spawncreature <creature>
Where: creature is the creature tag of the creature to spawn in.
Description: This function will effectively cause the player to summon the specified creature.