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Neverwinter Nights Fact Sheet


Neverwinter Nights is a revolutionary new computer role-playing game (RPG) developed by BioWare, developers of the immensely popular Baldur's Gate series, and published by Infogrames, publisher of the Unreal Series, Driver, Civilization III, and many other huge titles. Using the fully-3D BioWare Aurora Engine and the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) ruleset, Neverwinter Nights contains an enjoyable full-length campaign of about 100 hours playable in both single and multiplayer mode. More than just a game, Neverwinter Nights is designed as an entire role-playing system, allowing its players to tell their own stories in the spirit of the exciting pen and paper experience.

The five fundamental components of Neverwinter Nights are:

Story Summary:

Players begin the official campaign in the northern city of Neverwinter on the eve of a deadly and all-consuming plague. The sickness spreads quickly from its origin in the beggars' quarter, and soon all of Neverwinter is under quarantine and falling victim to what will become known as the Wailing Death. A plea for help is sent to the allied city of Waterdeep and the powerful wizard, Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, arranges for a collection of rare and magical creatures to be delivered to Neverwinter where they might serve as reagents to a cure. The heavily guarded caravan enters the troubled city with great secrecy, but to no avail. Somehow betrayed, the caravan is beset by unknown assailants who succeed in releasing the Waterdhavian creatures into that Neverwinter night.

At the behest of Lord Nasher and the young Tyrist paladin, Aribeth de Tylmarande, the adventurers of the city set out to recapture the dangerous creatures of Waterdeep, cure the Wailing Death, and unravel the conspiracy of Neverwinter's mysterious betrayers. With the lifting of the quarantine, the players follow the web of betrayals north, in search of answers and the words of a lost prophecy.


Developer: BioWare Corp.

BioWare Corp. is an electronic entertainment company that produces interactive computer games, console games and entertainment. Past projects include Shattered Steel, the genre defining role-playing game series Baldur's Gate, its expansion pack Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, the conclusion to the Baldur's Gate series Throne of Bhaal, and the critically acclaimed third person shooter, MDK2. Other titles under development by BioWare include Neverwinter Nights (to be published by Infogrames), an online computer role-playing game, and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, a role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe (with Lucas Arts as publisher for the SW RPG). BioWare was established in 1995, is headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and hosts more than one hundred and twenty employees. For more information, visit the BioWare website at

Publisher: Infogrames

New York-based Infogrames, Inc. (Nasdaq: IFGM) is one of the largest third-party publishers of interactive entertainment software in the U.S. The Company develops video games for all consoles (Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft), PCs, and Macintosh systems. Infogrames' catalogue of more than 1,000 titles includes award-winning franchises such as Civilization™, Backyard Sports™, Deer Hunter®, Driver™, RollerCoaster Tycoon®, Test Drive®, and Unreal®, and key licenses including Survivor™, Warner Bros. Looney Tunes™, Nickelodeon's Blue's Clues™, Dragon Ball Z®, Mission Impossible®, Harley-Davidson®, Major League Baseball®, and the National Football League®, among many others. The Company's Humongous Entertainment and MacSoft labels are leaders in children's and Macintosh entertainment software, respectively.

Infogrames, Inc. is a majority-owned subsidiary of France-based Infogrames Entertainment SA (IESA) (Euronext 5257), a global publisher and distributor of video games for all platforms, as well as interactive digital television, and mobile smart devices (WAP, HDML). In 2001, IESA acquired Infogrames Interactive, Inc. (formerly Hasbro Interactive), including its line of software based on well-known licenses such as MONOPOLY, Jeopardy®, TONKA, and Atari®, which are published and distributed in the U.S. by Infogrames, Inc. For more information, visit the Company's Web site at
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