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Planescape: Torment Problems and Solutions

I can't seem to Level Up (the only thing I can do is hit Cancel after Accepting, and I'm stuck)

This is due to a cursed item you have equipped that is not compatible with your current class. The ways around this are as follows:

1. Find a store that can cast Remove Curse spell on you to remove the item.

2. Buy the remove curse scroll and cast it on yourself. If you are a mage do not memorize scroll unless you are of a sufficient level to cast the spell, instead cast it from the scroll.

3. Find a trainer to change your character class that is compatible with the cursed item.

I want to do a full install of the game. How do I do this?

The full install of the game requires a total of about 2.38GB of space. After you have installed the game via the installer program, do the following:

1. Create a folder on the hard drive that you wish to install the game data to. For this example we'll create a folder on the C drive called TData.

2. Now in C:\TData create three new folders called CD2, CD3, and CD4.

3. Insert Torment CD 2 and copy the entire contents of the CD to C:\TData\CD2. Repeat this step with CDs 3 and 4 copying the entire CDs to their corresponding folders.

4. Edit your Torment.ini file using Notepad or some similar text editor. This file can normally be found in C:\Program Files\Blackisle\Torment. At the very top of the page you'll want to edit the lines that start with CD2, CD3, CD4. Edit them as follows: CD2:=C:\TData\CD2 CD3:=C:\TData\CD3 CD4:=C:\TData\CD4

5. From time to time the game will ask you for disk two to authenticate the game. When playing the game keep this disk in your CD tray. You have now completed the full install of Planescape: Torment.

My armor class is permanently stuck at AC 2. What's going on?

More than likely you used one of Dak'kon's spells called Submerge the Will. Here's how to get your AC to return to normal:

1. Rest for a very long time. This spell is timed, unfortunately something happened to the timer and the game is setting it to some huge number making the effects last for a very long time.

2. Kill yourself. When you kill yourself the effects for this spell are removed. Don't worry there is no penalty for dying in this game. In some cases it's encouraged.

The manual says I'm supposed to get 1-10 hit points per level and yet when I level up as a mage I only get 1-4 hit points

This is a misprint. The Nameless One gains hit points as per the AD&D rules and only gains these hit points when he levels up in his highest class. For instance, if you are a level 5 Fighter and a level 1 Mage. If you level up as a Mage you will only receive a token 1 Hit Point. However, using this same example, if you level up as a Fighter you will receive 1-10 Hit points as per the AD&D rules. Here's a rough description as to Hit Point progression:


Levels 1-9 = 1-10 HP per level

Levels 10+ = 3 HP per level


Levels 1-10 = 1-4 HP per level

Levels 11+ = 1 HP per level


Levels 1-10 = 1-6 HP per level

Levels 11+ = 2 HP per level

Modify as needed with high Constitution.

I have a problem that is not described here. What should I do?

First of all, download the patch if you haven't done so already. You can get it from our Planscape: Torment/Miscellanea subsection. This should solve most problems. But if there's still something that bugs you (heh), post a detailed description of your problem on our message boards, and we will try to help you.

How do I get the game to run in 800x600 and 32-bit color?

Torment runs only at 640x480 with 16-bit color.

What are the system requirements?

Required: Windows ® 95/98 CD-ROM, DirectX 6.1 or better, Pentium™ 200 MHz w/ MMX or faster, 32 Megs of RAM, 650 Megs of available Hard Drive space, 8x CD-ROM or faster, 4 MB SVGA Video Card

Recommended: Windows ® 95/98 CD-ROM, DirectX 6.1 or better, Pentium™ 266 MHz w/ MMX or faster, 64 Megs of RAM, 800 Megs of available Hard Drive space, 12x CD-ROM or faster, 4 MB SVGA Video Card or better
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