Every From Software Souls Title Ranked
Published 27/4/2023

FromSoftware has become a household name for gamers worldwide due to their beautiful, challenging and rage-inducing Souls series. Over the years, FromSoftware has delivered some of the greatest games in modern memory, cementing their place in the gaming industry as one of the top developers.

Here is every FromSoftware Souls-style title ranked from worst to best. Note that this is only our opinion based on how much influence the games’ respective innovation, reviews and our own enjoyment of the experiences. If your opinion differs from ours, let us know in the comments!

6 - Dark Souls 2

The first Dark Souls game had set the bar incredibly high for the franchise, so the sequel was always going to struggle to shine. While Dark Souls 2 introduced some new mechanics and ideas, it lacked the atmosphere and cohesion of its predecessor. Not only that, but it was plagued by inconsistent difficulty spikes while its world design felt disjointed and lacked the sense of exploration that made the original game so memorable. Combined, this left fans of the original wanting more.

On the flip side, however, many players found Dark Souls 2 more forgiving and approachable than the original Dark Souls, meaning that this was the first Souls-like many players encountered. Thus, despite its flaws, it still has a special place in the hearts of lots of gamers.

5 - Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 is the culmination of everything that FromSoftware has learned over the years of developing the Souls formula. The game is a masterclass in game design, featuring some of the best boss battles and level design in the entire series. Combining the best elements of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, combat in Dark Souls 3 is fast and fluid. While the game's world is dark, moody, and atmospheric—pushing the same aesthetic that made the original such a classic.

The game also featured an incredible amount of variety in its weapons, armour, magic and more, allowing players to customize their character to fit their playstyle while simultaneously encouraging creativity in PvP.

4 - Elden Ring

Elden Ring finally brought the Souls formula to the forefront of mainstream culture. Combining the combat, pacing and challenge of Dark Souls with the open world design of Breath of the Wild (you can virtually go anywhere, whenever, provided you are good enough), it managed to attract many new players while still remaining loyal to what existing fans know and love.

The sheer scope of Elden Ring is mind-blowing. Its world is massive, its boss count huge, its amount of character customisation unrivalled. However, Elden Ring’s scope came as a double edged sword, with the game lacking some of the same masterful pacing and level design that the other, more linear experiences, held. Moreover, some players dismayed at the amount of repeat content found in Elden Ring’s optional dungeons.

While Elden Rings its cultural impact is already huge, we’re yet to truly see whether its open-world design innovations will resonate influence to the rest of the gaming industry as the original games had done.

If you want to jump back into Elden Ring with a head start, you can buy Elden Ring accounts decked out in all the best gear.

3 - Bloodborne

Bloodborne takes the Souls franchise and shifts it to a Lovecraftian-inspired horror setting. Somehow making the themes of Dark Souls even darker. The dark and twisted city of Yharnam quickly became a fan favourite for this exact reason. The game's setting and atmosphere are superb, and the Lovecraftian themes and storytelling make for a truly unforgettable experience.

But it’s not just the setting that innovated on the formula. The game also features fast-paced, aggressive combat that rewards players for being aggressive rather than defensive—a common complaint about the earlier Souls titles. Bloodborne's only downside is its lack of variety, with many of the game's areas and enemies feeling very similar and the player only being able to equip a small arsenal of weapons.

Regardless, due to its innovation, incredible atmosphere and unforgettable combat, Bloodborne is a true classic.

2 - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a significant departure from the Souls formula, featuring fast-paced and intense combat in an entirely new setting. The game is set in Japan's Sengoku era, where players take control of a shinobi tasked with rescuing his lord.

In many ways, Sekiro has been FromSoftware’s most daring game since the release of Dark Souls providing a departure in visual style, combat style and being even more punishingly difficult. Yet, for us, that makes it one of their greatest achievements to date.

Sekiro’s combat is hard, there’s no doubt about it. But that makes mastering it even more satisfying. The core to its difficulty is that it isn’t about stats, items or optimisation; it’s purely about player skill. Over the course of its (short) playtime, players need to master the timings necessary to parry, attack and counter foes, turning Sekiro’s combat into a masterfully bloody rhythm game.

Given, Sekiro has faced some criticism due to its punishing difficulty and lack of customisation (you cannot change from your trusty katana for the whole experience). Yet it is clear that these are intentional design decisions which benefit the game as a whole—making Sekiro one of the greatest examples of FromSoftware flexing their game design muscles.

1 - Dark Souls

The game that started it all, Dark Souls, remains the gold standard for the Souls franchise. The game's setting and atmosphere are unmatched, and its level design is still some of the best in gaming history over a decade later. The game's combat is challenging but fair, and the sense of progression and accomplishment as you navigate through the game's world is second to none. Dark Souls' community is still thriving today and that is all a testament to the original game’s longevity and lasting impact on the gaming industry.

If you haven’t played it Dark Souls is, of course, the essential souls and FromSoftware game. There’s no question about it.

In conclusion, FromSoftware has created some of the most challenging, atmospheric and memorable games in gaming history. Since the release of Dark Souls, almost all of their games have become instant classics with lasting impacts on both gaming culture and game design. After the recent runaway success of Elden Ring, we can't wait to see what FromSoftware has in store next.

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