Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor

Shadows of Amn  |  Throne of Bhaal  |  Watcher's Keep  
About the Walkthrough  |  Organization of the Walkthrough  |  About the Maps  |  About the Author  |  Where to Begin
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Location: At 11 in Saradush, enter and speak to Lazarus Librarus. You need to find his spellbook for him before he can sell you anything.

NOTE: In chapter 9 you can find this shop at 11 in Amkethran. It will have the same inventory as this shop, except anything you bought in Saradush.

Lazarus sells a large variety of scrolls, as well as a selection of other useful items.

Protection Scrolls (Green Scrolls)

- Protection from Acid
- Protection from Cold
- Protection from Electricity
- Protection from Fire
- Protection from Poison
- Protection from Undead

Normal Scrolls

- Burning Hands
- Charm Person
- Color Spray
- Shocking Grasp
- Larloch's Minor Drain
- Shield
- Magic Missile
- Chill Touch
- Chromatic Orb
- Identify
- Infravision
- Reflected Image
- Spook
- Blindness
- Protection from Evil
- Armor
- Grease
- Find Familiar
- Friends
- Knock
- Strength
- Vocalize
- Ghoul Touch
- Horror
- Know Alignment
- Detect Invisibility
- Detect Evil
- Agannazar's Scorcher
- Web
- Stinking Cloud
- Blur
- Deafness
- Invisibility
- Mirror Image
- Resist Fear
- Power Word Sleep
- Melf's Acid Arrow
- Glitterdust
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Luck
- Haste
- Dire Charm
- Slow
- Skull Trap
- Hold Undead
- Vampiric Touch
- Detect Illusion
- Clairvoyance
- Melf's Minute Meteor
- Lightning Bolt
- Fireball
- Invisibility 10' Radius
- Protection from Normal Missiles
- Minor Spell Deflection
- Remove Magic
- Non-Detection
- Protection from Cold
- Protection from Fire
- Dispel Magic
- Ghost Armor
- Monster Summoning I
- Flame Arrow
- Hold Person
- Oliluke's Resilient Sphere
- Polymorph Other
- Polymorph Self
- Teleport Field
- Wizard Eye
- Contagion
- Spirit Armor
- Farsight
- Minor Sequencer
- Ice Storm
- Fireshield (Red)
- Fireshield (Blue)
- Stoneskin
- Improved Invisibility
- Minor Globe of Invulnerability
- Remove Curse
- Secret Word
- Monster Summoning II
- Spider Spawn
- Confusion
- Greater Malison
- Emotion
- Enchanted Weapon
- Animate Dead
- Oracle
- Phantom Blade
- Cloudkill
- Cone of Cold
- Sunfire
- Shadow Door
- Breach
- Lower Resistance
- Minor Spell Turning
- Spell Immunity
- Spell Shield
- Protection from Acid
- Protection from Electricity
- Protection from Normal Weapons
- Conjure Lesser Air Elemental
- Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental
- Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental
- Monster Summoning III
- Hold Monster
- Chaos
- Domination
- Feeblemind
- Disintegrate
- Flesh to Stone
- Stone to Flesh
- Tenser's Transformation
- Improved Haste
- Death Spell
- True Sight
- Chain Lightning
- Contingency
- Death Fog
- Mislead
- Spell Deflection
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Pierce Magic
- Protection from Magic Energy
- Protection from Magic Weapons
- Invisible Stalker
- Summon Nishruu
- Carrion Summons
- Wyvern Call
- Conjure Air Elemental
- Conjure Earth Elemental
- Conjure Fire Elemental
- Power Word Silence
- Sphere of Chaos
- Ruby Ray of Reversal
- Control Undead
- Finger of Death
- Mordenkainen's Sword
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Spell Sequencer
- Project Image
- Mass Invisibility
- Protection from the Elements
- Spell Turning
- Warding Whip
- Mantle
- Limited Wish
- Cacofiend
- Power Word Stun
- Summon Djinni
- Summon Efreeti
- Summon Hakeashar
- Prismatic Spray
- Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
- Bigby's Clenched Fist
- Incendiary Cloud
- Spell Trigger
- Simulacrum
- Pierce Shield
- Improved Mantle
- Protection from Energy
- Power Word Blind
- Maze
- Summon Fiend
- Symbol Death
- Symbol Fear
- Symbol Stun
- Shapechange
- Time Stop
- Energy Drain
- Wail of the Banshee
- Black Blade of Disaster
- Chain Contingency
- Meteor Swarm
- Spellstrike
- Absolute Immunity
- Freedom
- Imprisonment
- Spell Trap
- Power Word Kill
- Gate
- Bigby's Crushing Hand
- Wish
- Restoration


- Knave's Robe
- Traveller's Robe
- Adventurer's Robe
- Robe of the Good Archmagi
- Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
- Robe of the Evil Archmagi
- Mage Robe of Cold Resistance
- Mage Robe of Fire Resistance
- Mage Robe of Electric Resistance


- Potion of Fire Resistance
- Potion of Hill Giant Strength
- Potion of Frost Giant Strength
- Potion of Fire Giant Strength
- Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Heroism
- Potion of Invisibility
- Oil of Speed
- Elixir of Health
- Potion of Agility
- Antidote
- Potion of Cold Resistance
- Potion of Insulation
- Potion of Master Thievery
- Potion of Perception
- Potion of Regeneration
- Potion of Strength
- Potion of Freedom
- Potion of Extra Healing
- Potion of Superior Healing


- Potion Case
- Scroll Case
- Bag of Holding


- Ring of Fire Resistance
- Boots of Speed
- Golden Ioun Stone
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