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Bard's Tale 3 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Ares  |  Yen-Lo-Wang  |  Mars  |  Susa-no-O  |  Svarazic  |  St. George  |  Sdiabm  |  Tyr  |  Tarmitia




I start off at 11N 0E on the map of Tarmitia. Zarathos casts Earth Ward and then Pathfinder.

*Note* Items from the Malefia drop list can also be obtained here. The drop list includes a few mundane items available to low-level parties, some mid-tier items, but also a select few items that are part of only this drop list. I don't get any of those items as I'm making my way south through Tarmitia though.

I win fights against random monsters at 11N 3E, 10N 4E, 8N 2E and 11N 1E. I go west through the door at 8N 0E to loop around to the eastern edge of Tarmitia. *Note* Monsters from all of the war torn cities you've been through previously can and now will attack you during fights in the core of Tarmitia.

I next win fights against random monsters at 8N 7E and 4N 7E. I go east through the door 6N 11E to loop back around to the western edge of Tarmitia.

I win fights against random monsters at 2N 3E, 1N 2E, 0N 4E, 0N 7E and 2N 7E. I put Batchspell and Shadow Shield back up after passing through the anti-magic squares.


I step south through the door to encounter Werra himself at 2N 9E. Werra actually relies on spells cast at a distance, but Gallard one-shots him at a distance.

I also happen to get one of the special items from the Malefia drop list that I want, a Staff of Gods.

But first, it turns out that Werra isn't quite dead. Apparently mortals can't kill gods (didn't we just kill Sceadu?), but he voluntarily gives me his shield, which is in a nearby room. Hawkslayer is apparently elsewhere and in possession of the Strifespear.

Werra's Shield

I now get attacked by six Black Slayers. Black Slayers cause Critical Hits with their attacks, and stand a decent chance of landing those attacks even on characters with the max -50 AC. I have Talia push them back with a Force of Tarjan spell. I have the spellcasters go all out with the top-notch damaging spells like Nuke and Jolt Bolt. Monsters from Malefia have an insane amount of Hit Points. I manage to wear them down before they can get close again.

However, many other Black Slayers have gathered around Werra, and Tarjan seals his fate as well. I flee to the south.

I have Talia cast Identify on the Staff of Gods. It provides a 2 point improvement to AC, and a limited number of charges of Jolt Bolt (which I never use). Its key feature is that it reduces the Spell Point cost of spells to a quarter of what they would normally be. Talia equips this one. I intend to get another for Mordred.

I get Werra's Shield at 0N 10E. It provides an 8 point bonus to AC, and also provides its wearer with immunity to breath attacks. Gallard equips it for the rest of the game, and it's really the only top-notch shield that a Hunter can equip. Other classes for example can equip a Tungsten Shield, but a Hunter can't.

Leaving Tarmitia

I go past the anti-magic square at 3N 8E, and put my Batchspell and Shadow Shield back up afterwards.

I next win fights against random monsters at 5N 4E, 7N 4E and 6N 5E. I sit on the square at 7N 5E until my spellcasters have their Spell Points fully restored.

Now I go to 11N 11E in the northeast corner, which teleports the party back to the wilderness.

Levelling Up in Lucencia

I go to the Crystal Spring and have Talia cast Apport Lucencia to return to Lucencia. I next return to the Wizard's Tower.

Zarathos advances 40 levels, while everybody else advances 30 or 31 levels. The last dimension is Malefia.
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