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Bard's Tale 3 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Tenebrosia  |  Dark Copse  |  Shadow Canyon  |  Sceadu's Demense

Sceadu's Demense


Middle of Nowhere

I go to a place designated as the "Middle of Nowhere", which is literally the center square on the map of Nowhere.

Once there I use the Shadow Door and then the Shadow Lock, which opens a portal to the first level of Sceadu's Demense.

Sceadu's Demense, Level 1

Level 1, West Side

I start off at 1N 1E of the map of the first level of Sceadu's Demense.

I win fights against random monsters at 1N 4E, 4N 7E, 6N 5E, 4N 5E, 6N 3E, 8N 2E, 10N 2E, 12N 2E, 12N 1E, 14N 3E, 13N 6E, 10N 5E, 9N 7E and 8N 9E. The fights themselves are mostly against Mages of various sorts, with the odd Arch Dragon thrown in. It's usually a matter of bombarding groups of them Kiel's Overture, the Shadelance, and Mage's Maelstroms, while Gallard picks off single Mages with his Sword of Zar. I may sometimes have Ariel lead off with Lucklaran if I feel it's necessary to protect myself against a very large assortment of Mages.

I also sometimes have to cast Restoration after taking enough damage from explosive squares or Hit Point-draining squares.

I also got a few Cli Lyres during these fights. They don't provide unlimited Bard Songs, but they do provide a 5 point bonus to AC. I decide to hold onto the one with the most charges, just in case I have a fight where I think it's best to have everybody go on the offensive right away without relying on spells or powers that get that AC to -50.

Level 1, East Side

I win fights against random monsters at 12N 9E, 11N 9E, 12N 12E, 9N 12E, 8N 13E, 6N 11E, 4N 12E, 3N 14E, 1N 12E, 1N 10E and 6N 10E.

The portal to the next level is at 6N 9E.

Sceadu's Demense, Level 2

Level 2

Notice that there's an outer ring hallway surrounding rooms filled with dark squares, anti-magic squares and other nastiness. The point of putting up with all that are supposed to be clues as to a not so obvious solution.

But there's no need to bother with any of that, as I'll discuss just below. For now I win fights against random monsters in the outer hallway at 1N 0E, 5N 0E, 9N 0E, 0N 3E, 0N 7E, 0N 11E, 1N 14E, 5N 14E, 9N 14E, 10N 11E, 10N 7E and 10N 3E.


There's a portion of the level that's north of the ring hallway. The only way to reach it is to cast Phase Door or Wall Warp to the north at 10N 7E.

Sceadu himself is at 13N 5E. The only way to reach him is to step east through the door from 13N 4E. It turns out that he's become a traitor too and has allied with Tarjan. I am forced to fight him. He is immune to magic spells and keeps the party out of melee reach. But I nonetheless have Gallard one-shot him with the Sword of Zar.

I get Sceadu's Cloak and the Helm of Justice in my inventory after the battle.

*Note* I do all the fights over again on the first level of Sceadu's Demense while making my way out for the xp. I don't show it in the video.

Reditus Tenebrosia

I return to the Wizard's Tower in Black Scar. Talia and Mordred advance two levels, while Zarathos advances eight. The others advance three.

I leave Black Scar and return to the circle of runes. Talia casts Reditus Tenebrosia to return the party to the Wilderness.

The dimension of Tarmitia is my next destination.
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