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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Combat and Rules: Attributes and Status Effects | Attack and Defense | Injuries | Stacking


Causes of Injuries

There are three typical ways a character can obtain an Injury. Getting reduced to 0 Health during Combat, or tripping a trap, both cause an Injury. The type of injury is usually tied to the type of damage caused by the trap, or the type of damage that brought the character to 0 Health.

Injuries are also frequently caused during scripted interactions. They are often the result of failing a skill or Attribute check.

Injury Penalties

Injuries mean enduring penalties until you can get rid of them.

Corrosive Damage that knocks a character unconscious or is caused by a trap results in Acute Rash (-5 Fortitude, -3 Corrosive Armor Rating).

Lingering Frailty (-3 Dexterity, -15 all Defenses, -15% Maximum Health) can only be caused by a Noxious Burst Trap.

Freezing Damage that knocks a character unconscious or is caused by a trap results in Frostbite (-5 Fortitude, -3 Freezing Armor Rating).

For Burning Damage, it's Serious Burn (-2 Dexterity, -3 Burning Armor Rating).

For Shocking Damage, it's System Shock (-2 Perception, -3 Shocking Armor Rating).

For Piercing, Slashing or Raw Damage, it's Gaping Wound (-25% Healing Received, -15% Maximum Health).

Crushing Damage that knocks a character unconscious or is caused by a trap can result in Bruised Ribs (-20 Fortitude), Concussion (-20 Will) or Swollen Eye (-20 Accuracy).

If a specific type of injury has been applied more than once to the same character, one instance of it gets substituted out for Major Injury (50% of Critical Hits by character converted to Hits, -2 Penetration, -15% Maximum Health).

If a specific type of injury has been applied three times, then in addition to Major Injury the third instance gets substituted out for Critical Injury (100% of Critical Hits by character converted to Hits, -20 all Defenses, -15% Maximum Health).

Scripted interactions, depending on specific events during a given interaction, can cause these Injuries:

Getting Rid of Injuries

One way for a character to get rid of Injuries is to Rest, either in an Inn or outdoors with Food. Another is for the character to consume a Luminous Adra Potion.

The Bone Setter's Tarc gets rid of any Injuries a character has, and will immunize the character against any further Injuries until he or she rests. But the Amulet itself only has three charges for this particular power.


If a character accumulates four Injuries, the character dies permanently. The other way a character can die is if he or she is reduced to 0 Health while under the effects of the Cipher's Disintegrate spell, even if the character did not have any Injuries in place at the time.

The one caveat to that is that characters won't permanently die if the game is in the Story or Relaxed difficulty setting. The character instead has the Maimed (-10 Accuracy, -15 All Defenses, -15% Maximum Health) status, which lasts until you Rest.

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