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The Temple of Elemental Evil Online Solution by David Milward


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The NPCs are arranged by location.
Each entry in the list is in the following format:

[Class + level when they join + race, if unusual]
Equipment: (A mention of notable equipment.)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices: (A few notes on what classes/feats are chosen at level-ups.)
Worth taking?:

The attributes are listed in STR/CON/DEX/INT/WIS/CHA format. Since they were deduced from various bonuses, there is no way of knowing if they should be odd or even, so they are written down as even to save space.
(E.g., a 12 or 13 is always written as 12.)


8th level Wizard
Attributes: 14/14/10/16/10/12
Location: The Tower in East Hommlet. (Map - #15)
Looting Behaviour: Everything. Claims he wants only 33% of the loot, however.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: He will join you once you've found the Temple. Sells nice spells.
Worth taking?: The price's a bit steep, but he's a decent Wizard if you need one. However, keep in mind that he plays a role in one of the better endings, so perhaps you don't want him to die.

1st level Fighter
Attributes: 10/8/10/10/10/10
Location: The Brewery in NW Hommlet (Map - #30)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: The party may be able to get Cavanuagh to join them if they bully him into paying his church dues as part of the Collecting the Church Dues quest. If the party takes that route during the quest, they'll then find him as a pauper in front of the Welcome Wench Inn in Hommlet (Map - #7). The party can ask him to join by asking for his forgiveness.
Worth taking?: Doubt it.

4th level Fighter/Ranger
Attributes: 18/16/16/14/16/10
Location: Wandering the streets of Hommlet by day, The Welcome Wench at night. (Map - #7)
Equipment: Battle Axe +1, Chainmail +1, and a Small Shield +2.
Looting Behaviour: Claims he's taking a half-share, but he grabs any money the party finds.
Leveling Choices: Advances in both classes.
Notes: You need to pay him 150gp to get him to join. He always stumbles around drunk, which makes him easy to tell apart from other party members.
Worth taking?: Yes, one of the best NPCs in the game, and faithful, too.

3rd level Fighter
Attributes: 16/16/16/12/14/16
Location: Holten Kindlehopper's household. (Map - #27)
Equipment: Great Cleaver.
Looting Behaviour: She feels that as your wife, she's entitled to it all.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: You basically have to take on the loathsome burden of marrying her as part of the Another Farmer's Daughter quest. She'll marry any male and will not leave willingly after.
Worth taking?: Possibly. The second-best (after Elmo) fighter available at the start of the game. Free, too. Some people find her very annoying.

4th level Rogue
Attributes: 8/14/18/14/10/12
Location: The Welcome Wench, downstairs. (Map - #7)
Equipment: A Ring of Invisibility, and a Dagger +1.
Looting Behaviour: A good portion of your gold and jewels.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: Costs 150gp to get him to join initially. He's willing to waive this hiring fee if you catch him cheating as part of The Gambler quest.
Worth taking?: Sure, if you need a thief, or just wish to try one out. Or want to steal his ring.

2nd level Barbarian
Attributes: 16/16/16/6/8/10
Location: The Welcome Wench, downstairs. (Map - #7)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: He'll only join if the party has 4 or less members, and Turuko joins as well. Also joins in the drinking contest at night. Be warned, both he and Turuko are prone to turning on the party when combat isn't going well.
Worth taking?: If you want to try out a barbarian, he's O.K.

1st level Druid
Attributes: 6/12/10/14/16/14
Location: Filliken's household. (Map - #5)
Looting Behaviour: Everything, so with her STR she's always encumbered.
Leveling Choices: She has Spell Penetration & Alertness feats.
Notes: You practically have to finish the Farmers' Feud quest first, and then the Sweeping her off her Feet quest. Incidentally, the party also gets the Holy Sword +1 as a reward.
Worth taking?: If you really want a Druid, as she's the only one available. She's not exactly a good Druid, though.

1st level Fighter
Attributes: 12/10/12/8/6/6
Location: Rannos and Gremag's trading post. (Map - #21)
Looting Behaviour: Doesn't loot.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: You hire him from the shady traders for a negotiable price.
Worth taking?: No. Look at those stats, on a fighter no less. Those traders sure like to rip people off, don't they?

6th level Fighter
Attributes: 18/12/12/10/10/14
Location: The Tower in East Hommlet. (Map - #15)
Equipment: I didn't have him join, but I couldn't help but notice that he was carrying a magical looking axe whenever I stopped by the tower.
Looting Behaviour: Everything. Claims he wants only 25% of the loot.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: He will join you once you've found the Temple.
Worth taking?: There are many better fighters in the game. He's O.K., though.

2nd level Wizard
Attributes: 10/14/14/16/10/6
Location: The Welcome Wench, downstairs. (Map - #7)
Looting Behaviour: Any scrolls you find.
Leveling Choices:
Worth taking?: Sure, if you don't mind the scroll thing. If you have a sorcerer, he might make a decent back-up.

3rd level Monk
Attributes: 12/10/14/8/14/4
Location: The Welcome Wench, downstairs. (Map - #7)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: Will only join a party of 4 members or less, and along with Kobort. Be warned, both he and Kobort are prone to turning against the party when combat isn't going well.
Worth taking?: If you want to try out a monk, maybe. He's not that great, though.

2nd level Fighter
Attributes: 16/10/14/12/8/10
Location: The Welcome Wench, upstairs, only at night. (Map - #7)
Looting Behaviour: Practically everything.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: Zert has a tendency to turn on your party at the most inopportune times.
Worth taking?: Only if desperate. I prefer summons.

Random Encounter

5th level Bard, Half-Elf
Attributes: 14/14/14/12/12/14
Location: The party has to run into him as a random encounter while moving to another location on the World Map.
Equipment: No instrument, oddly enough.
Looting Behaviour: Everything.
Leveling Choices: From his 6th level and onwards, Zaxis will take Fighter levels. Cleave will be his choice of feat upon reaching the 6th level.
Notes: He is searching for his sister, a half-elven wizard named Ima. Beware, his tendency to constantly 'speak' in a singing voice is highly aggravating. But then again, some find him hilarious.
Worth taking?: If you want to try out a (low-level) Bard and hear some colourful comments.


Lareth the Beautiful
5th level Cleric (of Lloth)
Location: Moathouse Dungeon, 2nd level, the Master's room. (Map - #13)
Equipment: Staff of Striking, Lareth's Breastplate, Ring of Freedom of Movement.
Looting Behaviour: Everything.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: The party must bring him close to death in combat so that he'll offer to join your party. Once he joins, he'll mark out the Temple of Elemental Evil on your world map. However, he'll betray you once you've found the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Worth taking?: For plot reasons, sure.


1st level Fighter
Attributes: 14/14/10/8/10/12
Location: Either in Nulb (Map - #2), or in the Boatmen's Tavern located in Nulb (Map - #4). Talking to one causes the other to disappear.
Looting Behaviour: Everything.
Leveling Choices: He'll take Blind Fight and Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword for his feats.
Notes: Bertram wants to leave his pirate master, Tolub, and become your boyfriend. It doesn't matter whether it involves a homosexual or heterosexual context. You somehow have to earn his freedom from his master as part of the Bertram's Freedom quest.
Worth taking?: Maybe for role-playing reasons. Not much of a fighter.

Fighter 2/ Rogue 2
Location: The upper level of Mother Screng’s house. (Map - #7)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: She’ll join if Mother Screng is already in the party.
Worth taking?:

Mother Screng
9th level Cleric
Location: The upper level of Mother Screng’s house. (Map - #7)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: She’ll join your party if the characters are 5th level or lower, and Otis is in the party as well.
Worth taking?:

10th level Fighter
Attributes: 16/18/16/14/14/12
Location: Nulb smithy. (Map - #6)
Equipment: Good stuff.
Looting Behaviour: 175gp hiring fee, plus all the loot afterwards.
Leveling Choices: Can't level.
Notes: A useful merchant of masterwork items. Joins after you've found the temple. Will leave the party the first time you return to Nulb. You can get him again by talking to him about temple factions, but then the next time you return he leaves once more - permanently.
Worth taking?: He's a great fighter. He might outshine your own characters, though.

3rd level Rogue
Attributes: 12/12/16/8/10/15
Location: S Nulb, behind Mona. (Map - #10)
Equipment: Ring of Invisibility.
Looting Behaviour: She won’t loot if you choose the dialogue options where she ends up as your slave. Otherwise, she claims half the loot.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: You have to complete the Mystic Orb and Slave for Sale quests for her to join.
Worth taking?: Only if you're desperate for a Rogue. Or that ring of hers.

The Temple - Dungeon Level 1

From Mona's fortune:

Ed (x2)
1st level Fighter
Attributes: 10/10/10/10/10/10

1st level Fighter
Attributes: 10/14/10/10/10/10

Location: First level, prison. (Map - #11)
Looting Behaviour: Don't loot.
Notes: Ted, Ed and Ed are joke prisoners. Ted talks like a hick; the Eds are mute. They're present only if you selected the 'humorous option' after the Mystic Orb quest.
Worth taking: No.

2nd Level Fighter
Attributes: 12/10/14/10/8/10
Location: First level, prison. (Map - #11)
Equipment: none
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: You'll need the Knock spell to open the door guarding him. Talks like a pirate. Aaar!
Worth taking: No.

2nd level Fighter, Orc.
Attributes: 20/12/12/2/8/4
Location: First level, prison in SW. (Map - #15)
Equipment: none
Looting Behaviour: He demands a share of the loot.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: Is missing an eye and some brains. In a team with Tuelk.
Worth taking: Maybe. Those stats are decent.

2nd level Fighter, Orc.
Attributes: 12/14/12/12/10/6
Location: First level, prison in SW. (Map - #15)
Equipment: none
Looting Behaviour: Also demands a share of the loot.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: In a team with Pitak.
Worth taking?: If you really want Pitak, you could probably take him too and then get him killed off quite quickly.

Fighter 3/ Rogue 3, Gnome.
Attributes: 14/18/16/12/8/10
Location: First level, prison in the NW corner. (Map - #17)
Equipment: Wonnilon's Dagger +1, “Wonnilon's Armour”.
Looting Behaviour: Everything.
Leveling Choices: half/half
Notes: If you let him go, he'll be hanging out in the NE corner of the level. Talks a fake cockney: all the prisoners have weird accents, it seems. He is related to two mini-quests within the temple.
Worth taking?: I think so. He's the best Rogue-type in the game, and, anyway, Fighter/Rogues are a nice combo.

The Temple - Dungeon Level 2

8th Level Fighter, Troll chief.
Location: Second level. (Map - #21)
Equipment: Troll Bone Armor, Troll Bone Helm, Ring of Lesser Fire Resistance.
Looting Behaviour: You can intimidate him into taking 1/4th of the loot, initially he demands more (all or half).
Leveling Choices:
Notes: You can get Oohlgrist the troll chief to join you if you have a high Intimidate skill. Related to both Fire Temple and Water Temple quests. Trolls won't attack while Oohlgrist is in the party.
Worth taking?:

2nd Level Rogue
Location: Second level. (Map - #8)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Worth taking?:

The Temple - Dungeon Level 3

7th level Fighter, Hill giant.
Attributes: 30/8/18/8/10/16
Location: Third level, NW corner. (Map - #4)
Looting Behaviour: Everything.
Leveling Choices:
Notes: Might make your game too easy. Shopkeepers and other townspeople won't talk to you while he's in your party, though. He is related to Wonnilon's quest and Hedrack's quest. He'll offer to join your party if you join combat with him and bring him near to dying.
Worth taking?: If you like an easy game.

Prince Thrommel
10th level Fighter
Attributes: 16/16/16/12/12/14
Location: Third level, secret room. (Map - #19)
Equipment: Amazing, not least of which is Fragarach, an even more powerful version of Scather.
Looting Behaviour: None
Leveling Choices: He has the following feats: Acrobatics, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Cleave and Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword.
Notes: Will join your party while you remain in the temple. When you leave, he leaves, but will offer a reward. Holds the most powerful weapon in the game, Fragarach.
Worth taking?: Yes. Either help him escape, or lead him to his doom, to get a good sword.

The Temple - Dungeon Level 4

9th level Druid, Half-Elf
Attributes: 12/16/12/10/16/14
Location: Fourth level of the Temple, SW, disguised as a Hill Giant. (Map - #4)
Equipment: Bad stuff, plus a ring of Wildshape: Hill Giant. (Which shape gives her a 24 STR and an 18 CON.)
Looting Behaviour: I think so.
Leveling Choices: Has Combat Casting and Improved Initiative as her feats, but not Augment Summoning, which is annoying in a Druid.
Notes: The party needs another Druid in the party who can convince her to join, or be a True Neutral party as selected at the beginning of the game. Talks in a fake Irish accent.
Worth taking?: I would say definitely yes, except that you normally need a Druid to get her, and few people want two Druids.

1st level Fighter
Attributes: 10/10/10/10/10/18
Location: Fourth level of the Temple, SW, in the High Priest's chamber. (Map - #8)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices: After her first level as a fighter, Paida begins levelling up as a cleric. Although her wisdom score of 10 prevents her from using her clerical spells, this can be overcome by having her equip an Amulet of Wisdom. She has access to the Healing and Strength domains. Thanks to Borys for letting us know about this!
Notes: When you meet her, Paida is an enchanted concumbine with a very silly name: in fact, she is the wife of Hommlet's wheelwright. You need to cast Dispel Magic on her to get her to join. Conveniently, a scroll is lying about the chamber. The party can then escort her back to Valen as part of the Paida's Rescue quest. The party gets a small experience point reward for returning her to Valen.
Worth taking?: Only for rescue purposes.

Earth Elemental Node

1st level Rogue (Weaver)
Attributes: 10/12/14/14/12/10
Location: Western bit of the earth elemental node. (Map - #6)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: Wants you to take him to a "safe place", i.e. Hommlet or Nulb. Makes "fiery rags" he can then throw, which are little exploding projectiles.
Worth taking?: Might be worth it for quest purposes. In the unpatched version of ToEE, having him in the party will crash the game if you attempt to travel the World Map.

5th level Wizard
Attributes: 10/14/10/16/8/8
Location: NW of the earth elemental node. (Map - #5)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: He offers 5,000gp to let him join you, but apparently doesn't deliver as promised. Knows no spells, and is convinced you are demons.
Worth taking?: God no. Unless you enjoy being called a demon.

Air Elemental Node

6th level Cleric
Location: Western bit of the air elemental node. (Map - #10)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: He won't join if Taki is in the party. He used to be the High Cleric of the Air Temple, but he was then betrayed by his own brother. That brother happens to be Alremm, the High Cleric of the Fire Temple. He's definitely looking to exact some revenge.
Worth taking?:

7th level Fighter
Location: Eastern bit of the air elemental node. (Map - #6)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices:
Notes: He won't join if Ashrem is in the party. Has lousy 44HP.
Worth taking?: See above.

Fire Elemental Node

10th level Sorceress, Alu-fiend.
Attributes: 12/16/10/8/14/14
Location: W of Fire node. (Map - #8)
Looting Behaviour:
Leveling Choices: She has Heighten Spell. Her spell choices are not so great.
Notes: Townspeople won't talk to you while you travel with her. She has lots of HP for a sorceress. Also has a secret, but I never discovered what that is.
Worth taking?: Maybe, if you want lots of Stoneskins and Magic Missiles.

Additional notes:

- A bunch of NPCs won't be visible (in both towns actually) unless it's evening/night time when you walk into the map.
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