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Bard's Tale 2 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Fanskar:   Fanskar's Castle


The Forest

To Fanskar's Castle

I make my way to the Sage's Hut and ask him about Fanskar. He charges 5,500gp to tell me that Fanskar is a warrior-mage who wanted to become the Destiny Knight but failed, and now resides in a castle southwest of Collose.

I make my way to the Castle, which is also straight south from Ephesus, and enter.

Fanskar's Castle

Guard's Quarters

There's a hallway that runs north from the entry stairs, with multiple doors running the lengths of the hallway on both sides. The rooms on the right are labelled the Guard's Quarters, and I do all the set fights against random monsters on that side. Sometimes I'll use the Rimefang spell if the monsters are all within 40' and numerous enough. Sometimes I'll use Wizard War for a particularly large group.

Ask the Wise of DARGOTH!

Now I battle monsters in the rooms west of the hallway, which loops over to the east side of the Castle.

At 6N 21E is a message that reads: "Ask the Wise of DARGOTH!"

Fanskar's Bodyguard

Now I go north from the hallway and enter a large extended dark space. I begin by fighting random monsters at 9N 3E, 10N 3E, 12N 3E, 14N 3E, 14N 0E, 13N 0E and 10N 0E. Notice that a tactic I frequently use during large battles is for Ariel to use her Spell Song as a primer so as to increase the damage of Rimefang when either Talia or Mordred cast it (at least not when I'm on an anti-magic square).

I loop around to the east side and win battles against random monsters at 9N 20E, 10N 18E, 10N 20E, 12N 20E, 14N 20E and 14N 16E.

Fanskar's Bodyguard is at 12N 17E, and I defeat him easily enough.

The White Shall Lie

I win fights against random monsters at 11N 15E, 9N 14E, 7N 16E, 6N 14E, 4N 14E, 3N 15E, 2N 14E, 1N 16E and 0N 12E.

A Magic Mouth at 2N 12E provides a clue for the second snare: "Ponder this: the white shall lie, and in this knowledge reflects your only answer."

Far Right and Left

I win fights against random monsters at 1N 9E, 1N 7E, 4N 8E, 4N 9E, 6N 7E, 7N 8E, 9N 7E, 11N 9E, 14N 11E, 14N 7E and 12N 7E.

Another clue about the second Snare is at 11N 6E. It reads: "Far right and left is hazardous, when the time runs short, yet in the far corners is knowledge ..."

Fanskar Guards the Death Snare

I make my way to 14N 4E, which is unfortunately both an anti-magic square and a silence square. I go north through the door and win the fight against random monsters at 15N 4E. I afterwards have Ariel put her Traveller's Tune back up, while Talia casts Cat Eyes.

I proceed to travel the hallway to its end, and then win fights against random monsters at 20N 3E, 19N 3E and 17N 3E. A voice says: "Fanskar guards the Death Snare with is very life" after the last battle.

I then win fights against random monsters at 19N 2E, 17N 2E, 16N 2E and 16N 3E. The teleporter at 17N 4E takes me to 17N 7E.

Spell Points and Traps

First, I cast Batchspell. At the other end of the little hallway that I've just teleported to is a large room filled with squares that drain Spell Points. No way around it but to suck it up and press on.

After the room is a hallway filled with traps. I use Trap Zap to clear the path.

After the hallway is a series of adjoining rooms. I win fights against random monsters at 16N 9E, 17N 11E, 16N 15E, 18N 16E, 20N 16E, 20N 14E, 21N 12E, 21N 10E and 19N 10E.

I fight more random monsters at 19N 13E. I have now entered a room filled with anti-magic squares. I use a charge from a Dayblade to put up some light that won't get snuffed out.

At 17N 14E is a room that recharges Spell Points. I recharge Talia and Mordred, and then make my way to 15N 14E.

Fanskar and a Friend

I go along the winding hallway to the east. I win fights against random monsters at 15N 20E, 17N 21E and 19N 20E.

Fanskar himself is at 21N 20E. He attacks along with A Friend, who is a Dragon. A Friend starts at 40' range, and typically uses its breath weapon. Fanskar starts at 90' range, and tends to use either Mangar's Mind Mallet or Mage's Maelstrom. I start by having Ariel play Lucklaran to protect against Fanskar's spells, while Gallard takes out A Friend with his Deadlyrang. I advance two times to bring Fanskar within 70', so that Gallard can insta-kill him as well. *Note* Using the Melee Men spell to pull Fanskar in right away is also a commendable strategy, as dmc points out.

Snare #2

I go to 21N 21E, and get teleported to 9N 10E to start the second Snare. A voice warns me that only one of the three doors leads to the Wand Segment, while the other two lead to instant death for the whole party.

The white-cloaked man at 6N 13E says: "The black-cloaked one speaks the truth."

The black-cloaked man at 12N 13E says: "The door on the right leads to safety."

The logic from the previous clues means any door to the right of another door leads to death, and therefore only the door to the left is safe. I go to 10N 13E.

I get teleported to 5N 13E. I go west three squares and get Wand Segment 2. I thereafter leave the Castle by the stairs altogether. Dargoth's Tower is next.
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