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Bard's Tale 3 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Items in Malefia  |  Freeing the Gods  |  Tarjan



Tarjan, First Battle

I start off at 1N 0E on the map of the area named "Tarjan". A portal at 0N 0E offers a return to the Wilderness, but I'm ready for the climax.

I run through the hallway to its end, going past the Spell-Point draining squares on the north side, but then resting on the Spell-Point replenishing squares on the east side until my spellcasters are fully restored.

I run past the silent squares on the south side and then the Hit Point-draining squares on the west side. I have Ariel put up Lucklaran as her default song once I'm past those. The reason is that I'm about to fight the last two battles in the game, and I want my saving throw bonus vs. magical attacks already in place so that Ariel can call on other options in combat.

Tarjan himself is at 2N 3E. The first battle will be against two High Priestesses, 30 Black Slayers, 30 Rock Demons and Lorini (at 60' range). Remember that Black Slayers can inflict Critical Hits, and Rock Demons can cause Stoning, even against characters with -50 AC.

Lord Stygar takes out one of the High Priestesses with his Strifespear. Gallard takes out Lorini with his Sword of Zar. Cassandra uses her Haltfoe power to prevent the Black Slayers from attacking.

Ariel plays Spell Song. That in turn acts as a primer for a triple shot of NUKE from Zarathos and Talia and Mordred, which is more than enough to wipe out the Black Slayers and Rock Demons. Only one High Priestess is left, and I easily take her out the next round.

Tarjan, Last Battle

A second battle immediately follows. Tarjan himself participates, and stays 90' distant. In front of him will be 30 Black Slayers, 30 Rock Demons and 30 Vampire Lords.

Lord Stygar and Gallard use their weapons on individual targets each round. Cassandra uses her Haltfoe power to stun-lock any enemies that come within 20'.

Ariel uses Spell Song, and it acts as a primer for a triple-shot of NUKE from Zarathos, Talia and Mordred. That suffices to wipe out the Black Slayers and Rock Demons. However, the Vampire Lords have an insane amount of Hit Points. And they can level-drain even characters that have -50 AC.

Tarjan is himself immune to both magic spells and ranged weapon attacks. And he tends to use one of two actions each round. One option that he has is multiple summonings of Black Slayers each round, at 20' range. The other is to use the Force of Tarjan spell, which will both damage the party if they happen to be within 60' and push them back to 90' range from him.

I have Mordred cast Preclusion the next round. It will block most of Tarjan's multiple attempts to gate in Black Slayers during a round, but not all of them. Zarathos and Talia do a double-shot of NUKE to wear down the Vampire Lords a little more. Cassandra keeps them stun-locked with her Haltfoe power.

The process continues for a few more rounds. Zarathos and Talia and Mordred triple-shot the Vampire Lords with NUKE, while Cassandra keeps them stun-locked. Lord Stygar and Gallard pick off any Black Slayers that Tarjan manages to get past the Preclusion.

It isn't until the Vampire Lords are few and on the cusp of death that I initiate the next phase of my plan. Cassandra goes into hiding, while my spellcasters finish off the Vampire Lords.

Cassandra keeps Hiding, increasing her range by 10' each round. Lord Stygar and Gallard continue to pick off any Black Slayers that Tarjan summons. Even Talia will chip in with Far Death if Tarjan manages to get a third Black Slayer past the Preclusion.

Cassandra eventually manages to get to the maximum 90' range, and that's when she insta-kills Tarjan to finish the fight.

The New Gods

The ending cutscene, where the Old Man turns out to be an omnipotent God overseeing the whole universe, and he rewards the party by making them the new pantheon.

*** THE END ***
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