Sword Coast Stratagems for Baldur's Gate 2 Walkthrough by David Milward

CHAPTER 1  |  CHAPTER 2  |  CHAPTER 3  |  CHAPTER 4  |  CHAPTER 5  |  CHAPTER 6  |  CHAPTER 7  |  CHAPTER 8  |  CHAPTER 9  |  CHAPTER 10  | 
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Chapter 6  
Return to Athkatla  |  Jaheira's Quests  |  De'Arnise Keep  |  Planar Sphere  |  Bridge District Murders  |  Temple of Helm Quests  |  Order of the Radiant Heart  |  Copper Coronet  |  Trademeet  |  Sigil Troupe  |  Astral Prison  |  Umar Hills  |  Temple Ruins  |  Windspear Hills  |  Windspear Hills Dungeon  |  Liches  |  Mae'Var's Guildhall  |  Limited Wish  |  Waukeen's Promenade  |  North Forest  |  Forest of Tethyr  |  Bodhi  |  Graveyard District  | 


Valygar Corthala

Now I begin to gain access to the Planar Sphere. First, I speak with Tolgerias in the government building, who tasks me with tracking down and bringing back a 'wanted murderer' named Valygar Corthala.

Next I begin to travel to the Umar Hills. Except well ... SCS adds the possibility of a Rakshasa random encounter when I have the Flail of Ages. I can't start with any buffs in place during the random encounters. And besides, I can physically overwhelm the Rakshasa as long as I can keep their protections down. This is thus an instance where Keldorn makes repeated use of his Dispel Magic ability without particular concern for avoiding hitting his comrades with it.

Once I arrive I then travel towards the northwest corner of the Umar Hills and avoid contact with most of the locals (I'm saving this quest for later). I start to climb a series of natural stairs of sorts, but then get accosted by an Elven Ranger named Derrick. I choose the 'Valygar who?' dialogue option because I want the xp for killing Derrick and his two other Rangers. Here, I hit them with a deluge of spells right away. Anomen and Minsc both use Silence 10' Radius on them, while Avastrian and Imoen use Fireball and Skull Trap respectively. After this it's just a matter of closing in on them and finishing them off. The loot includes a Flail +1, and the Boots of the West (+1 Charisma, immunity to Disease) courtesy of the Unfinished Business mod. Keldorn wears these for now.

I continue northwards and find Valygar's cabin. His cabin will have several containers with minor treasures, and a Spear +1. I convince Valygar to join, as his presence will be necessary to open the way to the Planar Sphere. I kick Minsc out of the party temporarily.

I then head for the northwest corner of the Slums District, and take the stairs leading up the Planar Sphere. Valygar simply being near the Planar Sphere causes its door to open. Note that you don't need Valygar for inside the Planar Sphere itself, only to open the door. I thus return to the Copper Coronet to swap out Valygar for Minsc, and then return to the Planar Sphere.

Planar Key

The party rests up and then steps through the door immediately in view. The room on the other side has three other doorways. The one to the north cannot be opened for now.

The one to the east leads a room with a single Mephit. The room itself has a bird's eye view of the Slums District in Athkatla.

The room to the west will have a single Clay Golem, who is quickly killed. The room has various containers with magical ammunition, an Emerald, and spell scrolls for Haste, Minor Spell Turning, and Breach. The containers also have some quest items that will be needed soon, a Golem Arm, some Coal, and a Planar Key.

I now click on the north door with the Planar Key, and it apparently sends the Planar Sphere into travel. When I look at the room to the east, the bird's eye view has apparently changed to part of the Abyss.

Sahuagin Baron

Now the party goes through the north door. They briefly encounter a few Knights from the Dragonlance campaign setting. The table in the room has a bit of minor treasure, and a scroll for Khelben's Warding Whip.

Avastrian and Imoen prepare themselves with Mirror Image, and Jaheira adds Defensive Harmony. They then go through the next north door, where they have to fight a Sahuagin Baron and several of his minions. The fight isn't particularly difficult, and it's made easier when Imoen uses her Improved Kitthix Figurine right next to one of the Priestesses. Jaheira and Minsc take out the other Priestess. Avastrian got stunned, so Anomen and Keldorn take out any Sahuagin that come close to him. The battle soon becomes a mop up. The Baron leaves behind a Cloak of Protection +1.

Dark Sun Halflings

Now I begin to explore the western portions of this level of the Planar Sphere. There will be quite a few Halflings from the Dark Sun campaign setting. The first few groups are basic Warriors. Keep in mind that they can be pretty dangerous after they've drunk their potions, but I'm still able to bring them down by ganging up on them one at a time.

There will then be a narrow walkway leading west. Across the walkway will be several Halflings, including warriors, leaders named Tagon and Entu, and divine spellcasters named Kayardi and Mogadish. I remain behind the walkway, and then have Minsc scout out their location. Once their location is marked, Keldorn hits them with a Dispel Magic from off-screen in case any of them are magically protected against fire damage. Anomen casts a Fire Storm from just off-screen as well. They both retreat and regroup with the party. Most of them roast under the fire damage.

The fire doesn't affect Mogadish, who's further back. He summons both an Aerial Servant and a Fallen Deva. I take the opportunity to buff up, including Haste, Remove Fear, and Armors of Faith. I then creep closely forward. Once Mogadish comes into view, Keldorn tears his protections down with a Dispel Magic. After that the party charges forward. Most of the party goes after the Fallen Deva to take it out first and foremost. Jaheira aims an Insect Plague at the Aerial Servant so that it spreads out and prevents Mogadish from casting any more spells. Imoen chips in with a Chain Lightning. Once the Fallen Deva falls the battle becomes a mop up.

The loot includes the Ripper (+2 Longbow) and the Gauntlets of Ogre Power (sets Strength to 18/00). This will become Jaheira's gauntlets for the rest of the game. It's preferable to my former habit of buying the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength in a number of ways. One, combining the Gauntlets with a Girdle of Bluntness provides more defensive resiliency for Jaheira in comparison to the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and the Gauntlets of Weapon Skill. Secondly, the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength is going to get overtaken by other Girdles of Giant Strength, which makes the early purchase seem like wasted gold. Thirdly, it makes things better for Anomen, whom I used to have equip the Bracers of Blinding Strike. The Improved Haste effect from the Bracers only lasts for 20 seconds. I prefer Anomen to rely on the Improved Cloak of Protection for his Improved Haste effect since it will then last longer. Also, Anomen now gets to wear different gauntlets that will offer a salient benefit (e.g. THAC0 bonus) instead of a brief spell effect that I rarely used.

I continue north and fight a pair of Spiders and a pair of Ettercaps. A table in the room has some Coal, and an incomplete manual on activating a Guardian Golem. Note that Imoen also takes the time to open the door to the east, and disarm a trap on the gangway leading east. The point of this is to clear a path for Avastrian later on.

Further north still will be a room with three heat furnaces, as well as a few more Halflings led by Tabitha. I use a familiar theme here. Avastrian buffs himself with Mirror Image, Spell Shield, and Spell Immunity: Abjuration. He then rushes in by himself, and Anomen lays a Fire Storm on top. Once the Warriors and another Halfling named Necre die, Keldorn brings down Tabitha's protections with a Dispel Magic. She then easily falls.

Necre leaves behind the Stiletto of Demarchess (+2 Dagger, 20% that target must save vs. death at -2 penalty or be held for 2 rounds). Imoen disarms a trap on another gangway leading east.

Guardian Golem

Avastrian now opens the door to the east, and leads the Golems in the east room back to the party in the furnace room. This way I don't risk fighting the Golems in the narrow hallway. The room has a container which holds a Golem Head, more Coal, some gemstones, and some Arrows of Piercing.

Now I have three pieces of Coal. I need one Coal to activate each of the three furnaces in the room. This is a prerequisite to activating the Guardian Golem. I have to fight and kill a Fire Elemental each time I activate a furnace.

Now I return to the room south of the furnaces. I get Avastrian ready by lending him the Shield of Balduran and the Girdle of Frost Giant Strength. He then clicks on the machine on the left hand side to activate the Guardian Golem, and earns 23,500xp.

He then follows the Guardian Golem east, and then attacks the Elder Orb. I always make sure I get the 14,000xp for landing the killing blow on the Elder Orb, and reload if I have to.


I go down the stairs. Anomen summons a Skeleton Warrior, and then the party buffs up. Avastrian also uses Spell Shield and Spell Immunity: Abjuration. I then open the door, and have Avastrian and the Skeleton Warrior race on ahead to start the battle with Lavok, while the rest of the party hangs up.

The theme is familiar. Avastrian is safe from damaging spells, and simply occupies Lavok's attention. The lone Skeleton Warrior baits Lavok into expending his Death Spell. Once that happens, Anomen summons another pair of Skeleton Warriors. Imoen also summons a Nishruu, which begins to drain Lavok's spells. When there's the danger that Lavok will have a line of sight on the rest of the party, I close the door.

Some time elapses with Lavok expending his spells harmlessly. Once I feel enough time elapses, I open the door again and have Keldorn bring down Lavok's remaining protections with a Dispel Magic. After that Avastrian and the summoned creatures hound Lavok and wear him down. I reach a tentative bargain with Lavok.

There are two adjoining rooms. The one to the left has a couple of Spore Colonies. The container in the room has some treasure, as well as a Quarterstaff +1 and a Sling +2.

The room to the north has Lizard Men. The container in the room has a Ninja-To +1, a Battle Axe +2, and a Leather Armor +2.

Demon Hearts

Now the party travels all the way back to where they first entered the Planar Sphere. But as per the change in the bird's eye view, it leads to a part of the Abyss instead of Athkatla. I go around for a bit killing Imps and Mephits and the odd Salamander.

There are three Tan'narri here, each of whom yields a Demon Heart that can be used to power the Planar Sphere. The Tan'narri have the same powers as the Nabassu during Tales of the Sword Coast, like paralysis and silence. Add to that each of them will be aided by several monsters like Imps, Salamanders and Maurezhi that will surround the party on all sides. This can be a challenging fight, especially if multiple party members get paralyzed and vulnerable to attacks by numerous monsters.

Anomen summons five Skeletons Warriors. I add in the usual buffs like Remove Fear and Mirror Image. Avastrian then casts Haste. I am able to rush around and kill all three Tan'narri and all of its minions before the Haste wears off. I only need one Demon Heart to power up the Planar Sphere, but I still collect all three. There's a specific reason for this.

The remainder of the video consists of me doing the rounds and searching for any monsters that I can kill for the xp.


Now I go to the room with the glowing black ball in the middle. I need to touch the runes in the order of north-south-east-west to get them glowing and open the way down.

Now I go down the newly revealed stairs and have Avastrian prepare again for Mage-specific combat, including Spell Immunity: Abjuration. Anomen also summons in a Skeleton Warrior. This time I have to fight Tolgerias and another Cowled Wizard. The approach is pretty much the same. The rest of the party stays back behind the door, while Avastrian and the Skeleton Warrior occupy the Wizards' attention. It turns out that neither has a Death Spell, so Imoen summons a Nishruu that will drain their spells away.

They're not helpless though. Tolgerias summons a Glabrezu that kills off my summoned creatures, and then teleports in the midst of the rest of my party. Keldorn casts True Seeing to get rid of its Mirror Images, after which it soon falls.

Anomen then summons another Skeleton Warrior. A certain amount of time has elapsed, Keldorn uses Dispel Magic to bring down any of the Wizards' magical defences. The reason for waiting is that Mages in SCS often have Spell Immunity: Abjuration in place beforehand. Waiting it out will allow Keldorn's Dispel Magic to have fuller effect.

It's only a matter of time before the Wizards get worn down. Tolgerias leaves behind a Ring of the Ram (5-30 damage to a single target), which I won`t have any use for.

Room of Ice

There will be two adjoining rooms. The one to the north is filled with ice and snow, as well as Ice Mephits, a Winter Wolf, and some Snow Trolls. I use a familiar theme here. Jaheira protects herself with Protection from Fire. She and Avastrian then go into the room by themselves, protected against both fire and physical attacks. Anomen plants a Fire Storm right on top of everything, burning everything to a crisp.

Imoen disarms a couple of traps in the room. A container in the middle has some Arrows of Ice, a scroll of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, and a Helm of Defense. I save this for an upgrade later on.

Room of Fire

The room to the east will have plenty of fire-based creatures, including several Fire and Magma Mephits, a Greater Fire Elemental, and an Efreeti. This can be pretty dangerous, as both the Elemental and the Efreeti can make generous use of fire-damage spells like Fireball and Fire Storm.

The approach is similar. Avastrian layers a Mirror Image on top of his Stoneskin, and enters the room by himself. Imoen follows closely behind, and hits the monsters with a Chain Lightning, and then a Cone of Cold, to move things along. It soon becomes a mop up.

Imoen disarms two more traps in this room. A container in the middle has Arrows of Fire, a Staff of Fire +2 (Fire Elementals must save vs. spells or be destroyed, Fire Shield: Red with limited charges, summon 8HD Fire Elemental with limited charges), and a Tower Shield +1, +4 vs. missile weapons. Jaheira equips the shield, as I will soon use the Saving Grace as part of an upgrade.

Power Core

Stairs from either room leads to the power core. Several Golems will be around, guarding the narrow walkways. The Adamantite Golems get replaced by smaller Juggernaut Golems in SCS. This means that the ol' tactic of picking off the Clay and Stone Golems at a distance and then saving the Adamantite Golem for last won't work anymore. I've gotta go the distance. But since I've good armor and good THAC0, I can still manage.

A cache towards the northeast will have 6,666gp, plenty of gems, and a Ring of Danger Sense (+20% to Find Traps). Imoen equips the Ring but saves her Ring of Lock Picks, as both will become part of the Gloves of the Master Thief under the Item Upgrade Mod.

I click on the Power Core itself with a Demon Heart in my inventory, and then it cranks up and has the Planar Sphere travel back to Athkatla. Everyone in the party gets 45,500xp.

Lavok's Wish

Now I return to Lavok, and carry out his wish to be brought outside of the Planar Sphere before he dies. He gifts the Planar Sphere itself to me and then passes away, giving me another xp bonus. He leaves behind the Ring of Acuity (+2 2nd level spells, +1 3rd level spell, +1 4th level spell, Mages only).

A possible alternative that's available under the Item Upgrade mod is the Sorcerian Ring (+1 armor class, +1 to saving throws, +1 each of 1st to 7th level spells). It requires the Ring of Wizardry, the Ring of Acuity, the Amulet of Metaspell Influence, a Ring of Protection +1, and 20,000gp to make. The thing is, items available under the Item Upgrade mod do not always amount to an improvement. And indeed,the question a player always needs to ask himself is does the benefits of amalgamating more than one item for a single character outweigh the benefits of more than character each having one of the original items? The answer is, it depends. When I tried this out, I found that I missed my Fighter/Mage having extra 2nd and 4th level spells, since those extra Mirror Images and Stoneskin can really come in handy. The original Ring of Wizardry, providing extra 5th and 6th and 7th level spells, was also perfectly adequate for Imoen. I thus still prefer my original setup of Imoen having the Ring of Wizardry and Avastrian having the Ring of Acuity.

I then head back to the Harper Hold in the Docks District. I unlock the painting, and pick up the Helm of Charm Protection, where I had left it in storage.

I then head over to Cromwell's, and have the following made for me under the Item Upgrade mod:

Tomas Bendelias

When the message 'Gold has been placed in your keep' appears over Avastrian, it usually means 500gp has been placed in the book case where I first found the Keep Key. I show that near the end of the video. I can adjust the taxes, but I risk a peasant rebellion if I drive the taxes too high. Roleplaying-wise, I don't do that because I roleplay Avastrian as a good intentioned hero.

Secondly, the 'Gold has been placed in your keep' message often but not always means that a major event for my Keep is about to happen. I thus head back to the Keep and speak with the Major Domo. A merchant named Tolmas Bendelias demands compensation for his caravan that was destroyed by bandits (1000gp) and an assurance that the roads leading to the Keep will be protected (500gp). I cater to his demands, but get 15,000xp. Note that in spite of the 500gp every so often, the Keep itself is not actually profitable, but nonetheless still worth it for the xp rewards that come up.

Teos and the Knights of Solamnia

Now I step back into the Planar Sphere. The Knights of Solamnia plead with me to find a way for them to return to their home world. I tell them I'll look into it.

A Cowled Wizard named Teos appears immediately thereafter, and offers to allow me to keep the Sphere in exchange for performing the occasional service for the Cowled Wizards. I agree to the arrangement. I also bring up the subject of the Knights of Solamnia. He suggests either seeing Ribald, or the Order of the Radiant Heart.

I go with the former. I sell off my excess loot to Ribald. I then pay him 10,000gp to arrange for somebody to send the Knights back to their home world.

I then return to the Sphere, and rest for 24 hours. A wizard named Khollymnuus Paac arrives. The leader of the Knights gifts me with the Golden Girdle (+3 armor class vs. slashing weapons), which Avastrian equips as he already has a Strength score of 19 and thus doesn't really need a Girdle of Giant Strength. It will ultimately become part of the Girdle of Glory, but not yet. Kholly then sends the Knights home.

Also, Teos tasks me with the training of three apprentices, Morul, Larz, and Nara. Each of them wants to explore three possibilities for item enchantment, a Wand of the Apprenti, a Ring of Protection, or a magical dagger. The dagger is the safest option, as the other two are likely to get one or more of them killed. Note that I intend to collect a good xp reward for keeping them alive, so I select the Dagger. For any of you playing the Planar Sphere as a stronghold, pay attention to the response when you select one of their options. If the response includes 'in a few days', it means all of the apprentices will live afterwards. If you get a definite number of days as part of the reponse, like 'in three days', it means at least one of the apprentices will get killed. So I insist on the 'a few days' response before saving my game.

My next quest involves a series of murders in the Bridge District.

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