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Bard's Tale 1 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Sewers:   Level One  |  Level Two  |  Level Three


Sewers, Level 1

Now I want to take a moment for explaining how I want to handle the dungeons in the games. I want to make in-game progress towards my final confrontation with Mangar, but I also want to milk the set encounters against random monsters along the way. However, there are a few difficulties that I have to contend with. One, I have committed myself to an extended trek through multiple levels of the Sewers. However, I do not have a lot of Spell Points to draw upon. So when I do take advantage of the set encounters, as much as possible I want avoid taking any damage to party members and thereby force the expenditure of Spell Points, even if that means reloading a quick-save to get an easier fight against fewer monsters after taking damage during a previous attempt. I think of it as a compromise between ensuring the survival of my party, and getting at least some xp out of it.

*NOTE* Also, I refuse to enter any dark zones that will snuff out my light spell unless I absolutely have to (i.e. reach the stairs to the next level). And again, the point is to preserve my Spell Points that I don't have that much of. *ALSO* dmc points out that it's cheap enough to bring a few Lamps for the occassion if you're really pressed to save on Spell Points.

6 Spiders

I go W N W N N and E through the door for a set encounter against 6 Spiders, which I manage to win without a scratch. I next do the set encounter against random monsters at 19N 7E.

I then continue north and do the fights against random monsters at 0N 7E, 3N 11E and 4N 10E. The video concludes with the party backtracking and stopping one square east of the stairs back up to the Cellar.

7 Spiders

I go east and do set fights against random monsters at 18N 12E and 18N 10E. A set fight against 7 Spiders is at 16N 8E.

3 Black Widows

I go a little east and then south, where I complete fights at 11N 10E and 12N 13E.

I continue southeast and do the fight at 8N 17E. One square south of that fight is a message that Golems are made of stone.

A set fight against 3 Black Widows (which can cause Poisoning with their bites) is at 4N 17E. I insist on killing them without a scratch or any Poisoning, reloading if I have to.

8 Spiders

I go to 8N 11E, where I win a fight against 8 Spiders.

I then go to the teleporter at 6N 11E, which brings me to 16N 12E.

5 Spiders

I continue northeast until I get to fight against random monsters at 19N 15E. I also win a set fight against 5 Spiders at 19N 17E.

I continue more or less east, winning fights at 15N 20E, 20N 18E, 20N 21E, and then at 17N 0E and 17N 2E.

Another 3 Black Widows

I complete fights against random monsters at 12N 11E, 12N 4E and 12N 3E.

Another set fight against 3 Black Widows is at 13N 0E. And again I insist on killing them without a scratch or any Poisoning, reloading if I have to.

Spidergod Statue

I go to 11N 1E for a fight against random monsters. At the end of the hallway at 9N 4E is the statue of a Spidergod. I search it, and it turns into a Spinner, a slightly more powerful version of a Black Widow. I manage to kill it before it can do anything.

I thereafter finish fights against random monsters at 8N 2E, 7N 5E and 6N 3E.

Spider Etching

Now I make my way through the southwest corner of the level, finishing fights against random monsters at 0N 0E, 2N 4E and 0N 2E.

I do another fight at 4N 7E, which includes a couple of Swordsmen, a Magician, and four Conjurers who start off at 60'. I kill off the Swordsmen and Magician as quickly as I can. I advance towards the Conjurers in subsequent rounds, but stop myself just short at a range of 20'. From that point onwards, I have my warriors attack and my Rogue go into hiding. This has three points. One, I avoid walking within range of their melee attacks and Arc's Fire spells. Second, Cassandra can pick them off one by one with her sneak attacks at 20' range. Third, sure, the warriors swing at thin air at first. But at some point the Conjurers decide to advance within range themselves, and walk straight into my physical attacks to end the fight.

There is an etching of a spider in the room, apparently just to make the point that much more obvious that there's lots of spiders on this level. I back track the way I came and then head east along the long hallway for a bit.

4 Black Widows

There is a set fight against 4 Black Widows at 1N 13N. And again I make a point of killing them without getting touched or Poisoned.

I then do a series of fights throughout the southeast corner 0N 16E, 2N 17E, 1N 19E, 1N 21E, 3N 20E, 4N 21E, 7N 21E and 7N 20E.

5 Black Widows

At 10N 21E is a set fight against 5 Black Widows. I continue on to the fights against random monsters at 11N 21E and 13N 21E.


I fight random monsters at 10N 19E. I thereafter find a cryptic message in the form of the words: "IRKM DESMET DAEM".

After that, I go S E N N W N. I'm now in a darkened zone that snuffs out my light spell. But unperturbed, I continue W W N N to reach the stairs to the second level of the Sewers. Talia casts Greater Revelation after I go down the stairs.
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