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Bard's Tale 1 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Kylearan's Tower:   Castle, Level Three  |  Kylearan's Tower  |  To Mangar's Tower


Castle, Level 3

Remember the tower in the northeast corner of Skara Brae, and how you couldn't reach it through the gates? Reaching that tower means taking the Eye found in the third level of the Catacombs, and using it in the third level of the Castle.

Castle 3, North Side

As usual, I start by casting Phase Door and the south wall and then walking through to the stairs leading up to the second level.

Castle, Level 2

Now I walk in a sequence of N E N W W W W W W W W N W N N W S S S S S E S E E E E E N and W to reach the portal at 19N 19E. I press Q to go up the portal.

Castle, Level 3

I am now up on the third level. I do a few fights against random monsters on the north side of the level in a sequence of 16N 20E, 21N 1E, 19N 6E, 17N 12E and 13N 15E.

Old Man

I make my way through a lengthy and winding hallway until I reach 5N 3E, where I encounter an Old Man. The answer to his question is: "Skull Tavern". If you get the answer wrong, you'll have to fight him and four Lesser Demons. This fight can be a bother, since he can cast Stone Touch. I give the right answer more for the sake of completeness than anything else.

Now I do the numerous fights against random monsters that are clustered near the southwest corner. This part can be tricky, and in more than one way. A lot of the doors are one way, sometimes you have to take the long way around to the next fight, or even double back to where you had been previously. The area itself has a lot of dark squares. It also has plenty of traps, but that isn't anything that the Locate Traps and Trap Zap can't take care of. Also, once you do the fight at 3N 5E, the only way is to go to the teleporter at 4N 6E, which will take you to 0N 0E.

*Note* At 2N 3E is a clue that the Crystal Sword is needed to permanently defeat a guardian. I eventually make my way to 0N 7E.

Castle 3, Central Tunnels

Notice that there's a network of long tunnels in the central portion of the level and extending to its southern edge. I complete the fights against random monsters along those tunnels in a sequence of 0N 8E, 0N 10E, 2N 10E, 4N 10E, 4N 8E, 10N 17E, 10N 20E, 7N 7E and 11N 12E.

Castle Crossroads

Now I commit myself to the fights against random monsters on the west side. I start with the fights at 15N 3E and 15N 1E, and then come back out the doors.

I do the rest of the fights in a sequence of 14N 3E, 14N 1E, 13N 1E, 12N 0E, 10N 0E, 9N 0E, 7N 1E, 9N 1E and 11N 1E. After the last fight, I go one square north and one square east out the door.

That brings me to a hallway. I go another six squares south, and end up in a dark zone at the end of the hallway. I go another two squares west to hit the teleporter, which takes me to 20N 10E.

I am now in a room shaped like a cross. There are more teleporters in all directions from where I'm standing. The east, west and south teleporters would all take me to 16N 0E. Only the north teleporter takes me to where I need to go, at 12N 20E.

4 x 99 Berserkers

Now I go the length of the hallway, E S S S S W W N N W S S W W N N W S S W W W W S S S and E through the door.

On the other side is one of the most famous fights in the whole series, against 4 groups of 99 Berserkers. *Note* There's a way to avoid this fight. Remember when I indicated that the Berserkers in Green Robes on the first floor provided a clue for avoiding a major fight afterwards. This is the fight. If every single party member comes here wearing Green Robes, the Berserkers will recognize the party members as Castle staff and let them pass.

However, I prefer to slaughter every last one of them. I already Ybarra's Mystical Force in place. Ariel now sings the Traveller's Tune. Talia casts Mithril Might while Mordred casts Kylerean's Invisibility. They all stack together for cumulative improvements to AC, although the Berserkers were already having trouble connecting on any attacks as it was.

After that, a double shot of Mangar's Mind Blade from both Talia and Mordred suffices to wipe most of them out. The warriors finish off the survivors in subsequent combat rounds.

Statue of the Mad God

I go through the door to the south, and then through the door to the east. There's an anti-magic square on the other side of that door, so I go one square north and put my persistent spells (Cat Eyes, Kiel's Magic Compass, Ybarra's Mystical Force back up.

I am now in a large rectangular room in the southeast corner of the level. There will be several spinners on the east side of the room, although the squares touching the east wall won't have any. My goal is to get across those spinners and reach a statue on the other side. I go along the north wall, since that means I'll only have to get across two spinners. I touch a left or right key, and check to see which direction I am now facing. If I'm facing the northeast corner of the room, that's when I'll press the up key to move another square east.

Once I get across, I go to the the Statue at 1N 21E. Remember the Eye I got from the Spectre in the Catacombs? It now reunites with the Statue, and becomes the Mad God named Tarjan who now attacks me. He can be dangerous since he can cast Stone Touch, although in this instance I took him out easily.

Skara Brae

Look at the northeast corner. Kylearan's Tower is normally cut off by the gates. Defeating the Mad God has resulted in my being teleported on the other side of those gates, and next to the entrance. I take the stairs up to explore Kylearan's Tower.
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