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Bard's Tale 1 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Catacombs:   Level One  |  Level Two  |  Level Three


Catacombs, Level 1

The overriding purpose of coming to the Catacombs is to acquire a key item that is needed to make progress. But I'll still milk all three levels for every bit of xp that they can offer along the way.

Temple of the Mad God

I enter the Temple of the Mad God, which is on the east side of the Grand Plaza. I speak the name "Tarjan" to be allowed to enter the first level of the Catacombs.

*NOTE* The first time you enter the temple, an easter egg of sorts becomes available. You can speak the name "Burger" (a reference to Becky Burger, one of the developers of the original series) to get a fight against 99 Ancient Enemies, 99 Jabberwocks, 99 Mind Mazers and 99 Gimps. Keep in mind these are monsters you would find in small numbers in the last dungeons of the game, but more power to you if you can find a way to pull it off. Note that the opportunity arises only once. Once you speak "Tarjan" to enter the Catacombs, the opportunity to use the "Burger" word will be gone ... at least until you've defeated Mangar, when the chance for it comes again.

9 Wights

I make my way to a set fight against random monsters at 3N 2E, and then another random monster fight at 3N 7E. The monsters in the first two levels of the Catacombs will be the same kinds as I fought in the third level of the Sewers.

I continue east and follow the long hallway to its length, catching smoke in the eyes which will temporarily limit my vision. I do the fight against random monsters at 4N 9E.

I back track out the hallway, and make for 0N 6E, where I have to fight 9 Wights. I can kill them off very easily by now without having to worry about Withering.

5 Ghouls

I continue eastwards and finish the fights against random monsters at 0N 7E, 0N 8E and 0N 10E.

There are five Ghouls at 0N 9E, but I kill them without a scratch or aging.

28 Zombies

Now I back track N E E N W W W S W N W W and N. I cast Locate Traps and then cast Trap Zap to disarm the trap ahead.

I continue N N N W W W S W W S S and S through the door for another fight against random monsters.

After that, I go N N N N N N W W W and W for a fight against 28 Zombies. I don't mind hacking them down one by one, and I want to conserve my Spell Points since I plan of doing the entire Catacombs in one run. I go back out the doors I came through.

52 Skeletons

Now I go S W W W W S S E E S S and E through the door for a fight against random monsters. I continue W W W W S S S S and E though the door. I end up in a dark zone that snuffs out my Cat Eyes spell.

I now go N N E E E S W S E S W W and W through the door. I find a clue that hints at a powerful monster (which shows up in the second level of the Catacombs).

I then go E N and N through the door for a fight against 52 Skeletons. I hack them down one by one, and then back track out of the dark zone.

39 Skeletons

First I make my way to the fight against random monsters at 1N 13E. After that, there's a fight against 39 Skeletons at 6N 14E.

45 Zombies

I go west a bit, and enter the large open central hub of the level. I round the southeast corner of the hub, and go through the door to reach 10N 18E. I get a message indicating that I'm in a burial chamber which few besides the Priests of Tarjan have seen and lived afterwards.

I go north a couple of squares and then face east. I use Trap Zap on the trap at 12N 21E. At 10N 21E is a fight against 45 Zombies. I leave the Burial Chamber after killing off the Zombies.

11 Wights

I go back to the central hub and travel along its northeast corner, and then leave through its northern side. I first complete the fight against random monsters at 18N 14E.

After that, I defeat 11 Wights at 16N 6E.

66 Skeletons

At 12N 3E is a fight against 66 Skeletons, and again I don't mind hacking them down one by one.

Stairs to the Second Level

Now I make my way to the very northwest corner of the level. From there, I go through the series of long hallways on the north edge of the level. I finish the fights against random monsters at 21N 15E, 20N 4E and 21N 18E.

I back track, and put up a Cat Eyes spell again only after I've come back across the dark hallway.

I make my way through the door leading to 17N 0E. I loop around to the other side of the room and fight random monsters at 17N 21E.

After that, I use Trap Zap on the trap at 18N 18E. I then go to the stairs at 15N 16E, which leads to the second level of the Catacombs.
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