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Bard's Tale 1 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Catacombs:   Level One  |  Level Two  |  Level Three


Catacombs, Level 2

Catacombs 2, Northeast

I do all the fights against random monsters that are clustered around the stairs in the northeast quarter of the level, in order to rack up the xp while I'm here.

When I finish the fight at 18N 12E, I face west and cast Trap Zap to get rid of a few traps in the adjacent room.

When I am finished with the fights, I leave through a door to arrive at 18N 19E.

Chambers of Bashar Kavilor

I follow the long hallway to its end, where an anti-magic square snuffs out my persistent spells. I go two squares west, face south, and then cast Trap Zap to clear out more traps in my path.

I go two squares south, and put my persistent spells back up besides Cat Eyes. I also add Kiel's Magic Compass to better navigate for the time being.

After that, I go west through the door and then deal with a couple of fights against random monsters at 18N 7E and 18N 8E. When I am finished with the fights, I make my way back to 16N 9E.

Bashar Kavilor

I go southwards and through the dark hallway. I end up at 12N 10E, where I have to fight the High Priest of Tarjan named Bashar Kavilor.

He's a Master Sorcerer, and can therefore summon Storm Giants and/or Red Dragons. He also, as in this instance, frequently starts off at a distance of 20'. He summons a Storm Giant when I advance on him. Even so, I quickly kill him and the Giant notwithstanding that the Giant did some damage to Gallard. Mordred casts a Cat Eyes spell when I'm done.

49 Wights

First I go one square south and one square east through the secret door. I get a message that reads: "To the tower fly, a mad one die, once lost the eye." What that means will eventually become known during later parts of the game.

Now I go five squares west, and fight 49 Wights. I can safely hack them down one by one once Ariel uses her Traveller's Tune. She also uses Bahdr Kilnfest to help Gallard recover his Hit Points from the previous battle.


First I have Ariel play Lucklaran as a long last pre-buff in anticipation of the next fight, and at least one other fight thereafter. I then go E E E N W N N N W W S E S S W and N through the door. I run into Bashar's pet Grey Dragon, Sphynx. Fortunately, my Lucklaran is already in place to provide a saving throw bonus against his fiery breath, and he's already within melee range (sometimes he starts 20' or 30' back), so I hack him to death in the first round.

I exit the small room through the west door.

Catacombs 2, Northwest

I make my way towards the northwest corner of the level. At 18N 2E is a spinner, which can change the direction the party is facing when they step on it. It is easy enough to navigate with the help of an active Kiel's Magic Compass spell. Just step on it, and press either left or right until your magic compass is pointing in the direction you want to go in.

I fight the random monsters at 20N 10E after getting past the spinner. I then make my way southwards and do the fights against random monsters at 10N 0E, 10N 8E and 10N 10E.

After that, I make my to 9N 3E so as to bring myself into the southern part of the level.

Catacombs 2, Southwest

I use Trap Zap on the trap at 5N 4E. Now I do the fights against random monsters at 7N 6E, 2N 7E, 4N 5E, 7N 2E and 4N 2E.

Soul Sucker

I begin by using Trap Zap on the trap at 1N 4E. I then make my way to 1N 8E, and go through the door to the south.

Now I just keep going east non-stop through a series of doors that close behind me until I run into the Soul Sucker at 0N 21E. Be warned, this is a high-level monster can cause 200+ damage on multiple party members with its breath weapon. And it can sometimes start off 20' back. Lucky me that I had Lucklaran in place beforehand. I advance on it, but Zarathos takes some damage from its single-target Gaze attack. I kill it the next round.

There is nowhere to go but another square east to 0N 0E. That means I am now in the Stasis Chamber. There is no way out, except to cast the Apport Arcane spell and teleport out. I am content to simply go one square north.

Catacombs 2, Southeast

First I use Trap Zap on the trap at 5N 0E. I then do the fights against random monsters at 6N 20E, 6N 18E, 6N 21E, 2N 20E and 2N 18E.

I next use Trap Zap on the trap at 5N 17E. After that I do the fights against random monsters at 6N 15E, 4N 16E, 2N 16E, 4N 13E and 8N 15E. I put a Cat's Eye spell after leaving the dark room.

Stairs to the Third Level

I use Trap Zap on the trap at 5N 12E. I then do the fights against random monsters at 4N 10E and 6N 9E.

The fight at 8N 10E can only be reached through the use of either an Apport Arcane or a Phase Door spell. I used the latter.

Once that fight is done, I use another Phase Door spell on the east wall to reach the stairs to the third level of the Catacombs at 8N 11E.
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