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Bard's Tale 2 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Destiny Stone: Level One | Level Two | Level Three | Lagoth Zanta


Destiny Stone, Level 3

The Sixth

The entire level is all silent squares, which really sucks for any Bards who come here. Life Suckers can drain levels, so I have to kill them very quickly and / or keep them at a distance (e.g. Far Foes, which I can usually get off before they attack). Same considerations with Stonra Guards, who can cause Stoning to characters.

I start off at 3N 18E. I begin by winning fights against random monsters at 2N 20E, 2N 15E, 2N 7E, 3N 7E, 5N 7E, 2N 1E, 2N 21E, 0N 4E and 0N3E.

At 0N 2E is one of several sets of directions relevant to the last Snare, this one being "the sixth": S S S W N N W S S W W W W N E E E N N E N.

The Third

I go east and win fights against random monsters at 0N 7E, 2N 10E, 0N 10E, 0N 9E, 2N 11E, 2N 12E, 2N 14E, 0N 16E, 2N 18E and 2N 17E.

Is it after the last fight that I find another set of directions, this one being "the third": W S E S S W W W W W W W W N N N N E E E S S E E E N N.

The Narn Temple Lies Close to the Sage

I win fights against random monsters at 0N 21E and 0N 1E. I get a message after the last fight that reads: "The Narn Temple lies close to the sage, to the south west of Corinth."

The Fourth

I continue east and win fights against random monsters at 20N 9E, 20N 10E, 20N 12E, 20N 13E, 0N 13E, 20N 18E, 20N 19E, 0N 19E and 20N 21E.

I get "the fourth" set of directions after the last fight: W S W W N E N.

The Second

I win fights against random monsters at 20N 2E, 20N 1E, 20N 3E, 20N 4E, 20N 5E, 20N 6E, 20N 7E, 18N 7E, 18N 6E and 20N 8E.

I get "the second" set of directions after the last fight: S S S W W W W W W N N W N E E S S E E N W N E E N.

The Seventh

I now win fights against random monsters at 18N 11E, 20N 14E, 20N 16E, 18N 17E, 18N 16E, 18N 21E, 16N 20E, 16N 21E, 16N 1E, 18N 2E and 18N 1E.

I get "the seventh" set of directions after the last fight: S W W W W W W S S W W N N N E E E E E E N.

***NOTE*** My playthrough was before the latest patch, which switched the locations for the seventh and first directions. My video shows my party getting the seventh set of directions here, but after the patch they'll actually get the first set of directions here. The seventh set of directions will now be at 16N 18E.

The Fifth

I win fights against random monsters at 16N 3E and 16N 4E. I next step through the door to the south.

Now I win fights against random monsters at 16N 9E and 16N 12E. I thereafter backtrack and return north through the door at 15N 4E, and back into the hallway on the other side.

I continue with winning fights against random monsters at 18N 4E, 16N 6E, 16N 7E and 16N 8E.

I get "the fifth" set of directions after the last fight: S S S W W W W W N E E E E N W W W W N E E E N.

The First

I win fights against random monsters at 18N 8E, 16N 11E, 16N 14E, 18N 15E, 18N 13E, 16N 15E, 18N 18E and 16N 18E.

I get "the first" set of directions after the last fight: S S S W N W W W W N E E E E N W N.

I drop a few items from my inventory to make room, and take back the Kato's Bracer from the Kringle Brother, who is about to be replaced.

***NOTE*** My playthrough was before the latest patch, which switched the locations for the seventh and first directions. My video shows my party getting the first set of directions here, but after the patch they'll actually get the first set of directions here. The first set of directions will now be at 18N 1E.

Snare #7

I go one square east to 16N 19E and fight some random monsters. I afterwards get teleported to 4N 9E to start the seventh and last snare.

There won't be anything through the door to the west at 7N 8E, for now. Also, avoid the teleporters at 7N 9E, 10N 5E and 12N 4E. They only send you back a few squares to where you previously were.

The next immediate objective is the Magic Mouth at 13N 1E, which asks for the name of the "hands that did the deed". The correct answer is "Storm Fists", which isn't necessary the first go round. I gave it to get teleported to 8N 14E. If I had given the wrong answer, I would have been teleported inside the dark room at 9N 12E. I go to 13N 14E, and get teleported inside the dark room anyway.

A Magic Mouth at 10N 8E says: "A tale to tell of ages gone, which birds once sang in deep despair, of he who fought the evil one, and cast his fate within the Snare. Past shuttered door and fractured glass, the Dark One called into the gale; within the black and shadowed mass, the face of Bold began to pale. As Storm Fists scored his broken back, and steel whirled within his bloody hand, the Bold one screamed and then, alack, his sword became brittle sand. The one of pure and solid creed - was gone and bent to evil's task. Until by good he shall be freed, his name is all I truly ask."

The obvious answer, since hints have dropped about him the whole game, is "Zen Master". The Zen Master replaces the Kringle Brother in the party.

Note also the rather extended query by the Magic Mouth. "Storm Fists" is provided as the name of the "hands that did the deed." There is one other clue provided in that query.

I go to the teleporter at 10N 13E, which takes me to 10N 14E. Talia activates Wand Segment 5 again to put a light back up.

I go to the Magic Mouth at 12N 18E, which wants an answer based on "where went evil's call." If you look at the previous Magic Mouth's query, the correct answer is obviously "gale".

The reward for providing the correct answer is getting The Ring in my inventory. *Note* It is very important to have the Zen Master as the first party member, AND to have him equipped with The Ring, in order to complete the rest of the snare.

Now I go to 7N 18E. I am now in a large complex of adjoined small rooms. Now the catch is, the doors and walls in this complex can change and shift.

Furthermore, the next immediate objective is to make my way through the small rooms and reach 8N 16E. But how? Remember the clues titled "the first" and "the second" and so on, each followed by directions? There are seven such directional hints. And so the remainder of the Snare becomes clear. I must travel from 7N 18E to 8N 16E seven times, each time according to the clues. Each set of directions describe the steps I have to take AFTER arriving at 7N 18E as well.

*NOTE* Another matter of importance is to again have the Zen Master in your first party slot, and with him having The Ring equipped. Without that, some of the doors you need to go through remain walls, and the directional hints won't work.

So now I complete my first trip through the rooms to reach 8N 16E according to "the first" set of directions: S S S W N W W W W N E E E E N W and N. I go north another square to 9N 16E, and get teleported to 4N 8E.

Now there is one other matter to take care of before I go on the second trip through the room maze. I go west through the door from 7N 8E. Now I go to the teleporter at 4N 7E, which takes me to 4N 5E. From there I go to 8N 4E. I get a hint, "He's a corpse without a past until you call his name ... Arkast!". After that I go to 7N 5E, which teleports me to 7N 7E. I step east through the door.

Now I can make my way back to the Magic Mouth at 13N 1E, and provide the correct answer of "Storm Fists" to get teleported to 8N 14E. The point of providing "Storm Fists" as the answer is to bring me a little closer to the small rooms maze, and without having to put a light back up.

Now it's a matter of doing the remaining six trips through the Maze, and answering "Storm Fists" to the Magic Mouth in between each trip, until all seven trips have been completed. Those trips are of course:

It is after completing the last trip that I get teleported instead to 11N 16E. I two squares north and one square west to 13N 15E. The Magic Mouth asks: "The one of whom is great in fame, restore to him his proper name" The correct answer is "Arkast" to open the door to the north.

I go one square north to 14N 15E, and am rewarded with Wand Segment 7. I also get teleported to the stairs leading out of the Destiny Stone.


148th Level

First I go to Roscoe's at 1N 11E on the map of Colosse. I recharge Talia and Mordred, and also pay him to identify the special power on Wand Segment 7, which is the Brothers Kringle spell without limit.

I also kick the Zen Master out of the party after taking back the Kato's Bracer and The Ring (the game will let me sell crucial items to Garth, but won't let me get rid of them by kicking out a summoned creature who has them).

I next head over to Garth's 2N 5E. I sell everything besides the Wand Segments, the Master Key, and an Aram's Knife that I happened to get while making my way through the Destiny Stone.

It's to the Adventurer's Board next at 7N 9E, and take Ariel back into the party.

The Review Board is at 6N 11E. I advance characters in my party as follows:

I leave Colosse when I am done. I am about to have my final confrontation with Lagoth Zanta.
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