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Bard's Tale 2 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Grey Crypt:   Level One  |  Level Two  |  Dream Words


The Forest

Now my purpose is to collect the remaining words for the Dream Spell after finding the first one in the second level of the Grey Crypt. In the original games, it was enough to know with 20/20 hindsight after playing the game the first time around that ZZGO was the Dreamspell. And in fact, you could use ZZGO as soon as you learned the 7th-level Sorcerer spells.

The Remastered version requires that you learn the dream words first before any spellcaster can learn and use the spell. As this is a new modification introduced in the Remastered, I wasn't sure if the words needed to be learned in order, or if it would be enough to recite them in order when the time came to learn the spell. I didn't want to chance it that I'd have to things all over again, so I put off getting the other words until I learned the first one in the Grey Crypt.


Dream Word: MALLET

I travel to Thessalonica, and enter the Maze of Dread (at 14N 11E).

Maze of Dread, Level 2

I cast Apport Arcane with coordinates 9 10 -1, and a Magic Mouth reveals that the second dream word is "MALLET". I cast another Apport Arcane with the coordinates reversed (-9 -10 1) to leave the Maze of Dread, and then Thessalonica.

Fanskar's Castle

Dream Word: HEAL

I make my way to Fanskar's Castle and go in through the gate. I can't use Apport Arcane, so I'll get to get the third word the hard way.

I go north into the dark zone, and win fights against random monsters at 10N 0E, 13N 0E, 14N 0E and 14N 3E.

I go on more square east and north through the door. I win fights against random monsters at 15N 4E, 21N 3E, 19N 2E, 17N 2E, 16N 2E and 16N 3E.

The teleporter at 17N 4E takes me to 17N 7E. I win fights against random monsters at 16N 6E, 16N 9E and 17N 11E.

I follow the long winding hallway to its end. I win fights against random monsters at 15N 20E, 17N 21E and 19N 20E.

The third word, "HEAL", is at 20N 21E.

I back track until I get to 15N 19E and then go south through the door. I go east one square to win a fight against random monsters at 14N 19E.

After that, I go two squares east and then straight south until I reach the stairs to leave the Castle.


125th Level

I travel to Corinth, and go to the Review Board at 12N 2E. The party members advance as follows:

I then go to the Roscoe's at 4N 0E and have Roscoe identify the magic power of Wand Segment. It allows me to use the HEAL spell without limit, which is very significant. I have Talia equip it.

I next go to Garth's and sell everything besides the Item of Kazdek, the Master Key, and the Wand Segments.

Now I enter Oscon's Fortress again at 13N 8E.

Oscon's Fort, Level 2

Dream Word: Strike

I cast Apport Arcane with coordinates 16 19 1, and end up having to kill a few monsters. I afterwards get the fourth dream word: "STRIKE".

Now I cast Apport Arcane again with the coordinates reversed and then leave Corinth.


Dream Word: DISRUPT

I enter Dargoth's Tower at 2N 13E on the map of Philippi.

Dargoth's Tower, Level 3

I next cast Apport Arcane with coordinates 8 13 2.

Now I get the last dream word: "DISRUPT". I cast Apport Arcane with the coordinates reversed after that.

It is time for the last dungeon, the Destiny Stone.
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