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Bard's Tale 2 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Tombs:   Level One  |  Level Two  |  Level Three


Tombs, Level 2

Strange Mage Wants Two Words

I win fights against random monsters at 19N 18E, 20N 15E, 19N 14E, 21N 12E, 20N 9E, 21E 8E, 18N 9E, 19N 7E, 20N 5E and 17N 4E.

At 21N 0E is a portal going back up to the first level if you need it. I go through the door west of the portal, which loops around to 21N 21E. I get a message: "The strange mage wants two words: What Tr. did. in answer to the paradox, and what word he said at the end of things."

I go back out and to 17N 1E. I cast Trap Zap while facing south. I next go to 17N 0E and likewise cast Trap Zap while facing south. The reason is that the room beyond is riddled with traps.


I step onto 16N 0E, and my Master Mage goes hostile on me. Talia and Mordred both cast Camaraderie to calm him down. I use Trap Zap on two more traps at the south part of the room, and then leave through the door going south.

I go along the hallway that starts east, winning fights against random monsters at 11N 5E, 11N 13E and 10N 13E.

At 10N 8E is the Keymaster. I buy the Master Key, which I'll need soon, from him for 50,000 gp. I back track to where the hallway had started.

Only the One

Now I go down the hallway that runs along the west edge of the level, winning fights against random monsters at 11N 0E and 6N 0E.

I go west through the door from 1N 0E, and loop around to 1N 21E. The room is filled with anti-magic squares, so now I use a Lamp.

I go north two squares and win a fight against random monsters at 3N 21E. At 4N 21E is a Magic Mouth that tells me: "The test of time has laid to waste the power of the true wand. Only the One can save it, yet at a cost of losing his old life ...".

The Great T

Now I go back into the anti-magic room and fight the random monsters at 1N 19E. I continue on to the next room and fight the random monsters at 2N 17E.

At 1N 17E is a message that reads: "The great T had, at the end of things, to beg, with a kind word." It is relevant to gaining entrance to the last dungeon.

I back track and go north along the hallway that hugs the western edge of the level, until I get to 10N 0E.

The Dead King

I start by casting Locate Traps. Once I'm ready, I travel from 10N 0E along the winding hallway that starts east. I fight random monsters at 9N 5E, 8N 3E and 7N 3E.

The room at the end of the hallway has several squares that drain Spell Points, which is unavoidable. It is also filled with traps, so I use the Trap Zap spell more than once to clear a path.

At 6N 8E is the Dead King. Gallard one-shots him with his Deadlyrang. I am immediately afterwards teleported to 2N 13E.

Scratchings on the Walls

Now I go through a series of rooms that have a smaller room in their centers, and teleporters in their corners.

The scratching on the wall at 1N 14E says: "He was told to burn, and in that paradox knew a multitude of solutions". I next fight random monsters at 1N 15E. The teleporter at 0N 13E takes me to 0N 10E.

I fight more random monsters at 1N 10E. The teleporter at 2N 10E takes me to 2N 7E.

I fight random monsters at 1N 9E. The teleporter at 0N 7E takes me to 0N 4E.

The scratching on the wall at 1N 5E says: "The great one knew success at all points. Defeat was never etched on his destiny." The teleporter at 2N 4E takes me to 2N 1E.

The scratching on the wall at 1N 2E says: "Trachaem's task was always reversed. This is the paradox." These clues are also relevant to gaining entrance to the last dungeon.

I next go through the secret door north where I had last been teleported to, and make my way along the long hallway that goes east.

Now I win fights against random monsters at 4N 10E, 5N 10E and 5N 11E.


I go west through the door from 6N 11E, and then follow the long-dark hallway to its end, using Trap Zap along the way when I need to. There's a cluster of small rooms side by side with each other near the northeast corner at the end of the hallway. I fight and kill random monsters in all of them, 16N 17E, 16N 18E, 16N 19E, 16N 20E and 16N 21E.


Now I go south along the hallway that's second from the east edge of the level. I then win the fights against random monsters at 6N 18E, 4N 18E, 4N 17E, 5N 16E, 4N 15E, 5N 14E and 4N 14E. After that, I go back north through the hallway.

Stairs to the Third Level

Now I win fights against random monsters at 14N 14E, 14N 7E, 16N 3E, 15N 5E, 15N 7E, 14N 11E and 16N 11E.

The stairs to the third level are at 16N 10E.
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