Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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The Temple of the Forgotten God

High above in the Spine of the World, some ways east of Kuldahar lays this very temple that you have been asked to go and explore, to find the Heartstone Gem that was stolen from the Great Oak many years before. Your journey will take you to a high passage full of snow and ice where the winds blow strong and bite at thy open skin. Tall stone statues will jut from the layers of deep snow marking the location of this ancient place built into the very mountain itself!

Although this is a small journey into the very heart of the Forgotten Temple, I did find it somewhat difficult as I was always healing myself after each battle against the larger and more powerful Verbeeg found within. Along side of Acolytes casting hold spells and entangle, facing a Verbeeg could very well be your death if you find your characters can no longer move due to the magics cast against the party. It is a place I took with care, making sure when I did fight a Verbeeg, it wasn't in very large numbers and always 1 against the entire party. Even then I found that healing was needed to continue deeper into the mountain and the rooms beyond. All my 1st and 2nd level spells were of cure light wounds and cure moderate wounds and I used them every time.

Let's look at the Temple in depth.

Thanks Chuck for pointing out the reference maps were missing their numeric Table Key on the online maps!

The Temple of the Forgotten God - Upper Level

Temple of the Forgotten God - Upper LevelYou shouldn't have too many problems moving about and bringing down the Verbeegs if you trek carefully and lightly through the hallways as you explore each room nearby. Never rush into a room within the temple because the last thing you want to have to deal with are 6 Verbeegs and 2 Acolytes casting Hold Person on your front lines. The temple is not that large, so take your time with it and of course, as always, keep an eye out for traps or hidden items that may help you through to the Catacombs.

The main level does not have anything special that needs to be noted and your only concern is finding the way down to the next level. For a quick viewing of where to go, check The Temple of the Forgotten God Enlarged Map for more details.

The Temple of the Forgotten God - The Lower Level

Temple of the Forgotten God - Lower LevelStraight as an arrow, right through the belly of the beast you can say. The Lower Level may look simple and easy, but you will have to knit pick your way through the Verbeegs and Acolytes who are situated along the route you will have to take to get to The Shrine. I cannot be any more straightforward than that, except do search for traps on this level as you make your way down the long hallway before the larger battle of multiple Verbeegs and Acolytes. They are the last ones who will block your passage to the Shrine itself and the Acolytes fancy the Hold Person and Entangle tactics. If you can get a Web off and pelt them down with your archers, do so.

Once the battle is complete, head to the Shrine and the last level of the Temple of the Forgotten God.

The Temple of the Forgotten God - The Shrine

Temple of the Forgotten God - The ShrineAt first, when I stepped and viewed my surroundings I thought for sure I was in for a large scale battle, or some type of foul beast that had brought down so many bodies that lay strewn before my eyes. Not the case. This is an empty room with a much similar empty shrine and no Heartstone Gem. Click on the shrine itself to get the description and your journal will be updated.

Return to Kuldahar, speak with Arundel and tell him what you've learned while at the Temple of the Forgotten God.
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