Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Items List | About
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Easthaven during the winter Easthaven is where you start, a small fishing community or so they say, dotted with a few buildings, a tavern, inn and a Temple to Tempus would make this a very unentertaining place to stop for a month or more. You'll find yourself situated within Winter's Cradle Tavern along with other patrons and travelers who have stopped by for a mug of ale or warm soup.

Once you've gotten yourself familiar with your surroundings and controls, start off by talking to everyone in the village and learn of the expedition that Hrothgar is planning on leading, which you will very well become a part of. Gather as much information as you can about what is happening and you'll be lead through Easthaven with ease and simplicity all the while doing a few mini-quests, bashing in Goblins and Orcs and preparing yourself and your party for what I feel is the *REAL* start of the adventure - Your arrival in Kuldahar.

The People of Easthaven

Easthaven consists of the following people:

Quests in Easthaven

Within Easthaven you will come across three mini-quests that are not plot related that will help build your skills of moving about through the village, finding people and the places they frequent as well as engage in two battles.

OLD JED [mini-quest]

Old Jed can be found mulling around in his home in his drunken state and he wants to continue doing so but has run out of wine. Of course, that's where you come in. Purchase a bottle of win from Pomab's Emporium for 3gp and return it for some experience.

It is also possible to talk Jed out of drinking with a high enough intelligence and the dialog choices should prove to be very obvious while doing this. You'll get more experience if you talk Jed out of drinking than you would fetching him a bottle to drown his sorrows.

Thanks to David, Jeremy and Phil for sending updates in!

BARREER [mini-quest]

Seems like Barreer is having some problems with foul little pests, beetles to be exact and will pay you well if you make your way down the old wood stairs and take care of them for her. Everything she has up at the bar has run dry and by doing this, you will not only help yourself to some pay and experience, but also be able to purchase drinks afterwards.

Thanks to Horus for bringing this one to our attention!

ELISIA AND JHONEN [mini-quest]

Have you found the Sea-Elf name Elisia standing by the waters edge because if you have, Jhonen is having some dreams about her who can be found standing by the turned over boats at the dock. Speaking with Jhonen will reveal that he is having dreams of this Elisia Sea-Elf singing to him and when you tell Jhonen you have found her and if you continue to parlay back and forth, you will receive a broken sword to give to one while you receive a pearl from the other.

Doing this quest will better you for the later part of your adventure and as much as I dread saying this now while you're reading it, you will be returning to Easthaven down the road. When you do return to Easthaven in the later chapters of the game, find Jhonen and speak with him once again. Remember, this will NOT HAPPEN until a very late chapter within the game so don't be sending me mail telling me you returned from The Caravan Caves and didn't get the sword because I'll send mad floods to your e-mail account ;) I'm just kidding.

Anyhow, here is the info on the sword you will receive and I will also repaste this information in the chapter that you return to Easthaven for a reminder.

It's a normal looking Long Sword +1 anywhere outside of Easthaven, but since you're in the small village when you receive this sword from Jhonen, that is if you completed the quest during the earlier stages of the game, it will be a Long Sword +1; +5 "within a dragon's flight from Lac Dinneshire". Basically, this means you have a Long Sword +1; +5 for the final battle and will remain so as long as you remain in Easthaven. It's a very nice weapon to add to your front line of fighters.

Thanks to Horus, Jonathan, Ken, Kris, Jessica, Peter and RabidScar for bringing this one to our attention!

If you can't be bothered, the sword can be sold for 75gp at the local shop but the benefits of doing so are nothing compared to what you receive when you return to Easthaven.

Also, if you feel like lying to Jhonen, you can tell him that Elisia is evil and he'll give you some dead fish you can sell for some gold. Return to speak with Elisia, tell her you gave Jhonen the sword and she'll give you a pearl for your troubles. Now if you've done this right by lying to Jhonen, you can continue to click on her and tell her over and over again that you've given the sword to Jhonen, which will continue to produce a pearl. Make sure if you do this that your main character has an empty inventory so he or she can get as many pearls as possible. Stacking the pearls will make Elisia walk away and vanish for good. Remember, this will only work if you lie to Jhonen.

Thanks to Alex and Dan for pointing this mini-quest out!

ASPEL [mini-quest]

Poor chum not only has a Wolf in his workshop, but he also locked the damn thing in there. You'd think it would have been dead by the time you got to it but that's not the case. You'll need a thief here to pick the lock on the door to gain entry. Once inside, a few swings will have you back outside talking to Aspel and getting your reward.

DAMIEN [mini-quest]

This fine young grasshopper has decided to disobey his fathers wishes to remain away from the lake to fish and by doing so, has stumbled upon a good pack of Goblins who have taken the fish to call their own. Times are tough in such harsh conditions this far north but will get better if you give him a helping hand. There are 7 Goblins and 1 Leader who is holding the fish. Do the young-in a favour and help him feed his family. Return the fish to Damien for the reward.

HROTHGAR: The Lost Caravan [major-quest]

The first one is to head off to find the caravan that was said to have been arriving to Easthaven any time now but something is amiss and it is very late. Pomab claims if he doesn't get his supplies soon, his shop will go out of business and leave him out in the cold. This is a quest you have to do to be able to leave Easthaven and will take you and your party out to do battle with a cave full of Orcs, Orc Archers and Orc Shaman's. It's pretty run of the mill. Return to Hrothgar after clearing out the cave and make your report.

HROTHGAR: Equipment [major-quest/plot advancement]

By now you've been hearing all about the expedition Hrothgar is planning on taking and when you're ready, you will begin heading off with Hrothgar which will ultimately advance the plot and take you to the next stage of the adventure. This quest is completed when you return the caravan notice to Pomab's Emporium and talk to Hrothgar to let him know you are ready to leave. Make sure you've done everything you want to do in Easthaven because you will not be returning for awhile, or perhaps never.
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