Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Items List | About
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The Lost Caravan

The lost caravanAttained via Hrothgar in Easthaven.

Your short journey will take you to a small area located not to far away from Easthaven, a quiet place full of snow and ice. Wrap thyself well so the wind doesn't sneak in and bite you when you least expect it! It is here you will spot two wagons, long forgotten and aged from the elements but it is the wide cave opening that will take your fancy. Draw thy sword brave warrior and prepare for battle. Your first taste of Orcish blood is on the way!

This bloodfest is very easy to clear with a full party of six and you shouldn't have any trouble weaving your blades through the waves of Orcs who think they have your number. Two Orc Shaman's may put you on edge for a split second until you regain yourself and realize that you're the hero on this day. Search all the crates and chests for extra items to add to your growing arsenal. Simply return back to Easthaven and talk to Hrothgar to advance the plot line into leaving Easthaven.
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