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Neverwinter Nights FAQ v4.0

Index | General | Gameplay | Player Character | Aurora Toolset
Dungeon Master | Multiplayer | Community | Technical

FAQ - Dungeon Master

One of the most revolutionary things about Neverwinter Nights is the inclusion of a special piece of software that allows a game player to become the organizer of a Neverwinter Nights module and campaign. This position is called the Dungeon Master (DM) in D&D terms. He or she controls all other aspects of the game except for the other players- the monsters, the encounters, and the other characters in the adventure.

5.01 Do I need a Dungeon Master in order to play Neverwinter Nights?
5.02 Can I DM my friends through a module that I have created?
5.03 How difficult is it to DM a Neverwinter Nights game?
5.04 Is the Dungeon Master there just to dump monsters in the players' path or is there something more to it?
5.05 Can there be multiple Dungeon Masters in a single game?
5.06 As a DM, can I alter a character's dialogue while in the game?
5.07 Can the DM make up his own magical items and rewards for dungeons/missions?
5.08 Can I log in as a Dungeon Master from a remote (ie: non-server) location?

5.01 Do I need a Dungeon Master in order to play Neverwinter Nights?

Not at all. The Neverwinter Nights Official Campaign will be fully functional with or without a Dungeon Master. We cannot promise anything with regards to player-created modules but we intend to build the Aurora Neverwinter Toolset in such a way that encourages modules suitable for both forms of play.

5.02 Can I DM my friends through a module that I have created?

Yes. We intend to make the module creation process as simple as possible. Feel free to locate your story in Medieval France, the city of Waterdeep within WotC's Forgotten Realms, or a nameless haunted forest. When it's ready, launch it on either a LAN or, better yet, on our dedicated matching service, and let players from around the world enter into the one dominion where you have absolute control.

5.03 How difficult is it to DM a Neverwinter Nights game?

Being a Dungeon Master, even in pen-and-paper, is definitely an art rather than a science. Here at BioWare, we definitely feel that the Dungeon Master is a very special person - someone to be catered to. With Neverwinter Nights, we want to allow our DMs to focus on that art of telling stories and drawing people into their world, rather than on trying to navigate a clumsy interface or learn a poorly documented system. For familiarity and ease of use, the Dungeon Master interface is designed as an extension of the player interface. If you know the one, you should be right at home in the other and if you have any questions, we're committed to providing documentation on how to use the DM interface to its fullest either with the documentation that ships with the game or through our Neverwinter Nights Community Site. Along with the class-based player tutorials that mark the start of our official campaign, we're also working on a thorough tutorial for potential DMs, thereby providing a safe environment in which to get a feel for the game, without the pressure of having live players actually in the module.

5.04 Is the Dungeon Master there just to dump monsters in the players' path or is there something more to it?

The Dungeon Master role is whatever you make it. If you want to run a simple dungeon hack, you're more than welcome to. However, the tools at your disposal are far more powerful and evocative than simply plopping down monsters and treasure. We give you the ability to interact with your players on a one-to-one basis, to truly be the character they are talking to. Tell a tale of love lost, have a feared orc chieftain sheathe his sword in the midst of battle when he learns that it is his half-orc daughter who opposes him, breath life into everything. We envision the Dungeon Master as a master storyteller, bringing wit and emotion to the gameworld and enriching the role-playing experience of the players. We want to challenge you, as DM, to have a deep emotional impact on your players. Possess the game's characters and fill them with drama. Build mood and atmosphere in everything you do. Your players will love you for it and spread word of your campaigns everywhere they go.

5.05 Can there be multiple Dungeon Masters in a single game?

Definitely. The Dungeon Masters will be on equal footing but we may give the initial DM the ability to modify the abilities and permissions of other DMs if he or she sees fit. A good DM team could enact complex scenes between non-player characters, manage intricate multiparty battles, or even go head-to-head in some strange new form of adversarial DM contest.

5.06 As a DM, can I alter a character's dialogue while in the game?

Even better! When 'possessing' a character, you can not only control their actions but also speak through them in real-time. Drop a clue for a player in need, respond to an unanticipated question, or heighten the dramatic tension of the moment. The story is literally yours for the telling.

5.07 Can the DM make up his own magical items and rewards for dungeons/missions?

Absolutely. The DM will be able to create custom magical items within the Aurora Neverwinter Toolset. You will be free to create a large variety of items ranging from mundane swords to artifacts of great power. Provided you construct these items using the standardized effects provided in our Aurora Neverwinter Toolset, these items will be fully transferable between servers. Any item that is dependent on custom scripting for its powers, however, will only retain those powers in modules that contain the relevant scripts.

5.08 Can I log in as a Dungeon Master from a remote (ie: non-server) location?

Certainly. The Dungeon Master does not have to be the host of the game. It is possible, for instance, to establish your work computer with a nifty T1 connection as a weekend Neverwinter Nights server. The DM role is always password-protected so you can be sure that it's ready and waiting for you to jump in and manage once you get home.
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