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Neverwinter Nights FAQ v4.0

Index | General | Gameplay | Player Character | Aurora Toolset
Dungeon Master | Multiplayer | Community | Technical

FAQ v4.0 - Community

Everyone who plays the game, develops content, asks questions or raises concerns is part of the Neverwinter Nights community.

7.01 What is being done to support the Neverwinter Nights community?
7.02 What can I expect to find on the Neverwinter Nights Community Site?
7.03 Do I need to register with the Neverwinter Nights Community Site to get patches and updates?
7.04 I'm a player, what stuff do you have for me?
7.05 I'm a Dungeon Master, what stuff do you do for me?
7.06 I'm going make mods and modules for Neverwinter Nights, what stuff do you have for me?
7.07 Will new modules and game content be supplied beyond the initial release?
7.08 Do you intend to release new monsters, tiles, modules, etc. after the initial game ships?
7.09 Will you be adding a <insert favorite fantasy theme> expansion?
7.10 Will the ability to create custom skins and other art content be included in the game?

7.01 What is being done to support the Neverwinter Nights community?

The diverse nature of the elements that will be included in the shipped version of Neverwinter Nights will need an extensive network of support, open dialogue with experts and a central place for users to gather and discuss their individual plans for playing the Neverwinter Nights Official Campaign, use of the Aurora Neverwinter Toolset and use of the Dungeon Master Client components. To this end we will have an Official Neverwinter Nights Community Site created in-house at BioWare and supported by a team of experts.

7.02 What can I expect to find on the Neverwinter Nights Community Site?

The Neverwinter Nights Community Site, in addition to any essential patches or updates required for the shipped game, will feature specific areas that are aimed at the different users of Neverwinter Nights - for the Player, for the Dungeon Master, and for the Builders. Initial features of the Community Site will include discussion forums for users to gather and discuss specific issues, specific 'How To' documents on the use of the Toolset and Dungeon Master Client, module creation tutorials and examples for download, user created content (walkthroughs, modules, Players Guides and so on) available for download, as well as listings for Guilds, Persistent Worlds, Fan Sites, and RPG gaming sites. The site will also feature new material on a weekly basis which could take the form of designer interviews, news, major announcements, events listings and new Neverwinter Nights official content such as new monsters, items, textures and so on created at BioWare.

7.03 Do I need to register with the Neverwinter Nights Community Site to get patches and updates?

No. To get essential files to fix bugs, updates files or new files. etc you do not need to register to download them. To submit content (either modules and informational documents initially) participate in ranking modules, Dungeon Masters and servers, and contribute to polls you do need to register on the Neverwinter Nights Community Site.

7.04 I'm a player, what stuff do you have for me?

We have plans to include a Walkthrough for Chapter 1, hints for making use of the Neverwinter Nights interface, game play tips, and beginner player character creation guide. We are also welcoming new content created by users to contribute to the player's resources.

7.05 I'm a Dungeon Master, what stuff do you do for me?

We have a Tips for beginning Dungeon Masters on the difficulties and rewards of electing to be a Dungeon Master. Also we will have a 'How To' on the DM Client that is being shipped with the game to allow you to jump in and start Dungeon Mastering with your friends.

As with players we expect to have users contributing documents on their own ideas about squeezing all the power of the Dungeon Master client to make their game the best they can be.

7.06 I'm going make mods and modules for Neverwinter Nights, what stuff do you have for me?

We will include a 'How To' for using the very powerful Toolset that ships with the game. This will show how easy and flexible the Toolset is for the absolute beginner. We will also have advice on how to make a module and what crucial things must be included when you create your own adventure using the Toolset.

We certainly expect the users to contribute their own ideas on using the Toolset and tips and tricks for creating great adventures for players.

7.07 Will new modules and game content be supplied beyond the initial release?

We are very interested in supplying future modules that are not only chock-full of new story and gameplay but also contain all-new tilesets, items, monsters, spells, classes and races to the libraries of the Aurora Neverwinter Toolset. And don't forget: the fun of Neverwinter Nights never ends. Once you play through the official campaign that we've provided, you can always download new modules created by friends and fellow players around the world.

7.08 Do you intend to release new monsters, tiles, modules, etc. after the initial game ships?

We definitely want to. At this point, there's no telling exactly what form such a release would take but we consider the longevity of Neverwinter Nights to be one of the game's primary assets, both for our fans and for us as a company. We have designed our code and content in a modular fashion so that it will be easy to update, well into the future. An extensive Community Site is being planned for players, Dungeon Masters and content builders to obtain many resources to further their enjoyment and use of Neverwinter Nights.

7.09 Will you be adding a <insert favorite fantasy theme> expansion?

Our license only pertains to the Forgotten Realms so that is where we will be focusing our efforts.

7.10 Will the ability to create custom skins and other art content be included in the game?

BioWare has a lot of respect for the considerable skills and talents of its fan base and Neverwinter Nights is all about bringing the abilities of that fan community to the forefront. The ability to include custom art content is a difficult issue and we are working very hard to arrive at a graceful means of supporting it. Until we have such a solution in the game and running, however, we don't feel that we are in a position to promise its inclusion.
Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider supporting us to keep the site up & running smoothly. Thank you!

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