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Neverwinter Nights FAQ v4.0

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FAQ v4.0 - Technical

This section deals with hardware and software questions about Neverwinter Nights.

8.01 What kind of computer will I need to play Neverwinter Nights?
8.02 What is a server? Do I have to have a special kind of computer to host a game?
8.03 Is there a dedicated server?
8.04 Will there be a Mac/Linux/BeOs version?
8.05 What graphics engine will be used in Neverwinter Nights?
8.06 What screen resolutions will you be supporting?
8.07 What is 'Environment Mapping' and will it work on all video cards?
8.08 How many light sources will be able to cast shadows in one area at any one time?
8.09 What kind of real-time voice communication will Neverwinter Nights support?
8.10 Will Neverwinter Nights support multiple clients behind the same firewall connecting to an external server?
8.11 What music format will Neverwinter Nights support?

8.01 What kind of computer will I need to play Neverwinter Nights?

Our minimum system specifications currently are a Pentium® II 450 MHz or AMD K6 450 MHz, a 16 MB TNT2-class OpenGL 1.2 compliant video card, 96 MB of RAM (for Windows 98/ME, 128 MB recommended) or 128 MB of RAM (for Windows 2000/XP, 256 MB recommended), a DirectX certified sound card, and DirectX® version 8.1. An internet or LAN connection will be required for those wishing to play multiplayer games. A 56K modem is the minimum requirement for a client in a multiplayer game. A 56k modem can host a 2-player multiplayer game. As bandwidth is the primary determinant of server capacity, a cable modem or xDSL line will be able to support significantly more. The maximum number of clients (players and/or Dungeon Masters) allowed on a server is fixed at 64.

8.02 What is a server? Do I have to have a special kind of computer to host a game?

Not at all. Anyone with the minimum system specs and a decent modem can host a game and become a server. 'Server' simply refers to the computer that launched the gaming session. Remember, while most Dungeon Masters will run their own servers, you don't have to be a Dungeon Master to do so. Anyone, including DMs and players, can use their computer as a server.

Any home computer conforming to our minimum system specifications will be able to act as a Neverwinter Nights server. The number of players that your server can support is primarily limited by your bandwidth. A basic 56k modem will support approximately 8 players, while LANs and dedicated servers with faster connections will likely be able to support up to the 64 client limit.

8.03 Is there a dedicated server?

There will be a dedicated server included with Neverwinter Nights for all supported platforms. By dedicated server we mean a stand alone application with no extra overhead, like drawing graphics. This standalone server allows you to run the server in its most efficient manner.

8.04 Will there be a Mac/Linux/BeOs version?

The BeOS version of Neverwinter Nights will not be completed. The Linux dedicated server will be distributed freely online, as close to the game being available in stores as possible. The Linux client will follow shortly thereafter. Linux users will need to own a Windows copy of Neverwinter Nights, as the Linux executables must import certain resources from those Windows CDs. All users will need to register their CD Keys (Linux users register the Windows CD Keys) at the Neverwinter Nights community site ( The Macintosh version will be available later in the fall (BioWare is completing the Macintosh Neverwinter Nights client and server programs, MacSoft is completing the Toolset). On the PC, Neverwinter Nights will run under Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, and Windows XP. Other systems specifications will be announced.

8.05 What graphics engine will be used in Neverwinter Nights?

Neverwinter Nights uses the BioWare Aurora Engine. Aurora was developed specifically for Neverwinter Nights. Aurora is a fully 3D engine with tons of amazing features, including resolution independence, a powerful particle system, dynamic lighting, and an open-ended modular design. The animation system supports a huge number of character moves and takes advantage of the ability to smoothly interpolate between them. Using the BioWare Aurora Engine has allowed us to create an amazingly rich world, populated with impressively detailed creatures and environments.

8.06 What screen resolutions will you be supporting?

Our default resolution is 800x600, though low-end machines can reduce it to 640x480 if required. We're not capping the upper limit, so you will be able to play Neverwinter Nights in as high a resolution as your graphics card and monitor supports.

8.07 What is 'Environment Mapping' and will it work on all video cards?

Environment mapping is a reflective effect we're applying on various metal surfaces within the game, such armor on the characters. Our system gives us per-pixel control of this, allowing us to do very intricate metalwork against a more traditional matte background such as cloth, wood, or leather. The technique that we use for environment mapping should work on all 3D video cards that meet our minimum requirements.

8.08 How many light sources will be able to cast shadows in one area at any one time?

We are optimizing our shadow system to be as fast and beautiful as possible. Nevertheless, some players may find dynamic shadow computations to be too processor-intensive for their machines. With that in mind, we've developed a scaling system that you can tweak to your liking via the options page. At the lowest end, for instance, shadows will be represented by a generic dark splotch beneath creatures. The next option up would allow the creatures (but not tiles) to project true volumetric shadows. Ramp it up a little further and you have what we demonstrated at E3 2001: the entire world (creatures and tiles) projects shadows but only from a single dominant light source. As always, we want to take full advantage of the latest technology while still providing a solid, if less beautiful game experience for those running low- and minimum-spec machines.

8.09 What kind of real-time voice communication will Neverwinter Nights support?

Real-time voice communication will not be included in the initial release of Neverwinter Nights. You will have to use a third party voice communication application.

8.10 Will Neverwinter Nights support multiple clients behind the same firewall connecting to an external server?

The server addresses different "connections" by the IP/IPX address and port combination. For example, it will accept a connection from, port 5000 and treat a connection from, port 5001 as a separate and distinct connection. We have encountered situations where if you are both the DM and server administrator, for instance, you may wish to have both clients connected at the same time - even if you don't have an elaborate network setup behind a cable modem.

In general, the clients choose a random port when talking to the outside world. If you need to open a specific port on a client to allow your router/firewall to correctly move it to your machine, this will be available as an INI file setting for each of the client programs we provide.

8.11 What music format will Neverwinter Nights support?

Neverwinter Nights uses MP3s for its music files. There are no restrictions on the bitrate of the MP3s that you can use, but keep in mind, the higher the rate, the greater the performance hit your computer will take. There will be no audio editors included with Neverwinter Nights.
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