Video-based Walkthrough for Neverwinter Nights 2
*Note* I used a giff editor so that the Robe of Scintillating Colors had a different model but kept the same colors. It was purely an aesthetic choice on my part.
You certainly can't go wrong if you want Neeshka as the thief for your core party. She can do pretty much everything you'd want a Rogue to do, open locks, disarm traps, sneak attacks, and so on. With the right items, she can become all but impossible for monsters to strike during combat. She can also kill her target instantly on a sneak attack. The problem, especially if Neeshka is a core member, is that her utility takes a nose dive during the later stages of the game that are replete with enemies that are immune to critical hits and sneak attacks (e.g. undead, elementals). I describe here a setup that can alleviate the concerns, although you'll still need to be careful with her during the last parts of the game.
- Str 12
- Dex 17
- Con 14
- Int 16
- Wis 8
- Cha 12
- 8th level: +1 Dex
- 12th level: +1 Dex
- 16th level: +1 Dex
- 20th level: +1 Dex
It's Dexterity all the way for Neeshka, as it augments her Evasion ability, her ability to land blows in conjunction with Weapon Finesse, her armor class, and most of her thieving abilities.
Neeshka emphasizes the following:
- Disable Device
- Hide
- Listen
- Move Silently
- Open Lock
- Search
- Set Trap
- Sleight of Hand
- Spot
- Tumble
- Use Magic Device
Neeshka comes in with these skills developed. As they emphasize pretty much everything useful that a pure Rogue can do, I see no reason to change that during level ups.
Starting Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
6th level: Martial Weapon Proficiency - This is so that Neeshka can use the Hammer of the Beast as her main weapon, and the Talon Blade in her off-hand. Some weapons like Kukris can also be used in the interim.
9th level: Two-Weapon Fighting - Obviously.
10th level: Crippling Strike - Inflicts a -2 penalty to Strength on a sneak attack, and it's cumulative too.
12th level: Two-Weapon Defense - Provides Neeshka with a +1 shield bonus to armor class.
13th level: Improved Evasion - Should Neeshka fail a reflex saving throw (which will be rare), she'll only take half damage.
15th level: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting - Adding an extra off-hand attack, and reducing the penalties involved with dual-wielding.
16th level: Improved-Two Weapon Defense - Improves her shield bonus to armor class to +2.
18th level: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting - Adds a third off-hand attack, albeit at a -10 penalty.
19th level: Defensive Roll - Allows Neeshka to take half damage on what would be an otherwise lethal blow as long as she makes a Reflex saving throw. At this point, it's sugar on top.
- Main-hand Weapon: Hammer of the Beast (Light Hammer +4, Slow DC=14 50% / 2 rounds, +1d6 acid damage) - I purchased the original Hammer of the Beast from Haljal Throndor, and then raised its enhancement bonus to +4 and gave it an extra +1d6 acid damage. Neeshka can be absolutely devastating with her sneak attacks. However, a frequent complaint against her is that her utility drops off and her vulnerability increases concomitantly when she's faced with critical immune enemies like undead and elementals. There are weapons that can inflict certain conditions like stunning, dazing, confusion, etc. The problem is that critical-immune enemies will be immune to these effects as well. A notable exception is the Slowness effect (-1 armor class, -1 attack bonus, -1 attack per round), which will work on critical-immune enemies. It is for this reason that I choose to purchase and then enchant further the Hammer of the Beast as Neeshka's main weapon. It isn't exactly game breaking. But for those of you who have Neeshka as a mainstay party member, it will at least give her some kind of resource against the critical-immune enemies that will become more and more frequent during the later stages of the game.
- Off-hand Weapon: Talon Blade (Kukri +4, +1d8 slashing damage, +3 deflection bonus to armor class) - Purchased from Fibba in the Docks District during Act II. I raised its enhancement bonus to +4. I also added the +3 deflection bonus to armor class, making it an ideal off-hand weapon. The deflection bonus frees up her ring slots for rings other than a Ring of Protection +2 or such.
- Missile Weapon: Crossbow of Murder (Attack Bonus +5, +2d6 massive critical damage) - Purchased from Uncus. There may be some battles (e.g. the King of Shadows in particular) where squishy Neeshka may want to keep her distance and have a missile weapon option instead. This is arguably the best crossbow in the game in terms of raw damage.
- Helmet: Anagry's Mindmaze (+2 Intelligence, immunity to mind-affecting spells, Wizards only) - Purchased from Fibba in the Docks District during Act II. She can use her Use Magic Device skill to put the hat on despite it being a Wizard only item. The reason I have her wear it is that her Will saving throws are terrible. I could have her obtain the Slippery Mind feat to gain an extra saving throw against mind-affecting spells, but all that means is two saving throws that are both likely to fail. Best to just simply immunize her altogether.
- Amulet: Leldon's Luck Coin (+3 Reflex saving throws) - Looted from the chest in Leldon's Hideout. There are certainly literary or sentimental reasons to have Neeshka wear the Coin as her amulet. The +3 Reflex saving throws will also help her use of Evasion. If she needs immunity from ability or level draining, then a Death Ward spell from Elanee or Zhjaeve should suffice.
- Armor: Robe of Scintillating Colors (Daze (2) without limit, Displacement (9) 1/day) - I purchased this for Neeshka from Raylene in the Docks District. Neeshka starts off with a high Dexterity, and she'll increase her Dexterity even more as she levels up, and she can add a Belt of Agility on top to put things through the roof. The Bracers of Armor +8 combined with a sky high Dexterity provides better protection than any leather armor set up as the Bracers won't impose a maximum Dexterity bonus to armor class in the way that body armors do. It is thus better to use the body inventory slot on a Robe. The Robe of Scintillating Colors provides an additional defensive resource for Neeshka. Invoking the Displacement power will give her 50% concealment for 9 combat rounds, which can really come in handy should she get swarmed by multiple foes.
- Cloak: Drow Piwawfi Cloak (+4 saving throws vs. poison, +5 piercing resistance, +5 slashing resistance, Darkness (3) 1/day, immunity to web) - Looted from the Port Llast Bounty Hunters. The bonus to saving throws against Poison is a welcome benefit for Neeshka, as she normally has weak Fortitude saving throws. The damage resistance is much welcome as well, as Neeshka would normally be unable to get damage reduction for herself in situations where she's close up against her enemies.
- Gloves: Bracers of Armor +8 - Custom made. See my above comments concerning the Robe of Scintillating Colors.
- First Ring: Ring of Resistance +2 (+2 saving throws) - I bought these from Caelryna Seerar in Crossroad Keep. Improved saving throws are always welcome for any character, but especially for Neeshka since it will improve her use of her Improved Evasion ability.
- 2nd Ring: Ring of Regeneration (+4 regeneration) - Found at Shandra Jerro's Farm after killing Koraboros. Helps improve her resiliency somewhat. The benefits of regeneration are augmented when you can maximize armor class and thus minimize the number of times a character gets hit. This is one concept behind my set up for Neeshka.
- Belt: Belt of Agility +8 (+8 Dexterity, Freedom of Movement) - Freedom of Movement is always welcome. The boost to Dexterity helps Neeshka on so many levels. It improves her armor class, her attack bonus, her thieving skill checks, her reflex saving throws, and her Improved Evasion ability.
- Boots: Boots of Hardiness +2 (+2 Constitution, +2 dodge bonus to armor class) - Purchased from Dayne Lenneth. The minor boost to hit points is always welcome. For Neeshka, avoidance of getting hit at all is of the utmost importance so these boots become preferable to Boots of Striding.
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