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Obsidian Entertainment

Neverwinter Nights 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Act III:   Founder's Sanctum  |  Mulsantir  |  Wells of Lurue  |  City of Judgment - Good  |  City of Judgment - Evil  |  Soul  |  Endings  | 


Crossroad Keep

Now I find myself at a version of Crossroad Keep that exists in Valeria's memories. If either Safiya or Gann is in the party (in Valeria's case it's Gann), that party member will come along as well. I speak briefly with the Red Woman.

The goal is to defeat all of the Manifestations of Hunger, who are attacking the companions I once had during the OC, as quickly as possible. If the Manifestations end up killing any of the OC companions, Valeria will lose spirit energy. Repeated use of offensive spells with a large area of effect is probably the fastest and most efficient way to go. Valeria takes out one large group with a Vampiric Feast, and Gann does likewise with another large group. After that, Valeria softens up another group to the west side and then closes in for the kill.

After that, I then have to fight the weakest version of the Faceless Man near the entrance to the Keep itself. A few physical attacks suffice to drive him away.

West Harbor

Valeria buffs up beforehand with Shades and Persistent Haste. Gann buffs up with Premonition, as well as Flame Weapon for both himself and Valeria. They pair then step through the door.

More of the same, except that it's West Harbor instead of Crossroad Keep. Cormick, Lorne, and Bevil are more or less able to handle themselves against the odd Manifestation of Hunger that attacks them. Amie is the immediate concern, as several Manifestations of Hunger will try to gang up on her. Both Valeria and Gann each target one of the Manifestations pursuing Amie with a Hellball. Both Hellballs together pretty much wipe out the whole group together.

The remaining danger is the odd Manifestation or two that is after Daeghun, so Valeria rushes forward and kills those off. She leaves Gann to help out Cormick, Lorne and Bevil.

I then have to fight a stronger version of the Faceless Man, but a few swipes are enough to make him go away.

Mask of the Betrayer

A portal now opens, and the Boy and the Red Woman show up to explain things. The fragments now reform together to create the Mask of the Betrayer (immunity to death magic, immunity to ability / level drain). The Mask is a quest item that is needed to make the good ending possible.

The Faceless Man

Next up is the final battle against the Faceless Man. The Faceless Man is a very powerful Favored Soul who can cast both healing and damaging spells, and also packs a mean scythe. He can also uses a spirit drain that is good for 25 points of spirit energy each hit. You can try to drain energy back from him, but ultimately you wouldn't be able to keep up with him. Also, each time you bring the Faceless Man to 0 hit points, his health picks back up somewhat and he spawns another aspect of himself. The four aspects that he conjures up are Insatiable Hunger, Infinite Despair, Remorseless Instinct, and Unrelenting Fury. You must kill off all four aspects before you can defeat the Faceless Man for good.

Valeria casts an Extended Greater Invisibility and an Empowered Mirror Image on herself. Gann uses his Epic Gate spell, followed by Storm Avatar.

They assume battle positions once they're ready, and then go on the offensive. Valeria's spirit eating powers won't be able to keep up with those of the Faceless Man, so I literally cut to the chase. Weapons packing multiple sources of elemental damage will make short work of the four aspects, and the Faceless Man himself.

Once I've defeated him, I potentially have a choice of four endings.
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