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Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Mysteries of Westgate

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

CHARACTERS:   Salazar  |  Rinara  |  Mantides *Good*  |  Charissa  |  Selene  |  Mantides *Evil*  | 

Salazar, M CG Human Warlock 12, Hellfire Warlock 3


My obligatory three party members are a Cleric who can tank, a Paladin damage dealer, and a Rogue who can be utilized as a Parry wall. The natural choice to round things out is an arcane caster. My preference was a Warlock. Many of the fights in MoW involve friends and foes alike crowded together. It's an ideal situation to use highly damaging Eldritch Chain combinations. The Walk Unseen invocation provides a kind of Hide in Plain Sight ability that can be useful during certain fights. Eldritch Spear allows me to peck foes who are at a considerable distance away.

Three levels of Hellfire Warlock allow this character to access an attack mode whereby 6d6 damage gets added to each Eldritch Blast. The drawback is that using Eldritch Blast each time in this mode will result in a cumulative -1 loss of Constitution, albeit temporary. If you want to play a Hellfire Warlock in the OC or MotB, the solution is as easy as getting an item that provides immunity to ability and level draining (e.g. Amulet of Health, Bone Ring, etc.).

Unfortunately, such items are typically unavailable during Storm of Zehir and Mysteries of Westgate. However, all I need to do is have Charissa cast a Death Ward spell on him. The spell lasts for several hours, and will prevent the Constitution loss, so he can fire away.


Adding +2 to Charisma during the initial levelling up will improve the saving throw DC of the Warlock's powers.

A party member will only get one chance to increase a stat after the game itself begins, so make sure it somehow results in a meaningful improvement after it results in an increase to an even number. Adding +1 to Dexterity will merge with the Bracers of Dexterity +3 to result in an overall Dexterity of 20. That will not only increase his armor class, but also increase his ability to connect on his Eldritch Chain attacks.



1st level (Warlock 1): Fey Heritage - Unlocking the Fey line of feats, which is a prerequisite to Fey Power.

Spellcasting Prodigy - Will raise the DC for his invocations by 1. Also has to be selected at first level or not at all.

2nd level (Warlock 2): No feat selected.

3rd level (Warlock 3): Fey Power - Like Spellcasting Prodigy, it will also raise the DC of his invocations by 1. The Fey Heritage feat needed to be selected at 1st level as a prerequisite.

4th level (Warlock 4): No feat selected.

5th level (Warlock 5): No feat selected.

6th level (Warlock 6): Skill Focus (Appraise) - Like I said, Appraise for the lead character has a definite importance in MoW.

7th level (Warlock 7): No feat selected.

8th level (Warlock 8): No feat selected.

9th level (Warlock 9): Blind-Fight - Allows Salazar another re-roll to hit concealed targets with his Eldritch Blast powers.

10th level (Hellfire Warlock 1): No feat selected. But now he gets to select the Hellfire mode, which will add extra damage to his Eldritch Blasts.

11th level (Hellfire Warlock 2): No feat selected.

12th level (Hellfire Warlock 3): Improved Critical (Ranged Touch Attack) - Increases the critical hit range for his Eldritch Blast to 19-20.

13th level (Warlock 10): No feat selected.

14th level (Warlock 11): No feat selected.

15th level (Warlock 12): Combat Expertise - The penalty won't affect ranged touch attacks, so it amounts to 3 free points of armor class.


1st level: Beguiling Influence - Adds a +6 skill check bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate. Conversational skill checks can be quite important during MoW.

2nd level: Dark One's Luck - Allows Salazar to add his Charisma bonus to his saving throws bonus for 24 hours, allowing a benefit similar to the Paladin's Divine Grace.

4th level: Eldritch Spear - Allows Salazar to hit an enemy at very long range, which can be useful in some situations during MoW.

6th level: Eldritch Chain - This is where the fun begins. It's the ability that allows the Warlock to damage multiple enemies, even when they are locked in close quarter combat with other party members, and without harming the other party members. It can also be combined with debilitative effects like Hellrime Blast, Draining Blast, or Noxious Blast.

8th level: Brimstone Blast - A prerequisite for the Hellfire Warlock prestige class. Can be very useful for Trolls and undead, both of which are fairly frequent in MoW.

10th level: Walk Unseen - The Warlock's version of an Invisibility spell. Since it can be used without limit, it can work as a kind of Hide in Plain Sight substitute during certain battles, especially in the fighting arena.

11th level: Vitriolic Acid - Inflicts acid damage that lingers for a few rounds afterwards, and bypasses spell resistance. Can be really useful against Trolls, and monsters that are spell resistant.

13th level: Noxious Blast - This will Daze its targets for 10 rounds. Daze isn't as severe a condition as the others. But the fact that its targets will stop attacking for 10 rounds, instead of the others, makes it that much more valuable. The Noxious Blast / Eldritch Chain combo is bread and butter for Salazar.

15th level: Devour Magic - Gives him the option of bringing down a single target's magical buffs and replenishing her own hit points at the same time.

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