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Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Mysteries of Westgate

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

CHARACTERS:   Salazar  |  Rinara  |  Mantides *Good*  |  Charissa  |  Selene  |  Mantides *Evil*  | 

Selene, F CE Wood Elf Rogue 5 / Assassin 10


For my evil playthrough I wanted to build a character that was particularly suited to the benefits offered by becoming a Vampire, chiefly a +6 boost to Strength and a +4 boost to Dexterity. A Monk would certainly be up to the task, more so because becoming a Vampire also provides +1d6 to unarmed damage.

But I've already provided on exposition on Monks in my treatment of Khelgar, so I wanted to show something else. In SoZ, I have Finch make use of the Hide in Plain Sight power by simply keeping himself in stealth, using his Curse Song without breaking his stealth mode, keeping his Inspirations active, and otherwise letting the rest of the party do the dirty work.

Here I show a different way to utilize Hide in Plain Sight. Selene utilizes it to go into stealth, select a position from which she can strike at vulnerable enemies with sneak attacks. She can also use Hide in Plain Sight when she gets targeted by several enemies, thereby avoiding danger and allowing her sturdier party members to take the heat. She can then resume her search for an advantage position with which to resume her powerful sneak attacks.

Her weapon of choice is the Golden Bamboo Staff, which she has further enhanted, and which can stun its targets with a very high DC of 22. If she stuns her target, which is very frequently, she can continue to sneak attack that target while it remains in a stunned state. A swift death usually follows.

A high Strength score will increase her chances of connecting on her targets with her staff, and increase the damage of her blows in addition to sneak attack damage. A high Dexterity score augments her armor class, her use of Evasion, her Hide and Move Silently skills and by extension her use of Hide in Plain Sight.

*Note* The ability bonuses provided by becoming a Vampire will exceed, but not stack with, ability bonuses provided by any items available during MoW.




1st level (Rogue 1): Thug - Adds +2 bonuses to skill checks for Appraise and Intimidate. It can only be taken at 1st level, like any other background feat.

2nd level (Rogue 2): No feat selected.

3rd level (Rogue 3): Blind-Fight - It allows her a chance to re-roll to strike a concealed character and will also protect her against armor class penalties when concealed enemies try to attack her.

4th level (Rogue 4): No feat selected.

5th level (Rogue 5): No feat selected.

6th level (Assassin 1): Use Poison - Allows an Assassin to apply poison to a weapon without having to make a saving throw to avoid taking damage from the poison itself. Not that I ever used it, but it is automatically obtained on gaining the 1st level in Assassin.

Death Attack +1d6 - Death Attack requires a bit of explanation. Performing a successful Death Attack on an enemy that has not yet engaged in combat (i.e. combat has not yet started and the game engine has not yet performed initiative checks) will, in addition to sneak attack damage, also force the target to make a Fortitude saving throw or else become paralyzed. Otherwise, Death Attack damage will always stack with Sneak Attack damage whenever a successful Sneak Attack is made, whether or not the target has started participating in combat.

Power Attack - To maximize damage with two-handed swings of her Quarterstaff. Power Attack is always more effective for characters wielding two-handed weapons. The penalty to attack bonus is more or less negated by the build's ability to very often catch opponents flat-footed.

7th level (Assassin 2): Uncanny Dodge - Automatically obtained on taking a 2nd level in Assassin. Allows Selene to retain her Dexterity bonus to armor class even if she's caught flat-footed.

Poison Resistance +1 - Automatically obatined on taking a 2nd level in Asssassin.

Ghostly Visage (once per day) - Automatically obtained on taking a 2nd level in Assassin. I often uses this as a welcome defensive resource for Selene to provide her with damage reduction against particularly intense fights against numerous enemies. Really comes in handy during lower levels.

8th level (Assassin 3): No feat selected, but Death Attack damage now at +2d6.

9th level (Assassin 4): Poison Resistance +2 - Automatically obtained on taking the 4th level in Assassin.

Cleave - A natural choice for a Strength-based build. More follow-through attacks will not only mean more damage inflicted on enemies over time, but will also mean more chances to stun targets with the Golden Bamboo Staff.

10th level (Assassin 5): Death Attack +3d6 - Automatically obtained on gaining the 5th level in Assassin.

Improved Uncanny Dodge - Automatically obtained on gaining the 5th level in Assassin. The character cannot be sneak attacked except by a creature with levels in a class that allows sneak attacks that exceed the Assassin's own levels by four levels.

Darkness - Automatically obatined on gaining the 5th level in Assassin. The Assassin can cast the spell once per day.

11th level (Assassin 6): Invisibility once a day - Automatically obtained on gainiing the 6th level in Assassin. Soon to be overtaken by Hide in Plain Sight.

Poison Resistance +3 - Automatically obtained on gainiing the 6th level in Assassin.

12th level (Assassin 7): Death Attack +4d6 - Automatically obtained on gaining the 5th level in Assassin.

Sneaky - Adds +2 bonuses to both Hide and Move Silently, which will augment her use of Hide in Plain Sight.

13th level (Assassin 8): No feat selected.

14th level (Assassin 9): Death Attack +5d6 - Automatically obtained on gaining the 5th level in Assassin.

Greater Invisility (1/day) - Another defensive resource that can come in handy during intense fights. It can give her 50% concealment, which can be really helpful when she may still have to wait a few seconds before being able to use Hide in Plain Sight again.

15th level (Assassin 10): Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff) - And lastly, increasing her chances of landing blows with her staff.

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