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Amn: An Overview Top

Amn: Country and Climate
Amn: Politics and Power
Amn: A Tour of Amn
Amn: The Cloud Peak Region
Amn: The Troll Mountains Region
Amn: The Snakewood
Amn: The Esmelflow
Amn: The Forest of Shadows
Amn: Lake Esmel Region
Amn: The Terjan Hills
Amn: The Hillforts
Amn: The Small Teeth Region

         Known the Realms over as "The Merchants Domain," Amn is among the youngest of nations on the southern Sword Coast. If the adage "Follow the money, and ye shall find answers to many mysteries" were true, every investigator and adventurer would end up in Amn, since money flows there as to no other country. (Sembians might take umbrage at this point, but it is true.)

          Nearly every merchant either does business with Amn or passes through it during the course of a year's business deals. Amn's location benefits its mercantile nature, as it is the springboard for Calishite and Tethyrian products heading north to the Heartlands. The country's rich natural resources and its peoples' knack for business soon led Amn to seize its premier status as one of the most important centers of trade in the Realms. Amn is as important as Sembia and Waterdeep even in their own respective geographic markets, and all three countries have long-established rivalries.

          Amn's future is uncertain at best, with bright and dark strains. Its merchants and priests have discovered a new country to the west, Maztica, which Amn is colonizing and exploiting-producing trouble at home and abroad. Amn's neighbor to the south, Tethyr, has finally stabilized into a rich, promising trading partner. However, some Amnian cities are on the verge of rebellion, aiming to join Tethyr.

          Rumors of monstrous armies are often heard of late. As always, power groups inside Amn and elsewhere vie for supremacy, so much so that outsiders view Amn as a stew pot of conspiracy and chaos. For the natives, however, it matters little who is in power so long as business continues to run uninterrupted.

Amn: Country and Climate Top

         The borders of Amn have remained stable for the past few centuries, though recent events within Tethyr have brought some areas into contention. For now, Amn's southern border is still taken to be the Tethir Road. (Two cities, Riatavin and Trailstone, are preparing to make surprising defections to Tethyr in early 1370 DR. This will have many questioning where the Amn-Tethyr border should be—the Tejarn Hills or the Tethir Road—which will infuriate the Council of Six, Amn's government.) Shilmista, the Forest of Shadows, marks the easternmost expanse of Amn's territory, and the Sea of Swords, of course, borders Amn on the west. The northern extent of Amn officially ends at the northernmost slopes of the Cloud Peaks and the northern farms of Nashkel on the Green Fields.

         While not nearly as mild as Tethyr and the lands farther south, the climate for most of Amn's territories is pleasant nearly all year around. It is slightly warmer along the western and northwestern shores of Lake Esmel, at the rectangular country's center, because of the hot springs that heat the ground water around the lakeside city of Esmeltaran. The majority of Amn is exceptional for agriculture of all types, from root crops to grains and fruits, providing more than enough surplus each harvest to guarantee lucrative trade agreements with needy or populous countries. The country is geographically diverse, with highlands and three mountain ranges directing runoff water toward Lake Esmel and the flood plains along the coast. An elevation around Amnwater and Crimmor in the north created Lake Weng. Amn's highest point, Mount Speartop, is nearly 3 miles above Amn's lowest point at the seaport city of Murann.

         Bracketed by mountains on nearly all sides, Amn has a comfortable climate except during the rainy season from Uktar (late fall) through early Tarsakh (spring). Rainfall averages 25-30 inches per year; summers have the least rainfall of any season. Winters are mild, with short freezes and minor snowfall expected in all cities but warm Esmeltaran. Rivers freeze over in the midwinter month of Hammer, but it is risky to travel across the ice with wagons. Melting mountain snow feeds the many rivers of Amn all year long, and the higher passes of the northwestern Cloud Peaks can become blocked by blizzards during winter, isolating Nashkel from Athkatla, the coastal capital, for months at a time, resulting in the former city's reputation for self-sufficiency.

Amn: Politics & Power - The Council of Six Top

         The mysterious, crepe-shrouded faces of the Council of Six inspire respect and fear in those who manage to gain an audience with this body. The anonymity of the six leaders was paramount to establish peace 30 years ago, but the Council, like the Lords of Waterdeep, soon found that order was best maintained when people don't know who they can kill, bribe, or manipulate (especially in Amn, where a handshake deal without a palmed coin is tantamount to an insult). The deception is now law, and to write or speak the name or reveal the identity of a Council member results in slow torture and death, usually before the eyes of the Council.

         Few ever see the inside of the drab, windowless, fortresslike Council House in Athkatla, an extremely old building dating from the days of the Shoon. Extensive dungeons and tunnels lie beneath it, leading all over the city and to estates in the countryside.

Amn: Politics & Power - Council Structure & Members Top

          The Council members are each known by particular titles, not their names, even when they are among themselves and know each others' true identity. While the public believes the Six represent the most powerful merchant houses and families, no one (aside from the Council and their advisors within their old houses) knows for certain which houses or families have seats on the Council. Thus, all the merchant families and houses are accorded respect beyond that normally given for their status.

          The members of the Council from highest to lowest rank are the Meisarch, the Tessarch, the Namarch, the Iltarch, the Pommarch, and the Dahaunarch. Each rank's heir is the following rank, so the death of the Meisarch moves everyone up one rank, and a new Dahaunarch is elected to join the Council from the ranks of the powerful houses of Amn (though a new Dahaunarch is not always from Athkatla, which would surprise many an Amnian who believe this city to be the pinnacle of success). The Meisarch is the primary speaker for the Council and his seat is subtly perceived as the senior, leader's position. Still, despite the deference to the experience and craftiness of the Meisarch, each of the six has important roles to perform within the government, as noted below.

          Though the Council's membership has changed dramatically of late, Amn has only had 11 rulers in 30 years. Strong rule, steady trade, and peace supports the practices of the Council. The following are the past and present Council of Six members. Bear in mind that extraordinary measures are needed for anyone to ferret out the Six's identities.

  • Meisarch Erlranther Alibakkar (Lawful Evil Human Fighter Level 11):

             Though in his late 50s, the Meisarch still cuts an impressive figure (provided he tightens his belt sash to pull in his growing belly), just as he did when he was an active caravan organizer and fighting man. Erlranther has the annoying habit of staring down opponents with whom he argues, tensing his massive arms and appearing to be on the verge of physical violence. One of two original Council members to survive 30 years of rule, Erlranther rose from his initial rank as the first Namarch up to the Meisarch's seat. The Meisarch, having learned from the mistakes of others, makes sure that the whole Council is in accord with its plans for Amn. Erlranther thinks it is better to wait for things to sort themselves out rather than interfere with the natural flow of events — unless, of course, loss of status or personal injury is involved. He is always in the right place at the right time.

    Titles: Lord of House Alibakkar (1302+); Namarch (1333-1345); Tessarch (1345-1362); Meisarch (1362+).

  • Meisarch Thyze Selemchant (deceased; Chaotic Neutral Human Wizard Level 12):

              The first Meisarch and the founder of the Council, Thayze Selemchant became a petty, jaded laggard once he gained power. His debauched lifestyle hearkened back to the days of the emirs of the Calimshan Empire in Amn. He was also a high ranked member of the outlawed Cowled Wizards, though his duplicity cost him when his secret was revealed. He died during a powerplay involving two other Council members whom he was blackmailing. Some within the Council House swear that Thayze still walks—as a ghost!

    Titles: Lord of House Selemchant (1332-1362); Meisarch (1333-1362).

  • Tessarch Phaan Colwyvv (Chaotic Evil, Human Thief Level 5):

              The wiry, hawknosed Phaan Colwyvv acknowledges little in life beyond the piles of coins he always seems to have before him. An inveterate miser, only his wife's spendthrift nature kept him from losing status in society, of which he has little understanding or desire in which to participate. His mind is constantly working out figures and facts, finding shortcuts to profits that very few would ever comprehend or contemplate such as the slave trade of the Underdark through Skullport.

             One of two surviving members of the original Council of Six, the Tessarch's cold and detached manner make him the hardest to predict or understand of any of the Council. He is the Council member who best knows (and least trusts) the current Iltarch, having worked with him when a Shadow Thief. As a youth, Phaan was a spy for the Shadow Thieves in Athkatla, and there gained a reputation for subtlety and clandestine action; he was mockingly referred to as "Shar's Gallant" (after the evil goddess, Shar). He learned enough, however, to kill his five older brothers and become his family's head. This ruthlessness convinced Meisarch Thayze Selemchant to invite Phaan to join the Council, since Phaan's own family's power was ebbing in the Year of the Striking Falcon.

    Titles: "Sharamour" (1287-13 15); Lord of House Colwyvv (1315+); Pommarch (1333-1345); Iltarch (1345-1362); Tessarch (1362+).

  • Tessurch Quorl Vemmil (deceased; Chaotic Evil, Human Priest of Talaona Level 8):

              The first Tessarch was a cruel man with not-so-secret connections to the malignant narcotics trades to the south and east, which he cloaked in his family business of alchemical supplies and ale- and wine-shipping. In the Year of the Saddle, he and a few of his fellow priests, the Talontar, attempted a power play against the Meisarch by creating and releasing a virulent plague into the city of Keczulla, leaving evidence that would finger Meisarch Thayze Selemchant for the deed. The plan failed thanks to the Meisarch's intelligence network, which eliminated the "evidence" but allowed the plague to happen as planned. The Tessarch and his priests were "persuaded" to visit Keczulla, where they died of their own plague— or by other means, if they proved immune.

    Titles: Lord of House Vemmil (1302-1345); Tessarch (1333-1345).

  • Namarch Qar Jysstev (Neutral Evil, Human Fighter Level 0):

              Qar Jysstev is one of the last people anyone would suspect of being in the Council of Six. He is an emaciated man who attempts to cover his bald spot with expensive (and sometimes realistic) wigs of yoxen hair. His family recently lost much money and prestige in its backing of the Jhannivvar Pretender to the throne of Tethyr; they fell from the social calendar and lived in near poverty.

              After selling all family assets in Athkatla and Murann, the Jysstevs moved their holdings to Eshpurta where, even with their losses, they are well ranked because some families there are in honor-debt to them. Though he maintains the facade that he is the head of that house, Qar's power remains undiminished as Namarch.

             The Namarch is currently the only Council figure fully embracing the ideal that the Council exists to keep trade moving in Amn. He hopes to manipulate the import strategies of Amn to move more trade through Eshpurta and north to Priapurl, rather than run it along the safer routes to the coast, since Maztican goods draw more profit at isolated cities.

    Titles: Lord of House Jysstev (1321+); Dahaunarch (1345-1362); Namarch (1362+)

  • Namurch Curkon Gheldieg (deceased; Chaotic Evil, Human Fighter Level 6):

              Most Amnians remember Curkon Gheldieg as a figure of excess, both pecuniary and culinary. A grossly fat individual, he traveled only by pillow strewn litters carried by muscular servants who also performed most physical activities for their lord. This was surprising because of his history as a skilled fighter, but his success bred laziness and a taste for finer things in excess.

             Despite his corpulence, Curkon had a clever mind for intuitively linking together disparate pieces of news into information that he used to keep lesser families in line or sold to other families to bring down their rivals. This information brokering was done with his own agents, though he often used the Shadow Thieves as well. This led to his downfall, since Rhinnom Dannihyr, the current Iltarch, had the same talent for discerning facts from the least of clues.

             Most Amnians recall that the Gheldieg clan is a relatively new family in Amn, but few know that it came from Waterdeep as the exiled Gildeggh family of the dead Lord Magister Ehlemm Gildeggh. When the few remaining Gildegghs married into rich lesser families in Amn, they became the Gheldiegs and eventually built its central power base in land holdings. Immediately after the death of her father, Vyma Gheldieg (Neutral Good, Halfling Specialty Priest of Lliira Level 6), the daughter and sole heir of Curkon, married her secret love, a young and promising heir to a far lesser family ("far lesser" because they were not Athkatlans) against the wishes of her mother and uncles. With the union of the two land holding houses, Vyma and her husband, Pehllus Tanislove, control nearly 10% of the entire country's land! Unfortunately for the other Gheldieg relatives, their power now falls under the control of the Tanisloves.

    Titles: Lord of House Gheldieg (1317-1362); Iltarch (1333-1345); Namarch (1345-1362).

  • Iltarch Rhinnom Dannihyr (Chaotic Evil, Human Dual Wizard Level 4 / Thief Level 20):

              The Grandmaster of the Shadow Thieves has connived and tricked his way into not only being one of the rulers of Amn but also the leader of the only group the other rulers fear. This young, muscular, dashing figure has the looks and manners of a valorous hero despite his vile nature. His vanity forces him to keep himself magically young, so he seems to be about 30 when he is actually 132 years old. The Iltarch's gift of gathering knowledge from unlikely sources (garbage, dust in a room, etc.) could have made him a great detective or scout on the side of law and good, but he chose to become a spy and sneak thief after an aborted career as a wizard of the School of Wonder. He uses his spells mostly for eavesdropping and personal defense.

             Rhinnom Dannihyr keeps his two roles wholly separate. The Shadow Thieves have no clue that their Grandmaster is now among the Council, and Rhinnom doesn't share any Shadow Thief business with the Council beyond basic intelligence gathered. He knows how precarious a role he plays here, but he is quite smug about how easily the two groups fit together without even knowing it, and how fearful all his fellow Councilors are of his power over them. He wants the Meisarch's seat, but he is patient enough to bide his time for a few decades to see it happen anaturally before he takes an active hand.

    Titles: Low Shadow (1280-1287); High Shadow (1287-1311); Master Spy (1311-1358); Grandmaster (1358+); Iltarch (1362+).

  • Pommarch Tyrda Q'Helvor (Neutral, Half-Elf Wizard Level 14):

              The first woman among the Council of Six, the newest Pommarch was "suggested" by the freshman Iltarch as a suitable candidate. To their horror, the tradition bound elder Council members found Tyrda was merely the head of a moderately successful family of pottery merchants from Esmeltaran (of low social status and non-Athkatlan residence). She was also a wizardess, a secret so well kept that only five living people, counting Rhinnom, knew of her talents. (She nearly blasted him for revealing it when first received by the Council!) Rhinnom argued that she was needed as a mole among the Cowled Wizards and would be easy for the Six to control. She would have her own good reasons for not betraying the Council, especially given her boost in status and income that her family could never provide on its own.

             Though she does not realize the extent of the manipulations, Tyrda does know that she is on the Council primarily to act as the government's control over the Cowled Wizards. The human appearing Tyrda seems to be in her early 30s but, like the Iltarch, is decades older than that. Her father taught her to suspect everything, trust nothing except coin and herself, and use any means to stay ahead of "the game". Viewing it all with that detached aspect, Tyrda enjoys the new levels of intrigue she is being shown, and she plots to seduce or otherwise gain secrets and leverage from the Council in due time.

    Titles: Lady of the Q'Helvor family (1359+); Pommarch (1362+).

A Tour of Amn Top

          This section guides you through the sights, sounds, and sensations of Amn, the Merchant's Kingdom. The tour sets out along the Cloud Peaks, circles Lake Esmel, goes up the Troll Mountains, then down through the Small Teeth. Major geographic features of each region are covered first, then the civilized places therein. (Note the updated population figures. The last census taker took bribes to boost the numbers; these are the true figures!)

The Cloud Peaks Region Top

          The northwestern quadrant of the Merchant's Kingdom is marked by highlands and the lofty pinnacles of the Cloud Peaks. With the exception of some parts of Shilmista, this is the coolest area in Amn, thanks to its elevation; the mountains are snow covered much of the year. The elevated ridge that forms the drainage to Lake Weng usually keeps the Eshpurta Road dry and passable, though early spring floods along the Alandor River make this sloping road muddy and treacherous. The region is best known for Amn's largest city, Athkatla, the City of Coins, and the business it brings in by caravans or ships. The lands south of the Alandor River provide much grazing land for cattle and horse ranches. Other major products of the area are fish from Lake Weng, sheep's wool and lamb meat from the highlands around the lake and north of the river, and distilled ciders from the berries and fruits in the mountains.

The Cloud Peaks:

          While they are not the highest mountains in the area, the Cloud Peaks form a respectable wall on Amn's northern border. The view from the cliffs overlooking the enclosing hills and the bluffs, on which many sheep and goats graze, caps an exciting afternoon of rock climbing for the idle rich of Athkatla.

          Nashkel and the two Citadels are relatively autonomous in their day-to-day operations, thanks to the nature of the high, twisting passes through the Cloud Peaks. Many steep ravines and sudden drops lie along the paths in the Cloud Peaks, and flight is not advised unless one can tame the winds that whip through these mountains. The rolling hills also hide many pleasures. Few experience the kind hospitality of the pious folks in St. Carwell's Vale or the springtime beauty of the Sharyn Bluffs.

Dragons' Lairs:

          Two dragons' lairs in the Cloud Peaks are known. In the high reaches of Mount Speartop is the cave of Icehauptannarthanyx, a 1,270-year-old ancient white wyrm that rarely leaves its lair. A great red used to live north of Citadel Amnur, but its recent assault on the Citadel left it exhausted and open to attack; Araugauthos the Bluetalon slew the red and absorbed its treasure.

The Fangs:

         The Fangs are a pair of steep crags along the Trade Way. Fang Pass runs directly between the two sheer stone needles, and a smaller standing stone on the western cliff face marks "Fang Pass: Border of Amn" though Nashkel is still considered part of Amn. Two decades ago, adventurers slew a Remorhaz in the mountains just to the north of the pass, though its lair remains a mystery to this day. However, reports over the past few winters mark that Remorhaz attacks (or something carnivorous that only acts during the winter) are on the rise along this pass.

The Hamlar Hills:

          The hills around the Cloud Peaks are sparsely forested and used by farmers for grazing. Many abandoned vineyards have gone wild in these hills, after Lord Vol Qirger failed to breed new sorts of grapes from transplants from the North and the Purple Hills over 40 years ago. Now, the hills are home to many poor vagrants chased out of Athkatla, living in caves and stealing sheep to survive.

         Though "Hamlar Hills" is used by cartographers to refer to all the foothills of the Cloud Peaks, it properly refers only to the hills south and west of the range itself (the old House Hamlar lands, of which House Qirger was a lesser family).

Mount Speartop:

          Mount Speartop is the highest mountain in the Cloud Peaks and among the 20 tallest in southern Faerûn, stabbing into the sky nearly 15,000 feet above sea level. Easily spotted 20 miles away in Athkatla, the spire is such an impressive sight that "I swear on Speartop!" is a common oath among Amnians. A white wyrm, Icehauptannarthanyx, lairs here in a cave within 800 feet of the peak. He has left this perch only 15 times in the past 800 years, and his excursion into the mysteriously icebound lands of Minsorran centuries ago gave him four cities' worth of people to feed on for one winter-an act that has never been attributed to the dragon, who prides himself on his craftiness.

The Mountain of Skulls:

          This place is reached only by walking at ground level 10 miles east of the Fangs and 4 miles into the ridge through a long, twisted, illusion-cloaked path. From here, entrants walk into the bottom of a 100-foot-wide, l-mile-deep ravine, to face the Mountain of Skulls, a skull shaped cave entrance into the Cloud Peaks. Within the central chamber of this new temple to Bane (which fell into Cyric worshipers' hands when the Banedeath arrived here in 1362 DR) is a literal mountain of skulls, set as an idol to worship and a warning not to cross the church.

          At present, there is a power struggle between this and other temples to Cyric in Amn, though the Watchful Skull Tynnos Argrim (Chaotic Evil, Human Priest of Cyric Level 12), a ruthless sadist and zealot, has recently defeated and slain the high priest of the Dark Redoubt. He plans to force the other priests of Cyric under his sway.

The Ridge:

          This miles-long exposed fault line is little higher than many foothills, reaching no more than 300 feet, but its craggy surface and sparse vegetation make it a difficult walk. The Ridge is the most extensively mined area in Amn. Every major metal and mineral strike was made here; even veins of gems are found, mostly diamonds of a blue-purple hue, though unexpected strikes of rubies and garnets have occurred in past years.

Alandor River:

          This slow, wide river empties from Lake Weng into the sea, running past Crimmor and Athkatla. The barge traffic from Minsor Vale is light, though the traffic between the two cities downstream is constant, even during wintertime.


          The northernmost tributary into Lake Weng, this river is named after the legendary general Amnur, the younger brother of Amn's second king.

Comassur Creek:

          This tiny eastern creek merges with the Amnurflow and the Rashturiver about 5 miles northeast of Lake Weng. This is a fabulous fishing area and an annual spawning ground for salmon.


          This northeast tributary starts directly west of Citadel Rashturl, flowing from the higher peaks to the north as a waterfall to its twisting course below.


          This swift river flows past Amnwater. It always floods heavily during the spring thaws, leaving small ponds north of the town (these evaporate each summer) before rushing down to Lake Weng. Every other year, some daredevil tries to run the rapids down to the lake, but no one in 300 years has survived the ride.

The Troll Mountains Region Top

         The gateway to the northeast, the Troll Mountains are smaller and more arid than the Cloud Peaks. Unlike other ranges in Amn, the Troll Mountains are snow covered only during winter. The highlands around the headwaters of the Amstel River are rolling plains and grasslands with sparse tree coverage. The open lands between Itkazar Range (reaching up to the Snowflakes) and the Troll Mountains would be a fine location for a trade road were it not for the trolls of this aptly named area, not to mention the goblins and ogres in the Giant's Run Mountains, and fierce wemics of the Shining Plains.

The Troll Mountains Top

         These low mountains have great gem deposits and conceal many mysteries that remain undiscovered thanks to the local trolls. Despite a millennium of human-troll warfare, trolls inhabit these mountains in increasing numbers. Many humans do not believe this, but the trolls here are said by some to be rather intelligent. Legends tell that they once even ruled a small kingdom of their own kind. Something has given these trolls direction and purpose, which makes them crafty and difficult to root out.

Brigands' Gorge:

         Along the northern cluster of mountains, a pass runs along the bottom of sheer cliffs for about 4 miles. It has long been a favorite ambush spot for bandits, who secretly watch the gorge and signal to their fellows to trap travelers between two groups of attackers. The current bandits are the Fallen, a group of rogue adventurers (15 fighters, eight thieves, three priests, two wizards) who dress in raiment from the fallen churches of Bane and Bhaal, hoping to put fear and confusion into their prey. The Fallen is led by Casrach Tulnome (Lawful Evil, Human Fighter Level 8) and his wife Senora (Chaotic Evil, Halfling Priest of Iyachtu Xvim Level 6); Senora is the brains of the outfit.

Dragons' Lairs:

         The Smokespire, the westernmost peak of the Troll Mountains, is an extinct volcano that is home to Balagos, an exceptionally dangerous red dragon. Balagos is occasionally seen flying high across the skies of Amn or tormenting travelers on Amn's tradeways; wise folk hide and hope he leaves without eating too many people. Vicious Balagos is more dangerous to other dragons than to two-legged Amnians, so he is a threat that Amn is resigned to live with.

Fort Ilbratha:

         This abandoned Calishite garrison lies among the eastern foothills of the Troll Mountains, and it dates back to the time of Valashar and Ashar's March. Built as the northernmost defense of Valashar, it was left with a paltry sum of defenders; it abruptly fell to King Azoun I and his magical short sword Ilbratha, Mistress of Battles, as he slashed and burned a path to Ithmong in the Year of the Whipped Cur (336 DR). The log palisade was burned and all evidence of it is long gone, though the stone foundations still exist. The name of this garrison is long lost, so it carries the name of the sword that helped bring it low. The fort once guarded the swiftest eastwest pass through the Troll Mountains, which is still the only pass that doesn't run travelers through the Snakewood.

The Gulf of Storms:

         Perhaps the most spectacular and uncontrolled temple in the Realms lies more than a day's travel northeast of Eshpurta. In a deep valley between Mount Thalangar and Assar's's Peak, an exposed cleft of crystal and iron embedded rock attracts and reflects deadly bolts of lightning in a crisscross pattern that could only be seen as beautiful by the worshipers of Talos, god of destruction. These lightning discharges are called the Tongues of Talos, and the devout consider them a sign that Talos is pleased with their works of chaos. Caves riddling the valley walls, with one major complex in the northern face, make up the temple and its barracks.

Heralds' Hall:

         This elegant manor would amaze any Amnian with its opulence and its treasure vaults, were they to find it. The hall, however, is hidden beneath the earth in Swordsmere, and it is the secret headquarters for the Heralds. Within Heralds' Hall are some of the most famous and infamous relics, artifacts, weapons, and sundry items that have made history, for good or ill, across Faerûn for the past few centuries. Heralds' Hall can be reached through gates secretly established in Athkatla, Baldur's Gate, Beregost, Eshpurta, and Murann.

The Qadim Hills:

         These hills surround the Troll Mountains from Trollford north into the Green Fields. Goblins who live here have fought trolls with fire for years, keeping either from gaining horde status and overwhelming the eastern cities of Amn. Now, the goblins here have been driven deep into the mountains, if not into another range altogether.


         Though few have seen it and fewer still talked or written of it, Quarrelshigh is a fortified gnome mining village and garrison within the central northern Troll Mountains, 5 miles west of the Wailing Dwarf. The settlement, nestled among three higher peaks and surrounded by a deep ravine, is over 500 years old. The 500 gnomes thrive despite massive attacks each summer by trolls and ogres of the inner peaks. They hang on to valuable mithral and diamond mines untouched even by the ancient dwarven kingdom of Shanatar.

          Their defenses are impenetrable, and their tunnels are rigged with a variety of rockfalls, portcullises, trapped tunnels, and the like. Only a gnome of Quarrelshigh can avoid all the traps to lead visitors safely through.


         Mount Sklagarra, the westernmost mountain among the Troll Mountains except for the Smokespire, holds many secrets. Underneath its craggy heights lurks a subterranean lake full of savage, carnivorous fish, with a lone island at its center. This island is the location of Heralds' Hall; Swordsmere is the cavern complex around it. In addition to the Hall, Swordsmere has additional smaller buildings and connected caverns where one can test new spells or throw lavish banquets below a "sky" of floating torches. Swordsmere is reached through the same portals as Heralds' Hall. Despite the Heralds' attempts to learn more about the southern dwarven kingdoms, Swordsmere offers no answers on the fate of these ancient dwarves. No tunnels have been found leading to Deep Shanatar or any other dwarven kingdom or subterranean region.

The Wailing Dwarf:

         The Wailing Dwarf is a great feat of dwarven stonework, 4,000 feet high and over 6,000 years old, carved into Mount Batyr, the easternmost mountain of the range. The fully carved dwarf faces east toward Breakback Pass in the Giant's Run mountains, its stony face glaring in warning. The hollow eyes and ears catch winds that rush out the mouth, producing eerie moans that reverberate across the plains. Though few explorers have entered it in recorded history, the Wailing Dwarf is an entire dwarven city, abandoned since the days of Shanatar but now claimed by trolls and other monsters. Four adventuring companies have tried to clear out the Wailing Dwarf and restore it to dwarven rule; none have been heard from since they left Eshpurta.

The Snakewood Top

         This slim, struggling forest has gone by many names over the past millennia, including long stints as the Wyrmwood or Arundath the Quiet Forest. Its current name suits it well, since it is inhabited by myriad green and black snakes, some quite poisonous, thanks to Eldathyn priests who inhabit the central woods. Once part of the great forest Shantel Othreier, this forest shrank under woodsmen's axes, dragonfire, giants' attacks, and other forces. In the late 350s, the last tribe of elves in the Snakewood was annihilated for trying to keep seven forest unicorns from falling into the hands of the evil Emperor Shoon VII (who, many say, sacrificed the unicorns and many elves to create an awful artifact, the Tome of the Unicorn). Since then, few elves have lived in these woods for more than a few summers.

          Despite its small size compared to other forests in the area, the Snakewood still holds quite a few well-guarded mysteries, especially since the last major incursion of humans into the area occurred at the end of the Shoon Empire. Isolated pockets of monsters such as giant spiders and snakes, beholders, and lycanthropes exist.

Dragon's Lair:

          Ringreemeralxoth, a young adult green dragon, has his lair in the northeastern hills within the forest southwest of Brigand's Gorge, west of the Gulf of Storms. On a few rare occasions, Ring leaves his lair and the forest entirely, seeking prey; on one excursion, he gained much treasure from a group of surprised brigands, then lost it all to a party of 30 trolls, who nearly defeated him. He plans to move but wants to build his strength before he challenges another dragon for territory.

Duskwood Dell:

          East and north of Eshpurta is the most revered place of the goddess Eldathyn in the Realms. A former elven settlement built high in the trees to the west of the rushing River Rimril and the Green Goddess Falls, Duskwood Dell is a small community of Eldathyn priests and young acolytes, led by the Most Exalted Fallskeeper Alatoasz Berendim (Neutral, Human Druid Level 13). After training here, Eldathyn leave Duskwood Dell to spread the worship of the Green Goddess. All are sworn never to reveal the location of Duskwood Dell to anyone outside the clergy. No more than 30 nondruids in Amn realize the sanctuary exists within the country; the locals know only that druids live within the Snakewood, and those druids might be responsible for the surplus of snakes.

The Stone of Clans' Parting:

          This 18-foot-high, three sided stone plinth rests on the eastern edge of the woods, almost two day's travel northeast of Eshpurta. Strange lines and ancient elvish writing appear on each of its faces. The longhidden plinth was revealed after dragonfire burned away the surrounding glade late in the Year of Scorching Suns (460 DR). In the late 570s, Thennaris Trollbann deciphered the so called Pyramid of Magar's Hill and found it recorded the sundering of the elven nation of Keltormir; the markings show a detailed map of the forests when viewed from above. He also found the plinth's proper name inscribed on the base: the Stone of Clans' Parting. This holy place for elves and half-elves has a zone of preternatural silence within 100 yards of the plinth; this area is also a dead-magic zone.

Magar's Hill:

         This low hill, marked by an ancient elven plinth, is the former site of a dragon-slaying by the first king of Amn, then-General Esmel Torlath. He slew the red dragon Magarovallanthanz and claimed its hoard, proving he had both the military and financial might to rule Amn. The battle burned away the eastern center of the forest, exposing the hill and its mysterious plinth. A cave-in during the Year of Great Riches buried the dragon's lair, 1 mile from the hill; the cave mouth has vanished under grass and wildflowers.

The Esmelflow Top

          These rushing rivers empty from the Ridge, the Snakewood, the Troll Mountains, and the Qadim Hills down to Lake Esmel. Collectively, these creeks and rivers are referred to as the Esmelflow.

The Fireflow:

          The western fork of the upper river Khalleshyr, this creek was named after Vinnam the Ranger reported that he survived a troll attack by wading into the icy creek. For some reason, he discovered, trolls avoid the waters of this creek as if it were liquid fire. The Fireflow is also known as Gaping Stream, named after Gaping Face Cascade, a waterfall springing from a rock face where this watercourse begins. The Golden Creek: This small tributary of the Vudlur and Splendarrllur flows out of the mineral-rich Ridge. It was once an extremely busy site when early Keczullan settlers panned for gold here and named it. Now it is simply a good rivulet for subsistence fishing.


         This river meets the great Amstel River at Trollford after a 100-mile stretch down from the Troll Mountains. The Khalleshyr is noted for a rare, golden fish, the dionnel. The dionnel is hard to catch, but it is a prized delicacy in Athkatla and other western cities.

River Rimril/The Serpent's Tail:

          The River Rimril, also commonly known as the Serpent's Tail (since it emerges from the end of the Snakewood), flows east of Eshpurta and into the Amstel River. This peaceful stream once ran red with the blood of Arundath's elves, under the Shoon Empire. Trinkets and jewelry in the creek are sometimes snagged and pulled up on fishing hooks.

The Splendarrllur:

          One of the three largest rivers in Amn, the Splendarrllur was named by the shield dwarves as the "Shining River." Though cold and swifter than the Esmel, this river is one of the easiest for barge traffic coming down to Lake Esmel from the northeast.

Trifin Creek:

          Flowing to the west of Eshpurta, this fast, steep creek empties into the River Rimril, then meets the Amstel River. It has few slow stretches for fishing. Trollstooth Run: The eastern fork of upper Khalleshyr is littered with the teeth and bones of trolls and other creatures. This area is often the site of ambushes and battles, and sharp teeth and bones make the rocky stream bottom dangerous for wading without boots.

The Vudlur:

          Another dwarf-named waterway, the Vudlur literally means "woods stream," so named as it flows from a spring in the western Snakewood, then runs under the Axe Bridge until it meets the Splendarrllur.

The Forest of Shadows Top

          For thousands of years, Shilmista, the Forest of Shadows, sheltered the western slopes of the Snowflake Mountains, hiding the secrets of both trees and peaks. The bulk of the trees are oaks and tall elms, though a smattering of dusktops and pines are seen in the high forest on the mountainside. Amnians know that the forest forms the eastern boundary of the country and elves live in it, but little else. Attempts were made in the past, notably by Shoonite troops, to scout the region for gems or valuable minerals; these attempts were repelled by the elves and other forest denizens. Amnians today have no wish to disturb the elves, for they know what happens in response. "Unprofitable," they mutter, collecting wood elsewhere.

The Forest of Shadows: Rivers Top

River Valashar:

          This river starts in the lower Snowflakes, inside the tree line of Shilmista. The headwaters plunge down the cliffs over three different falls and collect into a deep forest pool (rumored to have Nereids in it) that then flows westward. The river Valashar is shallow and placid within 20 miles of Shilmista, but the wide, lazy river soon deepens from spring water along its route and picks up speed within 40 miles of Trollford, where it becomes the impassable Amstel River, which remains dangerous until 75 miles past Trollford.

The Forest of Shadows: Shilmista Top

          Amn knows little and cares less about the history and details of the elven forest of Shilmista. While the elves now trust outsiders a bit more, King Elbereth is not forthcoming with the lore of his people. Still, some basics are known about the region. Like all forests, the Shilmista was once much larger, but many of its boughs have fallen before the axes, plows, and roads of humans. No longer, say the elves. With the incursions of Castle Trinity's forces in the Year of Maidens, the Shilmista elves declared no more trees or elves of the forest would die. Though not actively hunting humans and other non-elves, like the Eldreth Veluuthara to the south in the Forest of Mir, the Shilmista's elves hold the forest's boundaries sacred. The elves' numbers have dwindled over the centuries, and only a very small tribe remains.

          Tethyr's new monarch has, through the High Scrivener at Soaring Spirit, made contact with the Shilmista elves, and more information on the forest and its denizens may be forth coming. All that is known are the following notes, culled from reports of the Castle Trinity conflict.

Bowgentle's Grove:

         A surprising and recent discovery was made by High Scrivener Cadderly: The much-storied and loved Bowgentle the mage lies buried in a peaceful glade in the southern quadrant of the forest. One of the few outsiders to make friends with the elves, Bowgentle lived out the last years of his two-centuries-plus life in Shilmista. He apparently died in a fall while traversing a mountain path in the higher forest during the winter of the Year of the Lost Lady (1241 DR); he was buried in this peaceful glade, beneath the oak of a dryad.

The Dells:

          These high plateaus in the northern forest provide the elves with good defensible high ground when numerous monsters emerge from the Snowflakes (as they did in 1361 DR). Most often, the elves scout positions and places from which to hunt birds or track prey up into the mountain passes. Deny Ridge: Another high ridge in the forest's center, Deny Ridge provides a high lookout for one of the easier paths that runs deep into the Snowflakes.

Daoine Dun:

          This sometime elven encampment, loosely translated as "the hill of the stars", is riddled with caves. It is used for elven ceremonies when a wide clearing is needed, or when the elves need a defensible position against an attacking force.

Elven settlements:

          Unlike humans, elves here do not always congregate to one or two major settlements, as this makes them an easy target. Many small camps and treetop settlements lie within the Shilmista, more than any human will ever discover.

Orgoth's Tower:

          After the destruction of the School of Wonder in 1266 DR, most Amnians didn't want a wizard any where near their towns, forcing wizards to live in the unsettled lands. Zemloth of Amn (1250-1330 DR), an Imnescari by birth, wrote of his Riatavanner tutor in magic, Orgoth the Tainted (1243-1318 DR), and his tower in the east. Zemloth talked more about his search for a magical tome, the Alcaister, but hinted that Orgoth may have found hidden magic of the necromancer Kartak Spellseer, decades gone by that time, but whether these items were left in Orgoth's home when he died is unstated. Without a doubt, Orgoth died at the claws of three fiends he summoned and couldn't control, though whether Kartak's magic had anything to do with it is uncertain. Orgoth's Tower, decrepit and abandoned, still stands in the foothills a half-day east of Riatavin. It reminds locals of the insanity of conjuring up fiends, the foolishness of sorcery in general, and why wizards cannot be trusted.

Lake Esmel Region Top

          Lake Esmel is a resort area and meeting point for many mercantile interests. The largest grain trading markets and agricultural companies collect in the Grain district of the Esmeltaran. Small fishing villages share lake frontage with the many estates where guilds, mercantile companies, and major families come to relax. This area is perceived as laid back and light in commerce, though the new Gem Road has brought many people directly in from Keczulla.

          Small farming and fishing communities abound around the lake but are relatively insular compared to other areas of the country. Each has 70-200 adults who have learned to work quietly and avoid notice, or risk being dragged into unprofitable errands by rich, vacationing Amnians. (Many in Esmeltaran are happy to cater to that crowd.)

          The major export from this area is the wide variety of fish from the lake, some living in the hot mineral springs in the northeast bays. Other major products are fruits, olives, dates, and grains, grown around the lake and along the South Road and Imnescourse. The markets in Esmeltaran are almost as complete as those in Athkatla, though foreign luxury goods cost more as they must travel farther inland (unless brought by trading caster down through the Giant's Plains). Also exported are pottery and objects d'art made from the distinctively bright red Esmel clay from the lake's northeastern shores.

Lake Esmel:

          Lake Esmel was here when the Snakewood still met Shantel Othreir, when Keltormir was young, when the dwarves of Shanatar had not even dreamed of their first beards. In the days when the Creator Races stalked the Realms, something was created to live in the lake and it lives there yet today. Nothing seems out of the ordinary about Lake Esmel until you look closer. The lake is so inordinately deep that its bottom has never been plumbed. Great depths are very close to the eastern and southern shores, but some areas in the north and west are only 100 feet deep. Beyond a half-mile from shore, the lake's depths lie open and unmeasured. The extreme depth and chill of the water give much of the lake a midnight blue color even on the sunniest of days. To the west, the shallows and high sulfur content shift the water's color nearly to sea green. Hot mineral springs are close to the surface, and they warm local lands and the northwestern waters of the lake, especially Akarav's Bay. The sulfur of the springs also adds "the scent of health" to the air. As a result of these intertwined waters in one lake, the fishing is full of variety and surprises, though there is less fishing in the western half as it would disturb the vacationing merchants to whom Esmeltaran caters.

          Lake Esmel is more than a pleasant place to swim, soak, or fish. Centuries-old legends tell of a lake monster that swallows boats whole. Few believe in the lake monster, but many profit from its legend, from bards retelling its many tales to cooks providing "Fillet of Lake Monster" to easily amused patrons. The wicked red dragon Balagos is known to bathe in Lake Esmel, and most authorities think monster-viewers have actually seen Balagos.

Akarav's Bay:

          The greatest concentration of mineral springs and sulfur-heated waters lie within the northern bay of Lake Esmel, though the waters remain warm as far south as the northern quadrant of Esmeltaran. Akarav's Bay is named after the Waukeenar priest who discovered the healthful effects of the waters of the bay, and quickly opened a resort that is still owned by the Waukeenar priests of Goldspires in Athkatla. Amstel River: Fed primarily by the Khalleshyr and the River Valashar, the Amstel River flows from Eshpurta to Lake Esmel, bringing with it barge traffic from villages far south of that city, where it is safer to travel on the river. The shores where the river empties into the lake are rich with the bright red clay of Lake Esmel, and many villages here profit from making clay pottery and statues.

Esmel River:

          This broad, slow river drains to the west from Lake Esmel. A mile west of Esmeltaran, the water cools to normal temperatures, though its mineral content leaves a curious taste in the water. The peaceful Esmel River is a major trade route with even more barge traffic than the Alandor River. It is stylish for merchants to return from Esmeltaran on lavishly decorated barges. The river at any time can be filled with grain barges, fishing barges, and a silk-draped, purple-and-gold, double-decked barge full of dancers, musicians, and happy merchants. Village children along the river often cheer an exciting-looking barge, hoping a prosperous barge owner will toss a handful of coins to them.


          The southernmost river leading into the lake flows from the Tejarn Hills. This is the Hyrzashyr, one of a number of rivers that maintains its old name given during the times of Meiritin.


          Another Meiritin-named river, this spring-fed river is cold all year and is one of the few in Amn that freezes solid during winter. A great demand exists in Esmeltaran and Athkatla for the fresh waters of this southeastern river, and villagers in Many jokingly call the mythical lake monster "Esmelda." Many stories describe the monster in similar ways, though inconsistencies creep in: "Body longer than two boats"; "long neck like a snake, but a head with jaws like I hear dragons have"; "it had a ridge of plates or spines running full-length along its neck and back"; "its flukes and flippers were the size of our pleasure craft"; "its entire body was like a sea snake, and it could've wrapped the whole boat up and crushed it"; "its eyes were intelligent and it cast a paralysis beam on us that froze us right there"; "it seemed playful, coming up just beneath the boat, popping its head out of the water to eat the net with my day's catch in it." A few folk around the lake swear to have seen this creature, claiming it must be a dragon given its reptilian features and massive size.

          "Esmelda" is all too real—but she is not just one monster. The depths of the lake support over a dozen cold/loving water breathing reptiles called pythosaurs, which come to the surface only if provoked or hungry. A pythosaur will attack boats as well as sailors.

Pythosaurus (1; 13): AC 4; MV 30; HD 18; hp 72 (ave.); THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 5-30; SA swallow; SD none; SW none; MR none; SZ G (body 120 feet, neck 70 feet); ML Elite (13); Int Animal (1); AL N; XP 7,000, Notes: SA—When attacking any creature under 10 feet tall (L-size), this creature swallows the victim whole on a THAC0 of 19 or 20. Swallowed victims suffer 2 hit points damage per round until dead.

The Tejarn Hills & Tethir Road Top

          Most Athkatlans and Muranni think the Tejam Hills mark the end of civilized Amn. ("Why, only halflings and savages live beyond Lake Esmel!") Obviously, these hills define what territory is socially acceptable and what isn't. To them the Tejam Hills are wilderness property only useful if you raise sheep. The people of this area and that abutting Shilmista are looked down upon as hicks.

          Be that as it may, some major exports arise from this frontier: root crops, cattle and livestock, horses, wines, beers and ales, and rare specialty items like wild mushrooms and certain wild flowers. Much of the major crop trade is controlled by various families, but the opportunity exists for a mercantile house or individual to make some money here.

The Tejarn Hills Top

          Part of western Amn's snobbery comes from the nature of the Tejam Hills. These hills have always been defensively fortified, as is typical of a frontier. The hills are also known as the site of the former halfling realm of Meiritin (bringing the image of ruins to mind) and for South Road, hated for its ruts, mud holes, sharp curves, hills, etc.

          These hills appear gradually, not abruptly like the Ridge, but greatly slow all traffic passing through them. This is considered superb terrain for traps, ambushes, and guerilla activity. With the recent Rebellion, military action is expected to occur among the Tejam Hills.

The Nine Sentinels:

          Most ancient structures long ago became overgrown piles of rubble here, but nine surviving towers dot the main Tejarn Hills. These long-abandoned garrisons were built by Calishite imperial troops of the Third Age. Two are east and southeast of Keshla, four lie along the South Road between the eastern hillforts, and three are among the hills east, south, and west of Torbold. They were spartan garrison posts with signal fire-braziers and mirrors atop each tower, each tower being visible from its nearest neighbors to allow signals to travel from the eastern frontier all the way to the now- buried city of Xandar. Like many other ruins in the southern lands, these have lost their original names; they are known now by titles given them by an Amnian bard who wrote a song about ghostly signals from the "Nine Sentinels."

The Skull Gnasher Giants:

          Due to the Council's refusal to reinforce the Torbold Hillfort, hill giants have been a threat in the central Tejam Hills for over a dozen years. Each time the soldiers of the fort defeat the giants, the tribe retreats into well hidden tunnels or goes farther west into the foothills near Brost or the Small Teeth. There they raise more children or draft other hill giants into the Skullgnasher tribe, which has lately absorbed two other giant tribes that once stalked the Small Teeth.

          Chief Fedduk of the Skullgnashers is a major ally of the ogre magi of the "Sythillisian Empire" under the Small Teeth. His primary job is to harass and distract the hillforts so the humans ignore greater threats building in the mountains. He and his giants have grown tired of this game, however, and they itch to get into a massive fight, which the ogre magi promise is imminent.

The Hillforts Top

          While these hillforts have long stood as the primary defenses of Amn's eastern frontiers, they have suffered the neglect that the military often feels in peacetime. The northern Citadels were refitted as a result of the Dragonspear Wars, but the hillforts remain, as they have always been, log-and-earth palisades and rough towers.

          The hillforts are massive structures of log-and-earthwork walls 15 feet high and 3 feet thick, and they crown the hills where they are posted. Their first lines of defense are a log palisade and an outer ditch (which often fills up during the rainy seasons) beyond the wall. All that each fort might need—including a subsistence garden, stables, armory, smithy, main keep, and garrison lies within its walls. Each hillfort holds a standard garrison of 300 troops, 15 officers, and one commander; it can hold an additional 500 troops, While Ishla and Torbold are nearly identical in size and layout, Keshla has a slightly larger outermost defensive line, and thus has 400 soldiers and 35 officers, with room for 900 more troops if needed. All of the hillforts seem to have been placed where ancient pre-Shoon castles or manors once stood. Unless actively kept up, the hillfort buildings become drafty, dirty, and utterly uncomfortable for all concerned. Dedicated commanders have improved the conditions of their forts, but major renovations require money and permits from the Council of Six that are not forthcoming.

The Small Teeth Region Top

          While many consider this spot forgettable, the Small Teeth region is actually a cornerstone of Amn's economy. Some of Amn's best plantations are nestled between the southern Small Teeth and the Forest of Tethir, with dates, olives, grapes, and various grains and subsistence crops in abundance. The lower mountain slopes support herds of goats and sheep for additional meat and wool for trade or local use. Finally, the seacoast city of Murann is Amn's second largest port, after Athkatla; the sea is this city's sole focus. Everything can be found in this region, including pragmatic Amnians less worried about making deals or gaining status than about just enjoying life.

The Small Teeth Top

          The Small Teeth are moderately high mountains with light forestation on all but the tallest peaks, which are snow-covered during the winter until Mirtul. The Teeths' winding trails often mislead travelers, but they conceal greater dangers. Local goblins, ogres, and other humanoids have grown to enormous numbers under the leadership of two strategy-conscious ogre magi with minds for empire building. Humanoids here have learned much from their battles with humans and are hard to defeat.

Dragons' Lairs:

          Though history lists more, only two dragons' lairs (for three dragons, no less) are currently known to lie within the Small Teeth, set among the loftiest peaks at about 5,000-8,000 feet altitude:

  • The hideaway of a long-dead thieves' guild forms the lair of Iryklathagra, a 1,125-year-old blue wyrm also known as "Sharpfangs." Her treasure hoard has grown magnificent and includes unique items and artifacts such as a holy relic of Helm's faith, the Monocle of Bugthalos, and the decidedly unholy Staff of Shoon, a rod made of unicorns' horns built by the same madman who made the Tome of the Unicorn. Iryklathagra sleeps much of the time, but her hunger is awful to behold when something awakens her about once a century. On her last excursion, she had to fight for her meal, suffering injuries to her wings and one forepaw when she attacked a bronze dragon family, as described below.
  • A larger cavern complex farther east in the Small Teeth is entered only through the crater of an extinct volcano two peaks east of Kossuth's Eyes. Inside is the carcass of an adult male bronze dragon and the remains of three hatched eggs, though no sign of any hatchlings. The dragon's name was Trollushanthallor; he and his mate were attacked early in 1369 DR by Sharpfangs. Trollus's mate and one female hatchling survived the wyrm's attack, and they fled to the Forest of Tethir. Now, safe among the Suldusk elves, the mate, Arellaxerrontoal, plots a cold revenge against Sharpfangs. No one outside that forest knows this lair has been abandoned.

Ghallar Knoll:

          An interesting spot in the western Small Teeth, Ghallar Knoll is a low, perfectly round hillock covered by grass of a brilliant scarlet hue. Legends say that eating two blades of the grass makes one 10 years younger and removes all poisons in one's body. Legends also hint that the hill is the home of its protector, the Ghallar, about which no one knows anything at all since no one has returned to describe it in many years.

The Imnescourse:

          This trail leads from Imnescar to Gambiton, running an up-and-down course through the foothills and runoff areas of the mountains. During the day, this path is safe and easy to traverse except during the spring thaws, when it is a sea of mud. At night, only fools and monster hunters take this path, since it winds through the Umar Hills, which are noted for wolf packs and supernatural dangers. Kossuth's Eyes: Were the Gem Road to continue on its route directly in line from Esmeltaran, it would drive right between Kossuth's Eyes, two dormant volcanoes on the near-eastern end of the Small Teeth. These volcanoes have not been active since the dwarves built Shanatar.

Ommlur Hills:

          The foothills of the mountains west of the Trade Way were named for Ommlur, an Amnian poet of the second century of the Shoon Empire, who wrote of the beauty of the flood plains and falls here.

The Tethir Road:

          This lonely stretch of road spans thousands of miles from Murann to Ormath of the Vilhon Reach. From Riatavin to Murann are no major caravan stops; but a half-dozen tiny villages not shown on any maps allow travelers to rest there, surrounded by pastures and cattle, grain fields, orchards of figs and dates, or hillside vineyards.

          Travelers are watched most of the way; the elves of Forest Tethir are not trusting sorts. The worst section is the long slope of road from the forest™s northernmost bend down to Trade- meet on the Trade Way, where elves often shoot arrows into wagons to spook yoxen (Amnian "yoke-oxen") and horses, sending merchants and goods on a mad race down the hills toward town.

Umar Hills:

          The foothills of the Small Teeth on the north and south faces are the Umar Hills, named after an ancient witch who plagued Amn for decades. No proof was ever found of her death; she stopped enslaving and torturing shepherds over 700 years ago. These hills are pierced by the Imnescourse trail, which is safe during sunlit hours. At night, these hills are the hunting grounds for a large pack of wolves (said to be led by a werewolf), along with goblin raiders and a will o' wisp.

Vale of Wailing Women:

          Northwest of the peaks looming over Hillfort Ishla lies the Vale of Wailing Women, named after the women of Amn who watched their husbands march into the Small Teeth with Prince Imnel during the Ogre Wars. Curiously, the vale is now the location of the greatest temple to the goddess Loviatar in all Faerûn: the two-towered Black Spires of the Maiden, founded here 10 years ago.

Nation of Amn
Nation of Amn
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