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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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         Here you can find statistics, locations and rating charts for all the Non-Player Characters that will be able to join your party as you adventure through Baldur's Gate 2.

RaceHuman   SexFemale   ClassThief/Mage
Stat Total 
: 09
: 18
: 16
: 17
: 11
: 16
: 87

Neutral Good

"Imoen chuckles when you ask her about her past, assuming you are just trying to keep her mind on happier times and places. She indulges you, and certainly does cheer up when speaking of how you spent your youths together in Candlekeep. She arrived there the same as you, in the company of your foster father Gorion, but despite this similarity she grew up much more carefree than you did. Indeed, her lighthearted outlook has long kept her immune to the hardships of the world, though the dark confines and horrors of your current location have definitely taken their toll."

Imoen will rescue you from the cage in the starting dungeon and automatically join you.

RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassRanger
Stat Total 
: 18/93
: 16
: 16
: 08
: 06
: 09
: 73

Chaotic Good

"When asked about his past, Minsc proclaims that he is a berserker warrior from the nation of Rashemen in the utter east, through his affinity for animals speaks to his skill as a Ranger as well. He originally came to the Sword Coast on a dejemma, a ritual journey to manhood, as the bodyguard of a young Wychalarn of Rasheman named Dynaheir. To his shame, Dynaheir is now dead, and he fears that the doors of the honored Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge are forever closed to him. This personal tragedy has obviously not strengthened Minsc's hold on reality, as evidenced by his continued dependence on his animal companion 'Boo', a creature that he claims is a miniature giant space hamster. Apparently such things do exist somewhere in the Realms, but Minsc has surely taken too many blows to the head."

Minsc can be found in a cage next to Jaheira's in the starting dungeon. To free him, you must stir the mighty barbarian rage in him through conversation.

RaceHalf-Elf   SexFemale   ClassFighter/Druid
Stat Total 
: 15
: 17
: 17
: 10
: 14
: 15
: 88

True Neutral

"When asked about her past, Jaheira glares as she speaks. She says that she was born in the Tethyr region to a loyalist of the King Alemander regime, unfortunately during the Tethyrian civil war. Her family was among the nobles targeted by the angry mobs of peasants, and she was only spared because a servant girl took her from their castle before it fell. An enclave of Druids in the forest of Tethyr was willing to grant shelter, and Jaheira grew up headstrong in their care. She believes the only way to protect nature is to have an active role in the world, but the cost of this dedications seems to weigh heavily on her mind these days.

She grows quiet when you ask about recent events, and while she gives the appearance of her normal, strong-willed self, there is a look of doubt in her eyes. It would seem that she has seen too many friends fall to remain unaffected. She does not like the subject, and lets it drop."

Jaheira can be found in a cage next to Minsc's in the starting dungeon. To free her, you will need a key to open her cage. The key can be found in a nearby room along with your equipment.

RaceDrow   SexFemale   ClassCleric
Stat Total 
: 10
: 19
: 08
: 16
: 18
: 14
: 85

Neutral Evil

"When you ask about her recent past, Viconia snarls that it is not your place to know such things of her. There is still pride in her voice when she speaks about her Underdark home of Menzoberranzan, but you get the feeling that there is nothing left for her there, her family and House most likely victims of typically vicious Drow 'politics'. She has continued in her worship of the Night Goddess Shar, but that appears to have been the only boon to her exile. She seems sullen and bitter, and has certainly learned much of the intolerance she must face while living amongst surface peoples. Her natural abilities as a Drow have faded with time, also contributing to her lost sense of belonging."

Viconia can be found in the Government Quarter of Athkatla, on the northwest side of the map. She is about to be burned at a stake, so in order to get her into your party you must rescue her and kill the surrounding fanatics in the process. You will lose reputation points if you do this, however. Also note that once you get to that area you will have only one chance in the whole game to get her; if you don't rescue her on the spot she will be burned to death.

RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassMage [Conjurer]
Stat Total 
: 10
: 10
: 16
: 18
: 10
: 10
: 74

Lawful Evil

"When asked about how he came to be in the employ of the Shadow Thieves, Edwin sneers that it is none of your business. In his opinion you are lucky enough to have encountered him at all, and further inquiries beyond this initial boon will only serve to tempt the fates. Despite his obstinate nature, there is a hint that his present circumstance is not all that favorable, and his willingness to join with you contradicts his supposed distaste for the company of others. Edwin ignores speculation about his recent past, but he does appear to have placed less emphasis on the Red Wizard colors he has so brazenly displayed in the past. It is an understandable act for a wizard traveler in mage-fearing Amn."

Edwin can be found on the 3rd floor of Mae'Var's guildhall in Athkatla. He will ask you to perform a couple of quests for him and upon their completion, offer to join.

RaceDwarf   SexMale   ClassFighter [Berserker Kit]
Stat Total 
: 18/77
: 15
: 19
: 12
: 09
: 07
: 80

Chaotic Evil

"When asked about his past, Korgan growls that unless you want to end up like the members of his last scum-sucking, traitorous party, you'd best keep your overcurious nose to yourself. Seeing as the dwarf is only slightly short of a necklace of ears in proving his enjoyment of slaughter, you decide to obey his request."

Korgan is drinking and waiting patiently in the Copper Coronet in the slums of Athkatla. He has recently "lost" his party and is eager to join a new one. He will ask about joining your party as soon as you walk by him. He also has some unfinished business that you should attend to before making any other long trips around the Realms.

RaceHuman   SexFemale   ClassThief/Mage
Nalia the sweetheart
Stat Total 
: 14
: 18
: 16
: 17
: 09
: 13
: 87

Chaotic Good

"When asked about her past, Nalia is a bit hesitant. She comes from a wealthy land-owning family headed by Lord de'Arnise, and while she speaks of her relatives with affection, the fact of her upbringing seems to embarrass her at the same time. Nalia clearly identifies more with the 'poorer classes' but also looks upon them with the eyes of the privileged. She has been educated and taught the magical arts, as per her dead mother's wishes, but Nalia states that her years of sneaking out of the castle have taught her the other side of life as well. She still has much to learn about life beyond her castle, however, and she knows it... and she is sure adventuring is the answer."

Nalia is also inside the Copper Coronet, hopelessly seeking someone to help her clense the trollish plague that has invaded her family's keep. She is eager to join you, but if your party is full at the moment, don't fret. After you arrive at the scene you will have another opportunity to let her join, and yet another after you kill all of the trolls in the keep.

RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassThief [Bounty Hunter Kit]
Stat Total 
: 17
: 18
: 16
: 13
: 10
: 14
: 88

True Neutral

"When asked about his past, Yoshimo seems disheartened that you are not already acquainted with his reputation. By his own account, he is apparently well known among people in the know, both as a daring rogue and as a dashing man about town. While the story sounds impressive, he seems ungainly for such exploits, possibly a bit more hapless than debonair. He wears it well, however, and perhaps even capitalizes on it. He seems to know that his kind of good-natured humor is well appreciated by most everyone he meets."

Yoshimo is another prisoner you will met in Irenicus' dungeon. You will be introduced to him automatically once you use the portal in the dungeon.

RaceAvariel   SexFemale   ClassCleric/Mage
Stat Total 
: 10
: 17
: 09
: 16
: 16
: 14
: 82

Lawful Good

"Aerie becomes silent for a time when asked about her past, obviously saddened by the memory. She lived amongst the Avariel, the winged elves, and was captured by slavers when she was still very young. She shudders when she speaks of her first years in the circus, on display in a cage that restricted her movements to the point that her wings atrophied. They became infected and Aerie can barely speak of the night she was taken out of her cage and her wings were sawn off brutally to keep her alive. She was no longer of use to that circus, and were it not for the kindness of Quayle she surely would have died. He restored her to health and gave her a reason to continue living, and out of respect for his generosity she learned the devotion of the gnomish god Baervan Wildwanderer. She speaks of Baervan with affection, yet still pays tribute to Aerdrie Faenya, and approaches life outside of the circus with a combination of wide-eyed innocence and wonder mixed with an inborn determination to fight against injustice."

Immediately after escaping the first dungeon, enter the circus tent just southwest of your position. Aerie is the ogre that you meet inside the tent. Do as she asks to dispel the illusion and get her to join the party.

Jan Jansen
RaceGnome   SexMale   ClassThief/Illusionist
Jan Jansen
Stat Total 
: 09
: 17
: 15
: 16
: 14
: 10
: 81

Chaotic Neutral

"Jan Jansen stops tinkering with his gadgets and looks at you when you ask about his past, stating that, despite all claims to the contrary, turnip beer has wondrous medicinal properties in addition to its fine taste."

Jan is spending his days as a turnip salesman and occasional adventurer. Currently he is located in the centre of the Government Quarter square. Once you pass him by, be sure to get him out of the mess with the sales inspector.

Keldorn Firecam
RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassPaladin [Inquisitor Kit]
Keldorn Firecam
Stat Total 
: 17
: 09
: 17
: 12
: 16
: 18
: 89

Lawful Good

"When asked about his past, Keldorn sighs and is forced to think for a moment before counting the number of years he has been a Paladin of Torm in the service of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. He has battled to protect the defenseless and punish the evil on more occasions than he can recall. A seasoned veteran with the scars to prove it, Keldorn speaks wistfully of retirement in the future and the opportunity to spend more time with his family. Upon their mention, however, Keldorn's attention wanders and grows grim. Duty is more important than personal considerations, he whispers harshly, so long as the Order has need of him."

Keldorn can be found by traveling to the Temple District and witnessing the upstart of a new cult. One of the priests will approach you, do as he asks and meet with him. Head down into the sewers once you accept his quest, and explore the first underground area. You’ll find Keldorn Firecam standing by the tunnels that lead to the Cult of the Unseeing Eye. Let him know that you seek to cleanse the evil and he will offer to join your party.

RaceTiefling   SexMale   ClassBard [Blade Kit]
Stat Total 
: 17
: 17
: 09
: 15
: 13
: 16
: 87

Chaotic Neutral

"When asked about his past, Haer'Dalis states that he is from the city of Sigil, a nexus of the planes and the ever-changing domain of the Lady of Pain. He claims he cannot explain it better than that, as the planars defy description by their very nature. Haer'Dalis traveled with a troupe of players, tieflings of plane-touched heritage like he, and they put on the masterful productions to amuse both cambion and common berk alike. An indiscretion led to the troupe fleeing to the Prime Material Plane, here, which didn't bother Haer'Dalis much. He says that he is a Doomsguard, believing in the inevitable decay of all things to make way for the new. The troupe has divided, but the tiefling bard is confident that new experience can only come out of it."

Haer'Dalis can also be found in the sewers of Athkatla, specifically in Mekrath's Tower. Once you kill Mekrath, Hear'Dalis will offer to join your party.

RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassFighter/Cleric
Stat Total 
: 18/52
: 10
: 16
: 10
: 12/16
: 13
: 79

Lawful Neutral

"When asked about his past, Anomen is quick to state that he has been serving the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart for years, and after his Test he will be a full and true knight. Anomen is reluctant, however, to speak of his noble upbringing, saying only that he entered the Order without the support of his father, Lord Cor Delryn. Since he could not be sponsored as a squire, Anomen chose the route of the warrior and priest of Helm, the god of guardians, and has fought many battles over the years against forces of evil. Anomen often says that he is confident that he will prove worthy of his knighthood, but sometimes seems to be trying to convince himself of the fact more than anyone."

Anomen is also lingering in the Copper Coronet in the slums of Athkatla. He will approach you and ask to join your party.

RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassDruid [Shapeshifter Kit]
Stat Total 
: 13
: 09
: 13
: 12
: 18
: 15
: 80

True Neutral

"Cernd declares in a steady and modest tone when you ask about his past, that it has been his honor to serve nature in whatever capacity she did call upon him. It is clear that he is a dedicated servant, and though his demeanor is contemplative and well measured, you are certain that he would not hesitate to risk himself if it would best serve the greater balance."

Cernd can be found in the basement of the Mayor's home in Trademeet. To get Cernd into your party, you must ask Logan for permission to escort him to the druid grove.

RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassRanger [Stalker Kit]
Stat Total 
: 17
: 18
: 16
: 10
: 14
: 10
: 85

Neutral Good

"Valygar is silent for a long time and his face becomes grim when you ask of him. He explains briefly that he is the last of the Corthala noble line, a family that was once one of the wealthiest in Amn. The Corthalas have always been cursed with magical ability, however, and Valygar spits the words with great derision. Every Corthala who has used their magical talents has become obsessed with them and ultimately come to a grievous end. His mother was the most recent victim, although the ranger does not elaborate on the point. Valygar intends to fulfill his family's oath to find and destroy their ancestor, Lavok, and then he intends to let his cursed bloodline die out once and for all."

Valygar can be found in the Umar Hills and will offer to join you if you agree to travel to the Planar Sphere in Athkatla with him.

Mazzy Fentan
RaceHalfling   SexFemale   ClassFighter
Mazzy Fentan
Stat Total 
: 15
: 18
: 16
: 10
: 13
: 14
: 86

Lawful Good

"When asked, Mazzy proudly states that she has spent numerous years adventuring around Amn with her other halfling comrades, basing out of her home town Trademeet. The thought of Patrick and her other companions and their fates brings a shadow across her face, however. Mazzy is a dedicated servant of Arvoreen, the halfling goddess of war, and she resents the common perception by the bigger races that the stout folk cannot defend themselves or act with valor. If she could, Mazzy would be a paladin and battle against evil in Faerun with the full power of her goddess to aid her."

Mazzy is located in the Shade Lord's dungeon in the Temple Ruins. After killing the Shadow Jailer on the first level of the dungeon, you'll find a key to her cell. Release her and she will join up.

Sarevok (Throne of Bhaal only)
RaceHuman   SexMale   ClassFighter
Stat Total 
: 18/00
: 17
: 18
: 17
: 10
: 15
: 96

Chaotic Evil

"When asked about his past, Sarevok has little to add beyond what you already know. He grew up a homeless urchin in the streets until he was adopted by his foster father into the Iron Throne. He studied the art of intimidation, the cruelest and most brutal styles of combat, in order to become a Deathbringer that could paralyze an opponent in melee through fear alone... as well as sometimes killing the most powerful of opponents in a single, massive blow. Sarevok had an ambition that did not die even when his body did... as you well know, now. Sarevok keeps mostly to himself, but at odd moments you can see him staring in your direction, his face an emotionless mask. Part of you wonders if your brutal half-brother ponders what might have been..."

Sarevok can be revived in your hellish pocket plane. You will need to grant him a piece of your soul in order to bring him back from the dead.
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