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Baldur's Gate II Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

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PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately this solution is no longer being updated by Sylvus, so what you see online is all there is. No area solution is done in half or unfinished, except for a couple of quests which haven't been mentioned in the solution. The area pages promising the continuation of the solution have been removed since it's obvious that Sylvus will not be finishing the solution.

Please don't send us notes about missing quests etc. in this walkthrough because we are aware that it is incomplete. Instead, please refer to Montresor's excellent Baldur's Gate 2 online walkthrough, which is complete.

- Sorcerer

Locations in progress:  All areas after Spellhold

Please do not e-mail me asking where the other places are. For the amount of time and effort I am putting into this online solution, I ask that you be patient and I will do my best to have an update once a week.

Do not e-mail me if you are stuck, rather, post your question on our Baldur's Gate II Message Boards and I will help you there and if I cannot, someone else should be able to. I appreciate this.

You are though, more than welcome to add to the areas that I am currently working on, which can be known by simply checking the 'Locations in progress' locations on this page. Thanks,

- Sylvus.

Monday, June 11, 2001

  • A great number of updates today for your reading enjoyment, although I expect 99.9% of you looking at this have no doubt finished the game already :) Still, I want to complete this as I said I would and I'm on the road to doing that.

    With today's update, I skipped the Underdark fully but am working on it now as I post this quick update, we have more than one area that's been posted.

    Enjoy the new update,

    Small Teeth Pass
    North Forest
    Forest of Tethir
    Bhaal's Realm

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

  • In this update we continue to follow Grub as he smashes and bashes his way through the Sahuagin City, causing havoc and those strange fish folk to wonder what came through their underwater home.

    Keep an eye out for The Underdark which I hope to have up as soon as I can.

    Today's update is,

    The Sahuagin City

Friday, May 18, 2001

  • Yeah, yeah. I don't need to hear it because I've been hearing it for the past 5 months so hold your tongue. I just got out of the Underdark though so some updates should start to slowly make their way back to this section of Sorcerer's Place.

    I must say, the Underdark was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be much tougher than it was yet all it came down to was running around while you did your best not to over shoot the time sensitive quests. Neat areas to explore but it could have been oh so much more.

    Anyhow, here is the update,


    If you've sent me e-mail about any other part of the solution for updates or errors on my part, they are not in this update but I haven't ignored those changes that need to be done.

Monday, December 18, 2000

  • Although I was going to save this update for Christmas, I have decided to send it in early to get a jump start on the rest of the areas that I plan to complete and am working very hard at doing so for everyone and get the solution caught up to Spellhold!

    This update includes two new districts:

    The Temple District
    The Government District

    The other large updates which can't be seen unless viewed individually would be all the reader input I have received over the past two months, which I have updated and added to every part of the current solution. From information about what happens if you have a certain NPC in your party, to TIPS! and BATTLE TIPS! against Dragons and other hard battles found within the game.

    It doesn't stop there because you can look forward to the following completed areas soon enough as they are currently in the works:

    The Docks District
    The Bridge District
    The Bridge District - The Planar Prison
    The Temple District - Unseeing Eye Lair

    Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 4, 2000

  • After about a two week break from Baldur's Gate 2 and the Online Solution, I am happy to announce that the updates have begun once again on a regular schedule. Playing the game and making a Solution sometimes causes the enjoyment of the game to become like work, so it was a much needed break for myself because if I didn't do it, the Online Solution would not have been up to its standards and would have fallen to be like many of the other "rushed" Solutions found out on the net.

    So with that said, enjoy the Druid Grove and the Graveyard District which have gone live and look forward to the City Gates District and the Government District to follow!

Friday, November 17, 2000

  • Last update for a while, which is Trademeet. I've gotten another project on my hands at the moment plus my day job, leaving very little time to even play Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. As more time is fit in, hopefully I will be able to sit down and play the game a little more and eventually finish it. Many who come to read this solution have already completed the game, so there is no loss in what I have been attempting to do, and that is bring you a full cover of Baldur's Gate 2 in an Online Solution form. If worse comes to worse, you can check out the other sites who only don't go into such vivid detail, but still will be able to help you find your way if you are unable to find what you are looking for in mine.

    Sorcerer has a list under the Walkthrough section of Baldur's Gate 2, so check 'em out.

Monday, October 30, 2000

  • The poor and scum ridden villans found within The Slums District can now be picked apart by your own viewing as you learn of the secrets found within this district, which has just gone live as of today. Enjoy full detailed descriptions of important areas, people and items. As always, quests pertaining to each area will be updated as I receive them so no spoils in e-mail please! I'm only on Chapter 2 so watch what you write me as I'm playing this game just like the rest of you.

    The Slums District has just gone live!

    Be prepared to dip your sword in Trademeet, which comes at the end of the week!

Thursday, October 26, 2000

  • Last week was very busy for me and I was unable to get an update as I try to do on a weekly basis. It started on Monday October 16 where I went to my local Nissan dealer and signed for a new 2001 Nissan Xterra and that only started the ball rolling for my insurance company, the local bank and by Friday October 20, I was picking it up from the dealer. Anyhow, the weekend that just passed I was fully enjoying it, didn't even get a chance to play Baldur's Gate 2. So to make up for the missed week, I'll be sending two updates for the solution.

    WindSpear Hills has just gone live and I'm finishing up the Slums District.

    Next updates are Trademeet and The Temple District.

Friday, October 13, 2000

  • A lucky day it is for today is the day The Planar Sphere goes live, a place of strange things that are hidden deep within and one you should get around to exploring if you haven't done so.

    What else do I have for you on the horizon? Windspear Hills, Trademeet and The Slums District.

Monday, October 8, 2000

  • De'Arnise Hold has just gone live. Sorry for the late delay on this one, it was Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada and I didn't have as much time as I thought I was going to get for the solution.

    Planar Sphere to follow along with the Slums District.

Wednesday, October 4, 2000

  • I have just completed the Umar Hills section, which covers Imnesvale, the small community found here and the Temple Ruins which houses some foul evil that has the locals who live in and around Umar Hills very worried indeed. Meet up with new party members and help solve the mystery that has many a local scratching their heads.

    Umar Hills and the Temple Ruins have just gone live.

    De'Arnise Hold by the end of the week, Planar Sphere to follow.

  • All areas will now have a section that is particular to getting there and any related quests that are given to your party during your travels for that area will be listed first.

    For example, to get the Umar Hills listed on your World Map, you must meet up with Delon, a young child who is looking for brave warriors to help out Imnesvale. Due to the random nature of these types of quests, it's hard to pin point an exact district or area that they will appear to you. For myself, this quest happened when I was in the Waukeen's Promenade District while others have had Delon appear when they arrive in another district of the city.

    So now, if an area needs a particular quest to get there, it will be listed in that section of the solution (Umar Hills for the example above) and not the district it was given in.

    Thanks go out to RV for pointing this out to me.

    Some minor updates for Waukeen's Promenade District regarding a missing Merchant and the Reputation of the current party that received the prices listed in each shop have been added.

Saturday, September 30, 2000

  • Waukeen's Promenade District is the starting point to your adventure in Athkatla and the regions beyond and I'm surprised how little it took me to bring you this in depth look at this area. You'll find all the information at the click of a mouse button but then, did you really expect any less from Sorcerer's Place? ENJOY!

    Waukeen's Promenade District has just gone live.

    De'Arnise Hold is my next installment.

Friday, September 29, 2000

  • It's taken me some time to get things laid out for you, but I assure you that quality cannot be rushed because if it is, it is you, the reader that looses out on the information you may have come looking for.

    I'll let my work speak for itself and remember, when you want a real Online Solution you can come here and expect it. Don't be fooled by those who come second to Sorcerer's Place.

    Irenicus' Dungeon has just gone live.

    Waukeen's Promenade District and De'Arnise Hold are my next installments.

Tuesday, September 26, 2000

  • I have changed the menu system for this solution due to the complexity of the game. Rather than breaking it down into chapters, I have broken it down to the locations you'll be going to. This will make it easier on myself as well as you when navigating through the online solution. I found that, although I was on Chapter 2, what I was doing during that time could very well be different to what someone else was doing in their game.
  • Spell Listing has now gone live. All Wizard and Priest Spells available.

Code Modifications:

  • Updated the NPC Statistic Charts, fixed some code.
  • Broke down the Spell Listings
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