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Bard's Tale 1 Remastered Online Walkthrough by David Milward

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Skara Brae:   Skara Brae, Day  |  Skara Brae, Night  |  Wine Cellar


Wine Cellar

The Wine Cellar is simply a pathway to the next dungeon, so for now I'm simply using it for grinding purposes. I grind in the Wine Cellar during the day and continue to grind the city at night until all of my important people have mithril shields and mithril weapons. I also get my entire party to level 11 before heading into the sewers.

The usual daytime monsters, but not the night time monsters, will be here in the Cellars. There can be as many three groups during any given encounter, instead of just one in the city itself.

Another difference is that loot will now come in chests that are typically trapped, instead of going straight into the party's inventory. First, if your Rogue isn't far enough along yet, examine the chest and see if anyone can identify the name of the trap. If that works, then have your Rogue disarm the trap, selecting the name of the trap that the party previously identified. If you can't identify the trap, you can reliably call on a spellcaster to cast Trap Zap instead.

*NOTE* Once your Rogue's Disarm Traps skill is high enough, he / she will automatically detect and disarm any traps on the chest. And Cassandra is already there when I first enter the Cellar.

10th Level

The video shows the run of the cycle until my warriors get 40,000xp, enough to advance to their next levels. Notice how little red swords appear on the map. Those denote squares that will always prompt a fight against random monsters. They also reset once you leave the Cellar and comeback.

I start off at the stairs in the southwest corner. First, Talia maintains a Greater Revelation spell so that the party can see where it's going. Mordred maintains a Ybarra's Mystic Shield. Beyond that, I rarely have the spellcasters use any spells other than a healing spell should a front-line warrior need it badly enough.

I go north, and engage in two fights through doors (5N 2E and 8N 2E) to my right. I continue north and go again through the next door to the right, near the northwest corner. There will be two fights to be had in this little hallway (18N 2E and 18N 3E), and I continue on through the door on the other side. After that, I head due south until I get another fight through another door to my right (8N 3E). Once that's all down, I make my way back to the stairs going up in the southwest corner.

I have Ariel drink up to get her songs back, and sell my loot off at Garth's Shop.

After that, I advance Lord Stygar, Zarathos, Gallard, Ariel and Cassandra to their 10th levels at the Review Board. Lord Stygar now had 3 attacks per round.

I do some more Cellar grinding until I get 45,000xp. That means I can advance Talia and Mordred to their 10th levels as well.

2nd Mithril Sword

Now I do night-time grinding. A fight against a lone Zombie yields a second Mithril Sword. I have Zarathos equip it.

4th Mithril Shield

More night-time grinding, and a fight against 7 Barbarians and a Spider yields a fourth Mithril Shield as loot. Ariel equips it.

2nd Mithril Dagger

I continue with my night-time grinding. I show the fight that leads to getting 55,000xp, enough to advance my warriors to their next level (at least when the Review Board opens in the morning).

Another fight some time later yields a second Mithril Dagger as loot. Gallard equips it.

5th Mithril Shield

I continue to grind at night. I show the fight that gets me up to 60,000xp, which will be enough to advance Talia and Mordred to their next levels.

Sometime later and another battle yields a fifth Mithril Shield. Cassandra equips it.

3rd Mithril Dagger

More night-time grinding leads to getting a third Mithril Dagger. Ariel equips it.

11th Level

I go to the Review Board once morning comes. Talia and Mordred each advance to their 11th levels, and pay 10,000gp to learn the 6th-tier spells in their schools.

Talia gains Flesh Anew, which works like Flesh Restore but on the entire party. Good thing, because poisonous spiders are soon going to become a frequent enemy. The other acquisition is Levitation, which is needed if I want to go up or down a portal in a dungeon. A portal for purposes of this game means a hole in the ground that connects to another level, but without stairs. You can't go up one without having a Levitation spell active. You can go down one without the Levitation spell, but you'll end up taking damage.

Mordred gains Ybarra's Mystical Coat of Armor. It's like the Mystic Shield, but it lasts indefinitely subject to the party entering an anti-magic square or quitting the game through the Adventurer's Guild. He also gains Phase Door, which allows him to temporarily evaporate a dungeon wall so that the party can pass through it. Keep in mind that walls in some dungeons (i.e. higher-level ones) won't be affected by this spell.

The rest of the characters also advance to their 11th levels. I go back and enter the Cellar again.

To the Sewers

Here I show how to reach the first level of the Sewers. I go north and a little east until I reach the stairs at 18N 7E.
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