Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Dorn's Deep Level 1 - Stand ready!

Dorn's Deep Lvl 1'tis about time you reached this place for I have been waiting for your adventure to really begin here within Dorn's Deep and I was wondering what was taking you so long to get here! Regardless, you have arrived and it is with that comfort that I can now sit back and warn you of the dangers that await you inside.

Warmth will be felt blowing out of the cave entrance, the heat coming from the lava rivers that flow beneath the stone you are standing upon and it is with this that has made this place livable by those who could not live in such harsh and cold conditions. You will be welcomed by a front line of Orc Elite Archers, who are there not only to pack a serious punch, but to take your attention away from the Drow Sorcerers who linger in the shadows waiting for their chance to strike you down with spells! Backing them up will be the Drow Spellswords, whose own magical resistance will have your own casters targeting the Neo Orog Marauders, Neo Orog Generals and Neo Orogs who stand in the wings waiting for their chance to run you down!

This, in my opinion, is a great battle that uses high ground tactics to create havoc within the party as arrows will fly from either side of you while you cross the lava river, only to be greeted by a wall of Drow Spellswords, Neo Orog Marauders and Neo Orog Generals that will keep your own fighters stuck in combat. This gives the Drow Sorcerers plenty of time and space to weave their spells and have explosion upon explosion slam into each and every one of you.

I highly suggest resting if you are having trouble getting through their wall of defense and have a few distance, area effect spells such as Web, which is great for holding the Drow Sorcerers at bay, giving you some time to hack your way through their front lines. Remember, Drow have great magic resistance and are also immune to Sleep and Charm related spells just as your own Elves are if you have any in your party. Fireballs are devastating to the archers who rest near the Drow Sorcerers and there could be a good chance that the Drow's magic resistance fails them a few times, but remember to have the blast hit the majority of the Neo Orog Archers and the outer blast to catch the Drow. This way, if you make a direct hit on a Drow with a fireball, the outer blast may not reach the Neo Orog Archers and you'll still have them making your party into one giant pin cushion.

Haste is another great spell to use on your front lines who are battling the other front line. The sooner you get through them, the sooner you reach the Drow Sorcerers and strike them down.

If you have anyone who uses arrows, pick them all up for they are great to have further down the road.

Once you've cleared this first wave of greetings that was waiting for you, continue to explore this area, which is dotted with Neo Orog Marauders, Neo Orog Generals along side of Drow Sorcerers, Drow Spellswords and Drow Vanguards. There are two exits leaving this level, one leading down to Krilag, an Orog Chieftain and another leading into the Tomb of Terikan the Lich.

Dorn's Deep Level 1 - Puzzle Chamber

Dorn's Deep Floor TrapIt is with this I bring you the solution and answer to the deadly, yet enjoyable puzzle that you must solve if you want to get any further in your exploration of Dorn's Deep and that is to solve the Lightning Bolt puzzle that awaits thee! Found on this level behind a secret door as marked on Dorn's Deep LVL 1 Enlarged Map, you must do a few things first if you plan on going onwards.

First you will need to find the secret door, which is easy enough by having a thief searching the room it can be found in and if you are having trouble doing so, please check Dorn's Deep LVL 1 Enlarged Map for more details. Upon finding it, you will then have access to the chamber beyond and the puzzle that awaits thee.

Now without spoiling it for you, I will simply say that the answer to this puzzle lays in the room you just came from and one with a sharp eye will make note of the runic designs on the table but how you go about using them to solve the puzzle in the next chamber I will leave to you.

Of course, perhaps you have tried this numerous times over and over again to the point of utter frustration that you're starting to look like your father since you've been pulling out all your hair in anger. Well, fret not brave warrior because you have come to the right place for your answer.

What I found best to do in this situation is have your Cleric cast Protection from Lightning and place this on your strongest character, most likely a Fighter of sorts for protection in case you walk on the wrong stone. Every time you do step on a wrong stone, a Lightning Bolt slams into you, but with this spell active, the lightning bolt does nothing but go through you to bounce around in the chamber.

There are three stones you will have to step on, each part of the circular floor design. The first stone is on the outer rim of this circle, followed by a stone in the middle rim and lastly one on the inner rim. Stepping on these in order as stated on the Dorn's Deep Floor Trap Enlarged Map will disarm the trap.

Once you have disarmed the trap, you might be standing around scratching thy head wondering when something is going to happen. Well, something has happened and can be found by returning to the room you came from. Search well the statues and fix the arm on one of them to complete this puzzle. Once you have placed the arm back in place, return to the chamber where you disarmed the trap and you will notice that the floor has sunk, revealing a twisting stone stairway leading into the darkness below. When climbing down these stairs, you will come to a small room full of gears that activate the stairs you have just used to gain entry. On the floor you will spot a body, strewn in blood and with its bones cracked and skin cooked. Step lightly while on the flagstones that make the floor for it is here one can easily be roasted by the fireball trap that awaits thee. Disarm this trap and continue on thy way to Terikan's Tomb.

If you have not cleared out Dorn's Deep LVL 2, do so before heading down these new flight of stairs because you don't want to miss picking up the 1ST BADGE which you will need later on.

So with that said, let us continue our adventure brave warrior for adventure, fortune and fame!
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