Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Wyrm's Tooth - Upper Museum

Wyrm's Tooth Upper MuseumThe museum is a place frozen in time and as you explore its rooms, you will realize that it once was a beautiful aquatic aquarium full of colourful fish and coral reefs. Now frozen, these underwater creatures remain in a stasis and I was never able to change this by any means, even though there is a machine that is obviously keeping the museum cold and frozen for the Frost Salamanders that now make it their home. Even without the use of the machine, I always wondered why a whale would be in the middle of the Spine of the World where it is cold all year round. Anyhow, rather than getting all worked up on this let me get back to the point of why you are here and that's to get some help in thy journey.

Entering the Upper Museum I thought for sure I was going to get attacked by the Frost Salamanders guarding the entrance but I was wrong. I guess being born as a Frost Salamander freezed their brains just like their surroundings and they'll tell you to go visit their leader, which I did to save me the hassle of fighting them and those within. This approach works well and will not only save you time in having to fight everyone at the beginning, but also speed up your journey and get you to the last and final chapter sooner than expected.

Kerish is the leader of the Frost Salamanders, who upon your approach will think you work for Marketh, another name in the chain of power that has spanned and plagued Kuldahar and the problems within the region and someone you should take note of because you'll be meeting him soon enough. Frost Salamanders, Greater Ice Trolls and Winter Wolves dot the Upper Museum and also follow Kerish so you need not worry about them attacking you just yet.

Now Kerish is not the brightest fellow and you will learn this as you speak with him for he continues to blurt out information that he shouldn't as well as tells you why there are so many dead bodies outside laying around in the snow. Now some of the slaves have escaped the foul beasts that you had to kill to get to the museum and Kerish will also tell you where they are, a place that is too warm for his sentries and guards to enter and this is where things get interesting.

You can do two things. You can do Kerishs' bidding by removing the slaves from the Lower Museum and killing them or you can accept but then turn and backstab Kerish by getting the slaves to safety. If you're role playing, do what you see fit for your own party and liking, but if you want as much experience as you can get, you'll want to free the slaves from the Lower Museum and get them to safety.

Now the slaves didn't revolt on their own, they had the help of their leader, who Kerish also wants slain and that very person would be Vera, who is hiding out in the Upper Museum out of the way of the foul beasts that are roaming its passages. Vera organized everything and is worried for the slaves who are in the Lower Museum for they have no food and need her help to escape, but she can't get anywhere with the Frost Salamander patrols everywhere. Since Kerish thinks you are working for Marketh, you are free to move about as you wish and it is Vera who will ask that you help her get the slaves to safety.

If you speak with Vera first and then return to the slaves and speak with Gareth and tell him Vera is all right, you will get some experience for bringing this news to him. Second, that Salamander near Vera can be spoken to and you can do two things to gain more experience, either cover her or reveal her hiding spot.

Thanks goes out to Christo for the added experience notes!

You can do either quest, that is up to you but just make sure you get the BOOK ON BRIDGES that is on Soth, a slave in the Lower Museum because you will need this to cross the bridge and get to Joril's Lair. Once you have this book, you are free to free the slaves or kill them all.
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