A Study of the Fantastical Vestments of the Priests of the Realms
Location: Carried by Renthick in the Tomb of Betrayers at #9.
Accoutrements of Masterful Wizardry and their Construction
Advanced Arcanery of Personal Defense
Location: In a chest in Ammon Jerro’s Haven at #5.
Ancient Book
Location: In a bookcase in Ammon Jerro’s Haven at #9.
Ancient Book of Golemcraft
Location: In a bookcase in the Crossroad Keep when you first storm it to prevent Black Garius’ ritual.
Arval’s Journal
Location: In a chest in the southeast corner of the Bryce Crypt at around #7.
Book of Banes
Location: In a bookcase in the third level of the Riverguard Keep at #2.
Book of Exotic Weaponry
Location: In a chest in the upstairs of Farlong’s Place.
Book of Seeing
Location: Carried by Olov the fake emissary. Where you end up fighting him will vary depending on your choices. He initially appears in the Bonegnasher Caves at #13.
Brotherhood Journal
Location: In a bookcase in the basement when you storm the keep to prevent Black Garius’ ritual.
Craft Works of Evermeet
Location: Inside a chest in Tarmas’ House at #4.
Death of a Sailorman (vol. 1 of 3)
Location: In a bookcase in the Neverwinter Archives at #5.
Death of a Sailorman (vol. 2 of 3)
Location: In a bookcase in the Neverwinter Archives at #8.
Death of a Sailorman (vol. 3 of 3)
Location: In a bookcase in the Neverwinter Archives at #10.
Deflections and Dispellings
Location: Can be looted from Sydney Natale after you kill her.
Famous Citizens of the Sword Coast
Formulae of the Learned Scholars of Halruaa
Location: In a crate in the Warehouse at #4.
Fundamentals for the Protection of the Self
Location: Carried by the Shadow Priest Highcliff Ruins at #3.
Fundamentals of Abjurative Enchantment
Location: In a grave in the Graveyard at #1.
Fundamentals of Terrible Destruction
Location: In a chest in the Bonegnasher Caves at #9; Left behind by Orcs in the second level of the Eyegouger Caves at #6.
Just Desserts
Location: In a book case in the second level of the Collector’s Mansion at #3.
Luskan Threat to Neverwinter
Location: In a bookcase in the Neverwinter Archives at #9.
Marvellous Artefects for the Resistance of Sorcery
Location: Carried by Arval in the Bryce Crypt at #7.
Of Healthful Enchantments for the Body
Location: Left behind by the Luskan minions of Black Garius when you interrupt his ritual in the basement of the Crossroad Keep.
On the Crafting of Mystical Garb for all Climes
Location: On the main floor of Aldanon’s Manse at #2.
Shadow Priest Journal
Location: In a chest in the Highcliff Ruins at #3.
The Adventures of Grin, Richard, and Wu-Wei
The Big Book of Numerological Nursery Rhymes
Location: In a bookcase in the second level of the Collector’s Mansion at #3.
The Collector’s Diary
Location: In a bookcase near Vania in the first level of the Collector’s Mansion at #5.
The Illefarn Cypher
Location: In a bookcase in the Neverwinter Archives at #7.
The Northern Four Adventuring Troupe
The Rival Orc Tribes & Great Battles
To Counter the Assumption of a Flat Faerun
Location: In a bookcase in the Neverwinter Archives at #6.
Tome of Alchemy
Location: In Ammon Jerro’s Haven at #3.
Wondrous Potions of the Brothers of Ilmater