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Obsidian Entertainment

Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Act I:   Lower Barrow  |  Middle Barrow  |  Upper Barrow  |  Mulsantir Gate  |  Veil Theater  |  Shadow Mulsantir  |  Mulsantir  |  Temple of Kelemvor  |  The Sloop  |  Spirit Army  | 



Prodigal Daughter Returns

I return to Mulsantir and go north a bit. Speaking with Susah the Crow and Efrem the Stag earns me a 2000 xp bonus for returning Kaelyn to them.

Now I have a choice. I could insist that Susah and Efrem join me in my battle against the spirit army. This opens up the possibility of obtaining some nifty items, like unique enchanted Mithral Chainshirt armors, should either of them die in the battle. The downside, and the reason I don't, is that it will cost me influence with Kaelyn. I can do without the items anyway. I instead release Susah and Efrem from their promise, thereby increasing my influence with Kaelyn.

Lastly, Efrem gives me Efrem's Stag Helm (+4 deflection bonus to armor class, +4 Constitution, Freedom of Movement, damage reduction divine 10/-, -50% weight reduction). For any of you tickled by the idea of playing your Spirit Eater character as a shapeshifting Druid who can turn into a Dragon, this is the perfect helmet for you. Your Dragon form will get an otherwise unavailable +4 deflection bonus to armor class, +4 Constitution bonus, and Freedom of Movement added on. But my character isn't designed that way. Everyone in the party is going to get their deflection bonuses from their cloaks, and their Constitution bonuses from different items. I don't really have any use for it, so I'm going to sell it.

*Evil* The Prodigal Daughter

The evil party's handling of this comes after I have spent some time levelling up in the lower level of the Death God's Vault during Act II, and after I killed Kaelyn the Dove in Shadow Mulsantir.

Susah and Efrem are plenty upset that I had killed Kaelyn, so they attack me the moment I speak to them. They can summon Planetars, which was the reason I put this off until I had gone up a few levels first. Now they're quite easy to kill. The loot they leave behind include:

The evil party doesn't have any use for any of it though.

Safiya's 19th Level

Safiya advances to her 19th level. There isn't anything particularly noteworthy other than adding Wail of the Banshee (massive instant death spell) and Bigby's Clenched Fist (great for disabling a single enemy) to her repertoire.

Gann's 18th Level

Now I remember to have Valeria give the Girdle of Holy Might (+1 5th level Cleric spell, +1 6th level Cleric spell, +1 7th level Cleric spell) to Kaelyn. Kaelyn in turn gives her Belt of Guiding Light (light, immunity to death) to Safiya, although Safiya doesn't equip it just yet. At least not until it's enchanted.

Gann has enough xp to advance to his 18th level. He acquires a number of spells to expend his repertoire and versatility: Storm of Vengeance, Burst of Glacial Wrath, Mass Drown, Premonition, Fire Storm, and Regeneration. He also swaps out the useless Summon Creature II for Flame Weapon, which he can use to add +1d8 fire damage to anyone's weapon, even if it already has four or more enchantments.

Lastly, he also acqquires the Tower Shield Proficiency feat, so that he can equip the Brown Dragon Shield which he will find very soon.

Mother Feodorra

At #2 on the map is the merchant bazaar. The first merchant I speak with is the old woman named Mother Feodorra. Now I get to unload and sell off all those items I've been holding onto. A lot of her inventory consists of magical arms and armor, some scrolls and magic rings and such./p>

There are also three unique magical items from Mother Feodorra's inventory that stood out for me:

I then configure Safiya's new bonus spells.

The video concludes with Valeria finally being able to equip the Belt of Ramauthar that she found earlier, and handing off her Belt of Frost Giant Strength to Gann. She can do this now that I unloaded all the excess items I had been lugging out.

Azim Qo'Toth

The next merchant is the foppish looking guy, Azim Qo'Toth. He sells a few magical scrolls. I bought Fireball and Lightning scrolls from him, and then had Safiya scribe them. She then reconfigures her fourth-level spell slots to include instances of Empowered Fireballs and Empowered Lightning Bolts.

He also sells his own share of magical weapons and armors. However, for the most part my main interest in his extensive inventory of crafting materials. Almost anything you might want, he'll have. My shopping list was:

Azim also sells un unlimited supply of Fairy Dust, so it is entirely possible to still call upon crafting recipes from the OC if you're so inclined, and as long as you also have the other materials needed for them (e.g. gemstones, leather hides, iron ingots, etc.). In fact, I intend to use one such recipe so I buy a dozen from him.

Smith Crafting in the Veil Theater

Here is where I have Safiya craft the following:

I save them for later until I can enchant them.

I have a certain plan in mind for the Mithral Chainshirt. Safiya uses her Mortar and Pestle on the Fairy Dusts, reloading the game as often as I need to, until I get a Radiant Earth Essence and a Power Glowing Essence. The plan is for Valeria to cast Banishment on the Magician's Workbench, when it has the Mithral Chainshirt, the Essences, and the Blue Diamond that I found earlier, to give the Mithral Chainshirt the Fortified property that will give Gann immunity to critical hits when the time comes. The Fortified property, in combination with a Premonition spell, will mean that Gann will take very little damage should he be struck during physical combat. However, I can't realize that plan until Valeria gets her Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat later on. So for now I stow all of it into Valeria's Greater Magic Bag.

The reason I won't use the recipe for Kaelyn's Full Plate (and I can only do the Fortified enchantment once because I only have one Blue Diamond) is that she can give herself damage reduction and immunity to critical hits by using the Stone Body spell if she feels the need for it.


I then head to #6 and speak with Katya, whose inventory includes a few generic items like enchanted weapons and armor, or weapons with a +7 enhancement bonus (e.g. a Scythe, a Scimitar, and some Shurikens). Of particular interest to me is:

Now it is time to visit the Temple of Kelemvor.
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