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Video-Based Walkthrough for NWN2 Mysteries of Westgate by David Milward

PROLOGUE  |  ACT I  |  ACT II  |  ACT III  |||  MotB  |  SoZ  |  MoW  | 
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Act 1  |  Act 2  |  Act 3  

Act I:   Gathering the Party  |  Arena District  |  Harbor Loop  |  Market Triangle  |  Church of Lathander Quests  |  Ebon Claws Quests

Ebon Claws Quests

Harbor Loop Map

Altama and Zymena

There will be a sewer grate at #14, right next to Okuzo's Imports. I can't use it just yet.

You will probably by now have been accosted several times by Salty Jack whenever you neared the Black Eye Tavern. Now I can ask Salty Jack about how to find the Ebon Claws. He indicates that the sewer grate is down the way. Now I can descend down the grate into the Sewer.

Sewer Map

The party starts off at #1 on the Sewer map. There will plenty of rounds around the central area, #2. But they're very easy to kill.

I click on the door at #3 to get the attention of the Ebon Claws. None of the possible skill checks will succeed here, but that is inconsequential. The only way to make it past the door is to tell the occupants about the Domino Mask. They then open the door.

The door at #4 leads to the Ebon Claws' Hideout. Selene speaks at length with both the Ebon Claws' leader, Altama, and her sorceress, Zymena. I agree to help them in exchange with their aid concerning the curse of the Domino Mask. That choice results in +1 influence with Rinara, but -1 influence with Mantides.

Their first quest for me is to find a traitor named Rujillar, kill him, and retrieve the documents in his possession. Altama indicates that my future rendezvous point with her will be in the building in the Harbor Loop called Sods and Sundries.

The two doors to the south cannot be unlocked. The door to the north has bookcases that have books that can be sold for a few coins. The locked door to the east can be opened. The room behind has two containers, one with a Cloak of Protection vs. Good (+2 armor class vs. good) and Boots of Reflexes +2.

Rooting out a Renegade

The first step to locating Rujillar is speaking to a Halfling named Podrick LeGrantz. His house is located at #17 on the Market Triangle map.

Market Triangle

It will take some persistance, but he will eventually give up the info and reveal Rujillar's location, a house at #15 on the Harbor Loop map. I buff up a little before going in through the front door.

Rujillar's Hideout Map

I start off at #1 on the map of Rujillar's Hideout. Throughout the Hideout, starting at #2, will be several Thugs. They will come in at a trickle, so I didn't need to rely on spells and instead took them out in physical combat. Selene has just recently purchased her Golden Bamboo Staff, and it indeed proves very effective in not only dishing out the damage but also stunning its targets with frequency.

The Thug Leader leaves behind:

I'll sell the first two items when I get a chance. The Key opens the door at #3 on the Hideout map.

On the other side of the door will be single room with Rujillar in it. He's a powerful Wizard who can unleash some quite damaging spells. He also keeps himself buffed up with several spells, including an Elemental Shield. But Mantides' Adamantine Greatsword, and a stunning attack from Selene's staff, suffice to wear him down.

After he dies, Rujillar will leave behind the following (amongst other odds and ends):

I'll sell everything except the Journal and the Documents when I get a chance.

There is a trapped and locked chest at the end of the room. It will have some odds and ends, plus a Fairy Dust, a Faint Air Essence, and a Weak Fire Essence.

The Sods and Sundries is located at #16 on the Harbor Loop map.

Go for the Throat

Altama rewards Selene with 750gp, 2,000xp, and an amulet called the Ebon Circle (Invisibility (3) 1/day, See Invisibility (3) 1/day), which I'll just sell. Altama also runs a shop, but it mostly amounts to armor and weapons of +1 or +2 enchantment, as well as cloaks and rings with minor enchantments.

Altama's next job is for me to break into the mansion of Lord Foriat Rumbolt, steal his magic bag filled with his gold tribute to the Night Masks, and possibly steal his list of contacts as well. The mansion in question is at #18 on the Arena District map.

Arena District Map

Delmore Pritt stands guard at the front gate to the mansion. He won't accept any bribes, but it won't take much to get him to let on that he moonlights a guard shift at the Morninglord Haven, at #3 on the Arena District map.

I wait until his present shift ends, and then head over to the Haven. Once I enter, I go ahead and through the door to the left of Obid Teltas. Delmore will be found sleeping a door or two ahead. I could try to Sleight of Hand the Rumbolt Gate Key from him, or (as shown in the video) kill him for the key.

The key itself unlocks the gate leading to the mansion. Now I could charge in through the front door and slaughter everyone to get the items I need, but I prefer not to for reasons that I'll describe later.

In a corner behind the mansion, at about #19 on the Arena District map, is a tree. I click on it, and have Selene make a Dexterity check to climb up the tree and into the upper floor of the Rumbolt Mansion.

Rumbolt Mansion Upper Floor Map

I start off at the window at #1 on the Upper Floor map. A cat at #2 will spend the whole time carefully eyeing me.

A container at #4 will have a few odds and end, scrolls and such. The book pile at #5 will have the Sheet of Names that Altama wants.

Master Quirk, the butler, is at #6. He can be Bluffed or Intimidated into not alerting Lord Rumbolt to my presence.

A trapped and locked chest at #7 has some minor gems plus some gold.

At #3 is a painting that conceals the safe with Lord Rumbolt's bag of gold. Doing anything will the painting will cause the cat to make for the stairwell at #8 to try and alert Lord Rumbolt. If you want to escape down the stairs but without alerting Lord Rumbolt, then you'll have to kill the cat. If you try to go down the stairs but without killing the cat, you'd end up having to slaughter Lord Rumbolt and the Night Masks downstairs.

I find it simpler to just make another Dexterity check and leave back out the window. That leads to a cutscene whereby the Night Masks blame Lord Rumbolt for the missing bag of gold and then murder him.

I gain +1 with influence with Rinara, because I snuck in and out without killing anyone. At the same time, I lose -1 influence with Mantides and Charissa. It would have been the reverse on all counts had I instead slaughtered Lord Rumbolt and the Night Masks. Remember, my priority is to lose influence with Mantides whenever I can.

The video concludes with Selene making her way back to the Sods and Sundries.

Golden Statue of Lathander

Altama rewards me with 2,000xp and the Ebon Blade (Shortsword +1, Blindness DC=14 10% / 4 rounds). She also rewards me with 500gp for bringing her the Sheet of Names.

She now has another quest for me, to steal an expensive Golden Statue of Lathander from both servants of Lathander that are bringing it by ship to the Docks, and also from Night Mask operatives that will be after the statue themselves. I talk a moment to buff up, and then speak to Altama to begin the operation.

I get transported to the Harbor Loop near the Black Eye Tavern. The Lathander guards flee. So it's may party helping the Ebon Claws Wererats kill off the Night Mask Thugs. Charissa leads off with Hammer of the Gods. It is otherwise a matter of hacking down the Night Masks one by one.

Selene gets another nightmare vision of Vampires after the battle, and finds that her Domino Mask (+10 hit points, -2 Concentration, Ghostly Visage (9) 2 / day) has become more powerful.

The main story continues by by making contact with Pentical Bleth.
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