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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Mega Bosses: Dorudugan | Hauani O Whe | Belranga | Sigilmaster Auranic

Sigilmaster Auranic

World Map


I sail southeast and then eastward, and board a Rathun Longship called the Dreksud and captained by Gretorix. I at this point can easily overwhelm them.

I continue to sail east until I reach the Briny Grotto at #37.

Sigilmaster Auranic

I switch out Eder for Xoti. I also have Xoti unequip The Twin Eels and put in her stash, so that she fights bare-handed with Crushing Damage for the upcoming battle.

I make a few Potions of the Focused Mind, but I can't make that many since I don't have a lot of Vithrack Brains to begin with. I have Xoti and Pallegina equip them as the characters I least want to become Terrified during the upcoming battle.

I have some Potions of Improved Arcane Reflection. I use the eight Adra Ban that I have on hand to make four more Potions of Improved Arcane Reflection. I also make quite a few Potions of Imperfect Arcane Reflection. Everyone besides Alliria fills up one quick-item slot with Potions of Improved Arcane Reflection, and another quick-item slot with Potions of Imperfect Arcane Reflection. Alliria can cast Arcane Reflection on herself through her Iron-Clasped Grimoire, and without limit through Blood Sacrifice.

I enter the Grotto cave itself after I have made my preparations.

Sigilmaster Auranic is a Wizard who will remain rooted in the same spot in the middle of the grotto cave. She can't move or follow the party. But she herself is immune to Push or Pull effects. That means the entrance to the Grotto will keep the party safely out of her reach when they need to avoid at least her spells and possibly recuperate.

She is also protected by two Savant Bodyguards, one of whom is a Barbarian and the other is a Fighter. They can be pulled towards the entrance away from her, and killed without much trouble.

She is also in command of five Obelisks. The Obelisks are protected by Globes of Invulnerability that protect them from direct damage or any other attempt to harm them. Auranic has the option to temporarily turn off a Globe (for about 20 sec) protecting an Obelisk, which allows that Obelisk to unleash its specific power on the party every few seconds. The Obelisk stops using its power once its Globe of Invulnerability turns back on.

That means that a Globe turning off becomes your window to do damage to the Obelisk, while at the same time getting hit over and over again by the Obelisk's power. The Obelisks are immune to Piercing and Slashing Damage, but are susceptible to Crushing and elemental forms of damage.

The names and powers of each Obelisk are as follows:

The Obelisks, unlike Auranic, have no limits on the range. Their powers will reach you even if you stick by the entrance. They are immune to Piercing and Slashing Damage, but not Crushing Damage.

First, I take myself against the entrance. I have everyone form a line against the entrance. Pallegina is at the right. I actually want to maintain this kind of formation for most of the battle, everyone against or close to a wall and Pallegina on the other side from the wall. There's a specific reason why that will become clear.

I send Xoti ahead to get the attention of the Savant Bodyguards and lead them to the entrance and the rest of the party.

Auranic unleashes the Obelisk of Terror. Pallegina uses And Evil Turned Away From The Sun. It will render at least party members caught by the rays against Resolve Afflictions. If it bounces off a wall and hits Pallegina, she will enjoy the immunity as well. That's the reason for my "wall on one side" and Pallegina on the other side formation. She doesn't always get that bounce her way, but then the lapses between the Obelisk of Terror being activated are usually long enough that if she does become Terrified it will expire anyway. Xoti unfortunately couldn't double back in time, so she becomes Terrified. But all of this is taking place beyond Auranic's vision, so she doesn't activate any of the other Obelisks.

The party kills the Barbarian Guard first, and then kills the Fighter Guard. I've gotten them out of the way before starting the battle for real.

I inch slowly northwards, all the while maintaining my wall and Pallegina formation.

At some point, when I figure I'm close enough, I have Xoti summon Dichotomous Souls and send Alliria a little ahead to get the fight going again.

Auranic activates the Obelisk of Wrath. Alliria and Aloth cast Arcane Reflection. The other party members each quaff a Potion of Improved Arcane Reflection. The Chain Lightnings will now reflect back and damage the Obelisk of Wrath. The Obelisk destroys itself outright in the process.

Mirke and Xoti summon Dichotomous Souls. Auranic activates the Obelisk of Force. The damage that the Missiles cause is minor enough that my passive healing resources easily outpace it.

Auranic next activates the Obelisk of Terror. Pallegina bounces And Evil Turned Away From The Sun so that the party can ride it out.

I do hit a bit of a rough spot when Pallegina gets caught by a Wall of Many Colors, and the immunity to Resolve Afflictions lapses at the end of the Obelisk of Terror's turn, which means the party itself becomes Terrified. But fortunately the Terrified and Pallegina's Petrification lapses quickly enough that I can retreat from the Wall of Many Colors.

I also notice just in time that the Obelisk of Mystery has been activated. Alliria and Aloth cast Arcane Reflection. The other party members each quaff a Potion of Improved Arcane Reflection. Mirke got Stunned, but the others managed to act in time. And the effect is the same. The Chaotic Orbs get sent backwards to inflict damage on the Obelisk of Mystery itself.

Auranic next activates the Obelisk of Terror. I ride it out again with And Evil Turned Away From The Sun. That's followed by another activation of the Obelisk of Force.

Auranic now activates the Obelisk of Cleansing. It's the closest remaining Obelisk. Mirke and Xoti both reach 10 Wounds after getting pelted by the Obelisk of Force. So both now send Dichotomous Souls to damage the Obelisk of Cleansing.

Auranic is next about to activate the Obelisk of Mystery. Alliria uses Blood Sacrifice to regain her 6th-tier spell, and then casts Spell Deflection. Everyone else uses Potions of Improved Arcane Reflection. The Obelisk of Mystery destroys itself with its own Chaotic Orbs.

That leaves three Obelisks. I pursue an identifiable strategy for the next while. If Auranic activates the Obelisk of Force, I just take the damage and more or less ignore it with my passive healing. If Auranic activates the Obelisk of Terror, Pallegina uses And Evil Turned Away From The Sun and I ride it out. It's when Auranic activates the Obelisk of Cleansing, which is nearest to the party, that Mirke and Xoti send Dichotomous Souls to wear it down. As always, taking the peltings from the Obelisk of Force helps them get the Wounds they need to summon the Souls.

The Obelisk of Cleansing eventually gets destroyed, leaving two left. I start to migrate northwards while maintaining the wall and Pallegina formation. Auranic activates the Obelisk of Terror. The party stops so that Pallegina can use And Evil Turned Away From The Sun on them.

The party continues onwards and begins to directly attack the Obelisk of Terror. That marks a new shift in strategy. The party stays gathered around the Obelisk of Terror. Pallegina keeps herself to their right, and in a position to use And Evil Turned Away From The Sun on them and bounce the rays off the wall. If Auranic activates the Obelisk of Force, I might send Dichotomous Souls its way, or just ignore it. But I stay gathered around the Obelisk of Terror all the same.

It is when Auranic activates the Obelisk of Terror that Pallegina uses And Evil Turned Away From The Sun. The party is then free to directly attack the Obelisk of Terror. I notice at one point that Xoti has accumulated a fair amount of Resonance on it, and it's pretty low in Health. I therefore have her activate Resonant Touch, which destroys it before it can go back under its protective globe.

That leaves the Obelisk of Force. It's just a matter of waiting for its activations, and then grinding it down with attacks.

That leaves Auranic herself. I keep the party distant. Both Mirke and Xoti activate Enduring Dance, and send Dichotomous Souls against Auranic, both to absorb her spells and gradually wear her down.

Auranic plays her Last Trick. And at some point Mirke and Xoti have taken a few hits from the occasional spell that has a very large area-of-effect. But I just use the Enduring Dances again, and keep sending Dichotomous Souls against Auranic. She eventually falls.

One of the Savant Bodyguards leaves behind a Cloak of Greater Deflection.

Auranic herself leaves behind a Mythical Adra Stone, and Sigilmaster Auranic's Grimoire. The selling point of the Grimoire is a once per Rest power that can unleash multiple offensive spells at once. It doesn't fit into my plans, and now only comes near the end of the game. I use the Mythical Adra Stone to upgrade Nerian's Ward worn by Aloth from Legendary to Mythic. The increase in Deflection will help him maintain his Defenses like Wizard's Double and Ironskin.

I leave the Grotto and return to my ship. Ydwin gets the Cloak of Greater Deflection. Maximizing her Deflection means maximizing her resiliency as a tank, and maximizing her opportunities to use Riposte.

I thereafter reassemble my core party. Alliria keeps her Crushing Doom setup in place.

*Evil* Falsud

I sail southeast and then eastward, and board a Rathun Longship called the Falsud and captained by Luvata. I at this point can easily overwhelm them.

I continue to sail east until I reach the Briny Grotto at #37.

*Evil* Sigilmaster Auranic

I switch out Tekehu for Aloth. Tekehu seems to go down easy against magical attacks. Aloth switches out Arkemyr's Grimoire for his original Grimoire, which includes the Arcane Reflection spell. Unlike the Potions of Arcane Reflection, the Arcane Reflection spell is a guaranteed reflection, and that will make the Obelisk of Wrath and Obelisk of Chaos significantly easier to deal with.

But that also means Tekehu won't be able to provide One Dozen Stood. So I craft enough Potions of the Focused Mind so that everybody else besides Xoti has five of them in one of their quick-item slots. She doesn't need any since the Resting bonus of her Captain's Banquet immunizes her against any Resolve Afflictions.

I already have five Potions of Improved Arcane Reflection, which Zarathos equips in a quick-item slot. I spend all of my Adra Ban that I have on hand to make eight more Potions of Improved Arcane Reflection. Xoti equips two in her quick-item slots. She has a quick-item slot to spare as she doesn't need Potions of the Focused Mind. Everybody else gets five Potions of Imperfect Arcane Reflection in one of their quick-item slots. Any remaining quick-item slots are filled with Potions of Miraculous Healing.

The first phase goes by without a hitch. I kill the bodyguards out of sight of Auranic or her Phantom while huddled against the south entrance. And my Potions of Arcane Reflection and Aloth's Arcane Reflection manage to take out the Obelisk of Wrath on its first volley.

Now I play it by ear, depending on which Obelisk gets activated when I get Auranic's attention again. If it's the Obelisk of Cleansing, I summon Dichotomous Souls on it so that they can inflict damage on it. Zarathos and Xoti will chip in, but I have them run back if I notice the "Sigil Attack" status for the Obelisk of Cleansing is soon going to expire.

I have to wait out the Obelisk of Terror. Although Zarathos, after drinking a Potion of the Focused Mind and Xoti with Tuotilo's Palm, might chip in the odd time. I avoid spending my last Potions of the Focused Mind when Zarathos only has one left.

I likewise put up Arcane Reflections if it's the Obelisk of Mystery. The Reflections destroy the Obelisk after two or three volleys.

The Obelisk of Force is a problem, as there's no point to Reflections. It won't take any damage from its own missiles. So that means the party is going to have to absorb some damage. Sometimes it means having to drink a Potion of Miraculous Healing, and sometimes it means a Restore spell from Xoti.

Sometimes I have Ydwin take a shot or two at Auranic with Saint Omaku's Mercy in between Obelisk activations. The idea is to put Ancestor's Memory on Xoti. The intention is not to set up the loop, at least not while the Obelisk of Cleansing is still intact. But the intention is to help Xoti recoup her Restore spells.

I get my break when the Dichotomous Spirit summons manage to destroy the Obelisk of Cleansing. That is when I can set up the loop. Ydwin takes pot shots at Auranic when she can to build up her Focus to 70. Then she puts Ancestor's Memory on Xoti. And then Xoti completes the loop with castings of Salvation of Time.

I keep the loop going until Xoti completely recovers her spells besides her 6th-level ones. Everyone besides Xoti in the meantime now quaffs a Potion of the Focused Mind. That means Resistance to Resolve Afflictions will now get extended infinitely for everyone by Salvation of Time. And that means the Obelisk of Terror is now effectively neutralized.

Now I charge ahead and attack the last two Obelisks. I periodically summon Dichotomous Souls to keep Auranic occupied. I attack the Obelisk of Terror with abandon if it's activated. I also attack the Obelisk of Force if it's activated. But Xoti sometimes has to cast Restore if the party collectively takes enough damage from the missiles, or have an individual character quaff a Potion of Miraculous Healing if he or she has taken enough damage. I eventually manage to destroy the remaining two Obelisks.

Once it's just Auranic by herself, I keep her flooded with Dichotomous Souls while the party remains at a safe distance beyond her fog of war. Zarathos eventually activates his Spirit Frenzy. Taking damage from his own Frenzy will regenerate Wounds for him, so he can contribute his Dichotomous Souls to the flood. Xoti puts a Barring Death's Door on him for inclusion in the loop, to avoid his own self-inflicted damage from knocking him unconscious.

I patiently keep the process going, even through her use of Last Trick, until she finally succumbs to the flood.

I use the Mythical Adra Stone to upgrade the Xoti's Sickle from Legendary to Mythic. At this point it's more of a sugar on top thing than anything else.

Now it's time to sail for Ukaizo and the end of the game.

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