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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Oathbinder's Sanctum: Southwest Island | Oathbinder's Sanctum

Oathbinder's Sanctum

Oathbinder's Sanctum

Orlan Spirit

I am now at #1 on the map of the first level of the Oathbinder's Sanctum. I go down the stairs at #2.

Oathbinder's Sanctum, Second Level

That brings me to the stairs at #3. I go to the room at #4. An Orlan Spirit appears. Alliria uses her Watcher powers to communicate with it and learn that the Orlan spirit was wrongfully executed by worshippers of Woedica. That bit of information is potentially helpful when you confront the Woedicans themselves.

Several Shadows attack. They're vulnerable to Burning Damage, so Pallegina summons her Wurms. Several gather around Eder, so Alliria pelts them with Fireball after Fireball (with Blood Sacrifice recouping the 3rd-tier spell slot in between each casting). I wear them down.

I click on the chain at #5 to open the door, and then go down the stairs.

*Evil* Orlan Spirit

Xoti gathering some of the spirits into her Lantern, and Zarathos using a Cruel dialogue option to cow the rest means I avoid a fight altogether.

Oathbinder's Sanctum, Third Level

Bloody Note

I am now at the stairs at #10. A corpse at #11 has a Bloody Note.

I pull on a chain at #12 to open the door next to it. Aloth switches to Jernaugh's Careful Calamities.

There will be several Cave Beetles, Grubs and Desert Imps led by a Scarab Beetle at #13. I have Aloth and Eder hold the door. Aloth casts a Grease spell just in front of the door, and then Kalakoth's Minor Blights, both from Jernaugh's Careful Calamities. Pallegina summons her Wurms. Mirke activates Enduring Dance and fires away.

Alliria casts Infuse with Vital Essence, and recovers it with Blood Sacrifice. This Blood Sacrifice is necessary to isolate the 3rd-tier spells for recovery through subsequent uses of Blood Sacrifice. She then goes on a cycle of Fireball, Blood Sacrifice, Fireball and rinse and repeat. It is only after enough enemies have been brought down that the party charges in to mop up.

I go around collecting whatever loot I can, and then click on the chain at #14 to open a nearby door.


But first I go to the northwest corner and then east along the northside. A Pet cat named Peter will be at #15, but I have no use for it.

Several Sporelings, four Dank Spores and a pair of Vine Lurkers will be at #16. The Dank Spores are capable of Domination, and yet are stationary and cannot move. So a good reliable strategy is to send a lone party member ahead to get the attention of the Sporelings and Lurkers, and lead them away from the Spores. You can deal with them piecemeal, and then deal with the Spores afterwards. Pallegina's passive health regeneration powers are making themselves felt, which means that Alliria will have Zeal to spare. So she uses Brand Enemy on each Lurker and Dank Spore one by one as each is brought down.

I backtrack and go to the east side of the level. Trying to open the door at #17 with a Might check or a Prybar would have resulted in an Injury. I use a Concussion Bomb to blow it out. A Grenade if I had one at the time would have worked too.

I loot the items beyond the door and then go down the stairs at #18.

Oathbinder's Sanctum, Fourth Level

*Evil* Troll and Black Oozes

The evil party is now at #19 on the map of the fourth level. I go south and west along the south wall until I reach the southwest corner.

I have to fight a Troll and several Lesser Black Oozes or Greater Black Oozes. I have Mirke put herself first and foremost to draw most of the spit attacks from the Oozes. The rest of the party goes around in perimeter fashion, taking out the Oozes one by one. Ydwin sustains Puppet Master on the Troll, to give the Oozes another target and to minimize having to deal with it until it's the last monster standing and I can gang up on it.

Zarathos obtains two abilities on his 10th level-up. One of them is Spirit Frenzy. Attacks made while Frenzied will now hit targets with the Staggered Affliction, and that includes targets hit by Carnage. In the case of this Barbarian / Monk build, it's meant to lower the Fortitude of his targets in combination with Enervating Blows that he'll acquire later on. And combining those two with the Brute Force passive that he'll also acquire later on, it will mean Melee attacks against enemies with significant defense penalties. And that in turn means greater chances of scoring Critical Hits.

He also takes Enlightened Agony. It upgrades Clarity of Agony so that it provides the Smart Inspiration. The key point here is that I use it immediately after using Spirit Frenzy, and the Smart Inspiration will cancel out the Confusion Affliction that comes with using the Berserker's version of Frenzy. I can have my cake and eat it too.

The Watcher's Blade

Aloth switches to Jernaugh's Careful Calamities, and then the good party goes north.

I fight a horde of Xaurips and Wurms at #22. I stay at the narrow entrance to employ the same crowd-control and bombardment strategy that I used for the Cave Beetles and Grubs and Imps. Grease just beyond the entrance, and bombardment with Kalakoth's Minor Blights, Fireball and Fire in the Hole. Aloth switches back to Llengrath's Martial Masteries once the party charges in for a mop up against fewer foes.

I find an Ordinary Sword at #24. I click on it and "examine it" to turn it into the Watcher's Blade. I enchant to raise its bonus damage from +10% Raw Damage to +20% Raw Damage. Alliria will use it as a decent interim weapon.

A Pet Sky Dragon Wurm is at #23, which reflects Alliria's Pillars of Eternity 2 history of wounding and driving off the Sky Dragon, but not killing it. It will become the 'skin' of a new pet that I have in mind for Alliria.

Rotghasts in the Sanctum

Now I go to #20 and click on the chain to open the door. I go north through the hallway and then east, with Mirke disarming traps along the way.

A lot of Pestilent Rotghasts will attack me once I approach the room at #25. I rely on buffs and passive healing as usual. One thing to note is that they have high Armor against Burning Damage. So Alliria will position herself so that she has several Rotghasts locked in a straight line around Eder, and then uses Ninagauth's Death Ray to inflict steady Raw Damage on as many as possible. She recharges with Blood Sacrifice, and uses it again when the previous one expires. *Evil* Ydwin uses Silent Scream for the evil party during this battle.

I thereafter press the hidden button at #26, and loot the items in the room beyond.

Inquisitor Lodwyn

I intend to go into the large room in the northeast corner, but I have a few preparations to make. Aloth equips some Cinder Bombs and Stun Bombs in his quick-item slots. He also readies Jernaugh's Careful Calamities.

The whole party goes into Stealth mode. There's a specific reason why. They creep forward and soon overhear a cult of Woedicans led by Inquisitor Lodwyn about to execute Oswald at #27.

Different branches of possibilities open up if you go forward so as to bring yourself within her view while she's in the middle of pronouncing judgment on Oswald, but before she can execute him. The whole party being in Stealth mode actually allows me to get very close to all of them before they notice my presence. The Inquisitor's initial inclination is to have her henchmen attack you, since she gets offended by you stepping in while a ceremony sacred to Woedica is in progress.

Only the Rational reply, and only if you interacted with the Orlan spirit on the second level, opens up the possibility of talking her into a different outcome. The possibilities are:

The Aggressive, Cruel, Honest and Stoic replies at the start of the dialogue will assure combat with the cult. Alliria went with the Stoic reply.

One of the chief dangers is the three Neophytes (i.e., Priests). They can use healing spells as well as Divine Terror, which can prevent you from using your own activated powers. Aloth starts with Infuse with Vital Essence, and then a carefully placed Grease spell that will constantly Prone the Priests. That was the point of approaching in Stealth mode. It got me close enough to minimize the danger they present from the start of combat.

Aloth also uses Stun Bombs when he can catch multiple enemies, especially two of the Neophytes, with them.

I also have Pallegina's Wurms target the Neophytes whenever possible. Bringing them down as quickly as possible is the priority.

Alliria either renews her Arcane Veil when it expires, or hits as many enemies as she can with a Fireball. She always inserts a Blood Sacrifice in between each casting to renew her spell resources. She occasionally uses White Flames when the party has collectively taken damage.

Eder locks down several enemies with little risk. Mirke fires away with her guns, although she occasionally has to use Escape to give the slip to enemies who zero in on her.

I eventually prevail. Inquisitor Lodwyn leaves behind the Cowl of the Piercing Gaze. Mirke will keep it in her stash in case she needs to bump her Perception on occasion.

Oswald wants to join my Crew. But first I broach the subject of a reward with him. A Diplomacy check of 6 convinces him to give me the Drunkard's Regret ring. Eder keeps it in his personal stash. The ring itself may be useful in taking full advantage of the Pukestabber dagger while neutralizing its unwelcome side effects should its wielder become hungover.

Oswald pulls a chain to open the door at #28 and departs. Alliria gains two abilities on her 10th level-up.

One is Exalted Focus. It upgrades the Focus modal so that it also provides a 5% chance to convert Hits to Critical Hits, in addition to the party-wide +5 buff to Accuracy.

She also takes Essential Phantom. It creates a phantom of herself that fights on its own A.I., but has the caster's armor and weapons. I take it on level-up because it isn't available through the Grimoires she uses.

Now I follow and go up and through the stairs at #29.

Oathbinder's Sanctum, Second Level

That brings me to the stairs at #7. I hit the switch at #8 to open the door at #9. And from there I can go up the stairs at #3 to go up to the first level, and then leave the Sanctum altogether.

*Evil* Inquisitor Lodwyn

Zarathos keeps himself out of view, and lets Inquisitor Lodwyn execute Oswald. The Woedicans will not be hostile, at least not until the evil party leaves the fourth floor and returns (much later on). I pick up Drunkard's Regret and leave the Sanctum.

World Map

Lost Dues in Good Faith

The good party boards a Royal Deadfire Company Expert Captain just as I reach Neketaka at #17.

I then notice that a Vailian Master Captain is approaching. At this point I can't really hope to win a boarding battle, so I engage in naval combat. I sail close enough to bring my ship within 250m, and turn starboard to point my Vailian Hullbreakers. I have more Hull and Sail Health then even the standard Galleon, and my Vailian Hullbreakers hit for more damage for the range the battle is being fought at. So I can pretty much outlast the enemy vessel, that much more after I inflict conditions like Crew Member Overboard, Deck Fire or Sail Fire.

I sell my loot at the Neketaka Supply shop. I also bring in Fassina, Rekke and Konstanten as the characters with the least experience, while keeping Aloth. I travel directly to the main floor of the Wild Mare.

Wild Mare, Level 1

I start off at the door at #1. I drop Oswald from the ship.

It is now that the good party speaks to Kahn at #5. She wants her 5,000cp. An Intimidate check of 8 could convince her to shove off without paying her a cent. But I actually prefer to give her the full 5,000cp, which earns reputation with Aloth.

Alliria has 2 points of positive reputation with Aloth, so they now have their relationship moment with each other and share a kiss. I go out the door at #1.

*Evil* Lost Dues in Good Faith

The evil party boards a Crookspur Captain on the way to Nekataka. I also whittle down the crew of a Royal Deadfire Company Expert Captain with a long-range volley before boarding.

The next battle against a Vailian Master Captain shows just how devastating Magranite Flamethrowers can be once I get them going. The enemy Captain tried to close in on me once he realized what I was up to. But I managed to halt him in his tracks by taking out two of his Crew right away, and setting a Deck Fire. I keep firing them off every other round after that. I took out their sails, which impeded their efforts to force a boarding. It's only once they're down to 6 Crew Members that I myself close in for boarding. A Master-level ship would wipe the floor with 10th-level characters during boarding, but I can now gang up on them after reducing the Crew to a mere handful.

I return to Kahn in the Wild Mare. I could have lied and given her the amount that was agreed to beforehand. Doing so would have won approval with Serafen but lost it with Xoti.

But I prefer to tell her that Woedican vigilantes killed Oswald, prompting her to leave in disgust while I get my xp reward.

The islands of Tehiwai are my next destination.

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