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Dragon Age: Origins Nightmare Guide by David Milward

Areas in Order of Appearance:  
Origins  |  Ostagar  |  Lothering  |  Circle Tower  |  Warden's Keep (DLC)  |  Return to Ostagar (DLC)  |  Stone Prisoner (DLC)  |  Brecilian Forest  |  Redcliffe  |  The Urn of Sacred Ashes  |  Orzammar  |  Deep Roads  |  Denerim  |  Final Onslaught  
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Brecilian Forest: 
Dalish Camp  |  West Brecilian Forest  |  East Brecilian Forest  |  Upper Brecilian Ruins  
Lower Brecilian Ruins  |  Werewolves' Lair  |  Random Encounters  |  Mages' Treasure  |  Leliana's Quest  |  Wynne's Quest  


Leliana's Song

Besides the fact that I definitely prefer Leliana to Morrigan as a romantic interest, special advice on how to get in good with Leliana is warranted, since it can be trickier than with the other romantic partners. But first, this video shows Leliana's song.

Leliana's Tales

This video that shows various stories that Leliana is willing to tell, whether or not you're romantically involved with her.

Leliana's Past

The video begins with Aldarion asking Leliana about her vision, and why she came to Ferelden.

Afterwards I show the point of my abstaining from gifting Leliana too much too early. The key trigger for Leliana's quest is the dialogue option of "I heard that in Orlais, minstrels are often spies." The risk of too much approval too early is that this dialogue can fail to trigger the quest, or not even be available as a dialogue option. But here, the approval rating is just right at around the 30 to 60 neighbourhood. Once this dialogue finishes, I leave the camp and come back. Leliana then fesses up and comes to the key point that needs to be brought up, her past mentor, Marjolaine.

Harassed from the Past

Now that Leliana has brought up Marjolaine, it is time to move across the World Map in order to trigger another fight, this time against Assassins that Marjolaine has sent against Leliana.

Note that I could end this fight quite quickly by taking out the boss that appears at the top of the cliff to the left. I do, however, want to squeeze as much experience as I can out of this, even if I have to brave his occasional use of Scattershot and other archery talents. The narrow walkway works to my advantage, as it means there are less foes that can approach me at any given time and those that do can be zapped with Cone of Cold, so long as I can survive the delays involved with Scattershot. Aldarion dooms the Witch with Crushing Prison, and Leliana soon finishes her off. Leliana then had to brave a trap while the rest of the party finished off the last remaining Qunari mercenary and Mabari Hound. Wynne keeps everyone healthy as always.

Lastly, I scale the hill and close the distance on the leader. Once it's all said and done, it's a matter of getting him to reveal Marjolaine's location.


Now it's time to find Marjolaine. Her hideout will be just a little south from the initial entrance to the Market District in Denerim. Once I step in through the door, the first two Guards are pretty easy to kill.

Next comes the verbal, then physical, confrontation with Marjolaine (I chose to kill her). Marjolaine can hit pretty hard on her own individually. But her real danger is her ability to use Captivating Song to keep you locked down so that her minions can whale on you. My strategy is to retreat back to the entry door, and keep everyone at bay. Once I'm in the clear, I put Blizzard and Earthquake through the door. Aldarion caps it with Tempest. He also uses a Cone of Cold just as some of them are about to break through. Leliana shoots her bow through the door. Anyone that makes it through is picked off as a straggler. Once her minions are gone, much of the edge from Marjolaine's Captivating Song has been blunted off and she becomes much easier to gang up on.

Leliana then disarms the pressure plates and loots the chests. One of the chests holds a decent interim bow for Leliana, Marjolaine's Recurve (+3 Cunning, +3 damage). I was also lucky enough to score a Grandmaster Frost Rune as a random item.

Leliana will then need some comforting when we return to camp. It is during this dialogue that you have the choice between 'hardening' Leliana, or affirming her new found faith. Options #2 and #4 lead to Leliana becoming 'Hardened'. Option #3, "You will always be a good person", leads to Leliana strengthening her faith and being more good in the relative sense.

Leliana's Kiss

The next dialogue leads to a mutual confession of feelings of sorts, and a kiss.

Andraste's Grace

Now that the Marjolaine sequence has been completed, it is high time to jack up Leliana's approval with gifts. I start by travelling to the northwest corner of the West Brecilian Forest. I routinely kill a Great Bear that's by itself. A flower called Andraste's Grace is nearby. I gift it to Leliana for a huge boost to approval. I then give her the Chantry Amulet to bring her approval to 100.

Wine, Woman and Song

And now for the capper.

Next up is Wynne's Quest.

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