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Dragon Age: Origins Nightmare Guide by David Milward

Areas in Order of Appearance:  
Origins  |  Ostagar  |  Lothering  |  Circle Tower  |  Warden's Keep (DLC)  |  Return to Ostagar (DLC)  |  Stone Prisoner (DLC)  |  Brecilian Forest  |  Redcliffe  |  The Urn of Sacred Ashes  |  Orzammar  |  Deep Roads  |  Denerim  |  Final Onslaught  
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Brecilian Forest: 
Dalish Camp  |  West Brecilian Forest  |  East Brecilian Forest  |  Upper Brecilian Ruins  
Lower Brecilian Ruins  |  Werewolves' Lair  |  Random Encounters  |  Mages' Treasure  |  Leliana's Quest  |  Wynne's Quest  


Wynne's Advice

Triggering Wynne's personal quest is a matter of thoroughly engaging her in dialogue, both to up my approval with her and also to bring up the necessary subject, how Wynne honed her Spirit Healer powers.

Wynne's Past

And this is where the dialogues appear that trigger the necessary encounters.

Vessel of the Spirit

Now that I've spoken to Wynne and gotten the dialogue, it is time to travel the World Map to get the first of two key encounters. The first one is not terribly difficult, simply hack away at the incoming Darkspawn. Once the Leader heads down a trail towards and me and comes into view, Aldarion gets him with Crushing Prison, and follows up with single-target spells to try and take him out as quickly as possible. Note that once the ground troops are taken care of, I don't want to risk bringing more Darkspawn into view. I therefore switch to missile weapons and start to pick off any that are still in view. There are of course still a few more afterwards that need killing, but they're definitely less numerous. I keep my eyes open for traps, and have Leliana disarm them when discovered.

Just as I'm leaving the Hill Path, Wynne collapses. I return to camp and press Wynne about the matter. She now has Vessel of the Spirit as a talent. Vessel of the Spirit is a tricky talent to use, but can be incredibly powerful when used right. It will stun and disorient anything near Wynne, including party members, so care is needed. Once activated, Wynne instantly recovers half her health and half her mana. She also gets a Spellpower boost of 10 plus her level, as well as a +2 boost to mana regeneration. It wears off after a while though, and sometimes will during a fight. Once it wears off, Wynne will be briefly stunned and have a -20 penalty to defense for 30 seconds. Like I said, it can be potent when used properly, but can also prove to be a double-edged sword when used carelessly. You need to pick your spots for when to use it.

Hurlock Omega

That next encounter is when a Hurlock Omega gets the jump on my group with Fireball, obliging Wynne to reveal her Vessel of the Spirit Power. The Omega may very well start with another Fireball off the bat, or a Chain Lightning, and can thus doom the party from the word go. I therefore have Wynne use Stone Fist right away to knock it backwards and out of sight. The rest of the party is meanwhile taking out the Omega's support as quickly as they can, with Aldarion helping matters along with a well-placed Cone of Cold. Wynne follows up with a Glyph of Paralysis on the Omega once it comes back into view. This buys time for the other party members to close the distance on it and get on top of it. And indeed Alistair is then able to keep the Omega off its feet through the use of shield talents.

The remaining Hurlocks aren't all that difficult, especially as they come forward in a gradual stream allowing me to take them out piecemeal.

Spirit of Faith

Here are the dialogues where Wynne explains that she is now protected and sustained by a spirit of faith.

Wynne's Regret

A new dialogue option becomes available, "Do you have any regrets?" This leads to Wynne relating a story of how she mistreated a past apprentice.


Once the dialogue is over, I go back to the Dalish Camp and speak to Sarel. It thus turns out that Aneirin is still in the Brecilian Forest. More specifically, he can be found near the Mad Hermit's camp in the East Brecilian Forest.

Once I find him, Aneirin gives me Aneirin's Token (+10% electrical resistance, +10% spirit resistance, +10% nature resistance), which becomes Wynne's amulet for the rest of the game. When Wynne uses Vessel of the Spirit while wearing Aneirin's Token, it will now result in a temporary Spellpower boost of 20 plus her level.

Genlock Alphas

At some point another group of Darkspawn will have spawned near the entrance to the ruins. They are led by two Genlock Alphas. This fight can be dangerous. All of the Darkspawn will switch to archery if the party remains at a distance, with the Genlock Alphas both capable of using Scattershot. Trying to rush them allows them to get in first blows. I found that blanketing the area with Blizzard + Tempest, plus Wynne's healing abilities, gave me the edge in the archery battle that ensued.

My next destination is Redcliffe.

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