Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Dragon's Eye: Outside | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5

Dragon's Eye Level 1 - Lizard King Lair

Dragon's Eye Lvl 1A horrid stench will waft to your nose as you step forth into the corridor ahead as well as the warmth, much like a hot summer day, that shall warm your bones from the freezing cold you just came out from. The glow and crackle of lit fire pits ahead should warn you enough that these are cave passages inhabited by intelligent beings, which you will soon learn of as you take a few steps forward to begin your exploration.

Lizard Men, Tough Lizard Men and Lizard Men Shamans will be the first inhabitants of this dim lit world that will greet you with swords, spears and magic ready but as you battle, you will realize they are droppings to remain six feet under. You will come across Flaming Oil flasks on some of these Lizard Men that you slay and I suggest you try not to waste them unless you really need to because you're saving them for the lower levels where Trolls make their home.

Along with the Lizard Men who call this their home, you will also encounter Bombadier Beetles, Wraith Spiders, Sword Spiders and Phase Spiders within their own lairs, which is primarily on the bottom left of the level. You should take extreme caution with the Bombadier Beetles as they lash out with an acidic, paralyze cloud effect that will cause any party members caught in its radius damage as well as possibly paralyze them. Spiders are spiders and they do damage and poison you too, so make sure you have some antidotes being carried on you so you'll be able to stop the poison from killing your character during battle.

Remember our Elven friend Erevain Blacksheaf staying at the Snowdrift Inn in Easthaven? Well, seems like she was out being a brave warrior herself but unfortunately for her, traveling alone is risky business and she proved that by getting killed by the Sword Spider that is resting by her skeletal corpse. Don't forget to read her journal.

Deep within this network of passages is the Lizard King who is a pretty good and well rounded tough opponent to bring down to his knees for he does not walk alone and always has a circle of Tough Lizard Men and Shamans at his side, but this is not who you are really looking for. In fact, you won't learn who is behind the theft of the Heartstone Gem until the later levels, which I'll get to in a moment.

You will learn and also find some of the missing villagers from Kuldahar on this level, being kept and guarded by Lizard Men Shamans and is only a small piece of the puzzle that you learn while venturing in Dragon's Eye.

Over all this level is not too difficult at all, the Lizard King being the toughest to slay, at least up in these dark passages and there are no traps that I had come across so moving about will be quick and easy for any well rounded party. Free the villagers, learn what you can from them and then head down to the next level.

A reader's note hit me in e-mail awhile back and I thought this is would be an interesting note. It would seem, after the reader had tried several times to make sure it was not a bug or error, that if you clean out the entire area BEFORE you find the Lizard King, his own men will turn to favour your power over the Lizard King. This happened twice to the reader, even after reloading and his own men killed the Lizard King for the reader. Here is the e-mail describing the events, an interesting note to consider indeed!

"One thing I found in the Dragon's Eye level 1 when tackling the Lizard King - you may or may not want to mention it in your walkthrough. I took him on last of all i.e. I had cleared out the whole of the rest of the level. I found that his protective circle turned against him and actually walked out of the alcove to join my party !! After talking to him he turned hostile and his followers took him down for me !! They then turned hostile and I had to kill them. I tried a second time and the same thing happened - so I'm not sure whether it's a peculiar game play issue or it's designed to happen."

Thanks goes out to Kim for good detective work! :)
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