Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Dragon's Eye: Outside | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5

Dragon's Eye Level 3 - Presio's horde

Dragon's Eye Lvl 3The smell of rotting flesh with be caught as you get closer to the bottom of the stairs as you make your way deeper and deeper into Dragon's Eye and waiting at the bottom of these stairs is a lovely group of undead whose bodies are rotted and gruesome looking that some of your members may very well turn away. Clerics on the other hand will be more than happy to lay these evil creations to rest and the warriors of your party will want to get their blades driven deep into the undead as they slowly lumber forward.

Cold Wights, Skeleton Archers, Blast Skeletons, Poison Zombies, Wights and Undead Lieutenants await your living, breathing warm fleshed bodies to feast on and make one of their own to join their growing army of death, which you will have to battle your way through endlessly.

The numbers of Cold Wights and Poison Zombies are high but don't let the numbers and large groups fool you as they did me the first time I explored these depths. You'll find the Cold Wights fall quickly, as do the Poison Zombies which don't seem to live up to their name. Not once was anyone of my party members poisoned by any of their attacks. Leading the attack will be the Undead Lieutenants and Blast Skeletons, the latter the more deadly of the two mentioned for upon their death, they explode in a blast of cold energy which sprays and hits any within a 15" radius. I found it was these blasts that caused more harm to my party than the actual battles that took place while I hacked my way through their numbers.

Step carefully while moving through their undead ranks as there are enough wards and traps that will cause one or more members of your party to fall to the dirt and when I say carefully I mean it. One trap removed may make you feel secure, but believe me, you've most likely missed another 4 that are situated around you. Move slowly and double check more often than you normally would as they start to become an annoyance when you think you're safe and someone walks over a pressure point that shocks them into death. It is also totally up to you if you want to clear this entire level of undead, I decided to take the direct route and headed straight down and then to the right towards the bridge. As a note, be careful when you cross the bridge and make sure your party does not wander ahead to fight the undead waiting on the other side as it is just a lure for those stupid enough to attack without checking for traps first. The other side of the bridge is a death trap waiting to happen so have a thief remove the wards that await the unsuspecting.

Soon enough, you will find a small, circular stone building which is across the bridge and in the bottom right corner which houses a good group of Wights, Poison Zombies and Presio, a female priest who is behind the entire creation of the undead army you have just taken care of and slain. Presio casts some very good defensive as well as offensive spells as she does battle with the party and her minion of undead create a beautiful front line that will keep your own fighters at bay while she leashes her magics upon the party. If you love the use of bows and ranged weapons, she's already one step ahead of you by casting Protection from Normal Missiles, another added defense barrier to her wonderful tactics.

For the more advanced, dive right into the room and see how well you fair against the onslaught of her guards as well as her powerful magic, but if you're not that sure of your skills as a player and your party in general, lead them out one by one to make it easier on yourself. I don't suggest it for any game because it spoils the fun factor of what the designers were trying to accomplish by placing the group where they are.

Once the battle is done, search for traps as the back wall and all compartments available to be opened are trapped with enough wards that those nearby will have a bloody death. Clean everything out and read Presio's personal journal for much needed information to the events that you have gotten yourself into.

When you're ready, head upwards to the stairs leading down and make your way to the next level. Do make sure you are checking for traps during your walk and check well for there are many pressure traps all around you.
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